• Square Elite
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Pokemon: The Secret of Mew

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by Destiny, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    A snarky grin found its way across Devilukes face. the moment she mentioned challenge it peeked his interest. " My dear do you know what it is your asking. i'm sure you know very well who i am... and what awards ive one..i'm the single greatest trainer alive right now and you wana face me??" He stretched his arms wide and shrugged. " meh your funeral. however in return if i win...there is more to you than you are letting on and i'm going to ask questions of which you have to answer honestly for me. no matter what the question. I think that sounds fair and in return i'll do whatever you ask of me.

    He backed up a few paces giving them just enough distance away from each other in the wide opening. the grass flowing gently. " You ready!? Here we go!!" He grabbed the second Pokeball from his belt and tossed it into the air." Raze!! lets go!" A energetic Raichu appeared out of the glowing aura left from the pokeball. It had slicik bangs of fur from its forehead. Its tips were golden, Its long tail gleamed and sparked with electricity. " Rai Rai!!!"
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Michi shook her head grinning.

    "Don't talk like your all that great you don't know what's quite out there." Michi said before looking back and nodding to her sceptile who came out.

    "Sceptile be ready for a challenging battle, with that being said use earthquake!" Michi ordered as Sceptile threw his foot down on the ground as the earth below began to shake.

    'A ground type move right off the bat, that's unlike you normally against electrics you'd still start with grass.' Michi heard the voice in her head looking up into a tree behind Deviluke, a small pink pokemon watching the battle with interest.

    'Oh mew...' Michi thought to herself looking back at Raichu to see the damage.
  3. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Raze!! you know what to do!" Rai Rai!!! " The raichu yelled in excitement. the pokemon stood still and a glow began to form around it. causing the attack to become completely ineffective" Raichu thats right use protect, now go on the offensive". after the attack had been quelled it took off in a full sprint its speed was incredible. It was mere feet away from the sceptile jumping for it it spun like a spinning top its tail turning silver. " Now Iron tail!!" Deviluke yelled as his raichu prepared for the attack. " Ha! silly girl did you think i'd keep pokemon in my inventory that weren't at the top of there game. trying to beat me with elemental effectives is child's play! i bested the elite for with 3 pokemon you don't stand a chance!" He couldn't help but feel someone was watching him however. probably a fan from the thought of it.

    Deviluke was getting excited. it had been a while since he actually got to battle. he had been at so many meetings, sessions and business details that this was actually a change of pace.
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Michi grinned.

    "Detect and follow up quickly with Solar Beam." Michi ordered as Sceptile stopped the attack and just as fast shot out a solar beam hitting the raichu dead on, clearly set to be a critical hit.

    "Mr. Mihawk, I can't say I've been to the elite four because that's when I had to end my journey but considering most of the gym battles I was able to take on with just Lucario then I'd say I have room to talk." Michi said.
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Raichu was intercepted and took the blow. Luckily the electric pokemon braced himself for the attack. as the dust from the beam cleared Raichu was still standing. breathing heavily from the damage but he was not done." Raze your ok! keep pressing on don't let me down. " Raichu turned around and nodded its head in agreement. Raichu use Double team" Raichu stood intently as his body morphed into after images. the images started to rush Sceptile. Burrow underground raichu." It became hard to tell which raichu was underground and which was preparing for yet another iron tail attack.

    The moment before impact the raichu clones vanished and Raichu came directly under Sceptile whipping a iron tail against its body. Raichu doubled back and prepared.
  6. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Oh, no. Not interested in breeding. My parents were, though. I'm just more interested in seeing the world and all it has to offer, you know? Maybe even see a few of the enigmatic pokemon that only a handful have seen," Kytes replied, giving a shrug.
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: Requiem you need a longer post)


    "Sceptile, you ok?" Michi asked as Sceptile nodded looking up at raichu.

    "Earthquake again." Michi called out as Sceptile threw his foot down as the ground rumbled once again it was obvious this earthquake was stronger than the first sure to knock down raichu for the count.
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Then were gonna go one for one! if thats how your gonna play it" Raze! Hyper Beam now!" Raichu wasted no time using the last of its energy firing a beam of energy directly at the sceptile just mere seconds before impact. The raichu took the critical blow and was thrown into a nearby tree. " Your a persistent girl arent you. went for the same attack twice. if i had known you would be so repetitive i would have punished you for it. but lesson learned. " He pointed the pokeball at the weakened raichu" You did good now rest till i need you again" Raichu returned to the pokeball. Luke reached for his next pokeball looking at michi intently.
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    >Because of a combination of it being late, I'm bored, and I'm trying to think up a decently long post I wanted to point out (For personal laughs and no intended insults whatsoever) that your post is only 2 or 3 words longer than Requiem's. Now back to my post.<

    "Ggggrrreeeeaaaatttt... Homework." Tom sighed as he looked at the tablet the professor handed him. "What an air-headed professor though. Typhlosion had evolved way back before I completed the eighth gym in Johto. Has it been that long since we last saw each other?" He focused back on the conversation with Kytes. "Enigmatic Pokemon huh? You mean like the ones that are only known in legends now? I've actually been doing just that, looking for those Pokemon. I've actually traveled all over the world searching for them. I haven't had any luck seeing them though. Kinda figures though. If you ever do go around traveling though I can always give you some suggestions on where to go and what to do. The world is a truly massive place after all."
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Hey if it works, it works. Great job sceptile you want to stay in or come back?" Michi called out to the sceptile who stood there still rearing to go.

    "Awesome, you got this sceptile, I know you can do it." Michi cheered on to sceptile as the rest of her pokemon standing along the side line cheered as well watching with great interest to see what would be occurring.

    She had a pretty good idea however what her move line up would be again as she waited.
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    OOC: *Reads Destiny's OOC and then Desert's OOC* XD

    The Professor was waiting in the room where all of the Coordinators were standing and preparing themselves along with their pokemon as the judges were trying to decide who was going to move on to the next round. "That was brilliant Shaymin. Absolutely brilliant." His other three pokemon gave Shaymin the support, making Shaymin blush. "Even if we did not make the top eight, I am still proud of you."

    "And now the judges finally came up with their final scoring! The coordinators who will be moving on will be..." Everyone in the room stopped and stared at the screen, wondering if they made it or not. over twenty-five participants were disqualified and everyone had so much emotion building up. The first person to appear on the screen was a Clown, followed by a rich girl, a Musician, a female veteran, a rich boy, Professor Anemones, a Firebreather, and an Interviewer named Lilly.

    "And those are your top eight! Let us give them a big applause! We will start the next round soon in about half an hour!" The Professor smiled at his pokemon and was relieved. "Looked like our work was worth it. Now then, I wonder if I can meet that one girl who help out with this festival. Actually, I wonder if she has any family here."
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2012
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    He grabed the pokeball and tossed it into the sky. " Arooooo!" His Famed Arcanine appeared into the scene. " You know what urks me? you think you really stand a chance. so i'll have to burst your bubble unfortunatly" The arcanine slammed its massive paws into the ground gripping the grass underneath it. "Will-O-Wisp now!!" The arcanine let out a white blueish flame that swirled around the sceptile. " Arcanine now Flamewhell!" Arooooo!!!" The arcanine shot out a massive flaming wheel headed towards the grass pokemon's direction. " I'll end this quick"
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Detect!" Michi ordered. "Now use frenzy plant!" Michi called. It wouldn't be a harming attack but it would do damage.

    The only downfall was it required recharging. "Good sceptile now stay on the move don't let him attack you." Sceptile nodded being quick on it's feet when she realized something else. Sceptile may not feel bad now but he was burned. She went to reach towards her bag but she didn't.

    "And I'd hate to burst your bubble but you need to watch who you're facing." She called back.
  14. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    OOC: oh hey irony.

    Kytes gave another shrug.

    "Eh, I kind of like taking things one thing at a time, you know? I haven't really planned where I was going for the last few years. This festival was just a matter of chance for me, though I did hear about it a couple months ago and decided to head in this general direction. It's better this way, I think. I get a lot more out of my time out."

    One of the pokeballs in his pocket wobbled and rolled out, releasing his Teddiursa. The small bear tugged on his leg, wanting up.

    "Oh, you. Silly Teddy," Kytes cooed, picking up the small bear and cradling it in his arms.

    Meanwhile, the two Kirlia had wandered off again. Big surprise.
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Arcanine flinched slightly but shrugged off the attack. The attack connected but no where near enough to stagger the Massive pokemon. " Your downfall you can't evade me like you'd want and with that thats check mate for your sceptile. Arcanine use Fire Blast!"

    The large arcanine planted its feet firmly into the grass moving its head back and blasting a major Cross shape of flames so large it would be almost impossible to evade. " i'm finishing your pokemon in one blow. i'm getting real sick of you and this Detect ability. whats wrong your pokemon accuracy so terrible you need a handicap!" he started to laugh to himself and fliped his hair out of his face. Arcanine backed up and started to grown intensly.

    "You ready for the next round boy!"
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Michi watched as sceptile braced itself for the impact knowing he wouldn't be able to dodge as well knowing he would be out for the count.

    "Sceptile!" Michi exclaimed after the pokemon fell to the ground she hurried out next to him and looked down at him as he opened his eyes.

    "You did great, now rest up." She said smiling holding his pokeball above him pushing the button on it as Sceptile returned. She stood up and it was clear she was not pleased she looked back behind her. She looked among all her pokemon all wanting to come in and battle and defend Michi and avenge Sceptile but one stepped forward. Michi nodded turning back around.

    "You got this..." Michi whispered looking at the arcanine walking back to a safe spot off the battle field.

    "Quickly use focus blast!" Michi exclaimed as Alakazam standing in his spot did the powerful move. A move sure to do half damage. Alakazam one of her prized pokemon and one of her types, a psychic type.

    "Keep on your toes, Alakazam, for Sceptile." Michi said as Alakazam nodded the spoons he held forward in an X in front of him to mock his opponent.
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    The tension was so tight you could cut it with a knife. Luke could tell her pokemon were not amused with him in the slightest." It matters not if you bring out your psychic types. Arcanine lets go! Wil-o-wisp again!" Arcanine roared out another blueish flame that wrapped around alakazam." Now arcanine Flame wheel!" Arcanine shot out a quick spinning wheel of flames." Lets go!!"
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Alakazam go." Michi exclaimed as Alakazam moved quickly out of the way and the burn seem to do a lot less damage on him then Sceptile had.

    "Now Giga Impact!" Alakazam sped forward, it was clear unlike most alakazam's, Michi's was fast. Alakazam made impact with Arcanine with a large explosion. Alakazam jumped back taking a little damage from the explosion impact, but it wouldn't matter too much.

    At this point arcanine would have to have only 1/4 of power left.
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Arcanine rolled back clinging back to its feet. It bared its teeth like rabid dog. He roared in anger. He stumbled and staggered as he stood comlpletly still. " I know! i know you want him bad. lets make this count! " Arcanine gripped the ground beneath its claws firmly pulling up dirt. Its fur began to stand on end and it started to glow with a red aura. " Over heat!!!" The large arcanine let out a loud roar that could be heard for miles around. Its body was pulsating with fire and heat. " Now! Take aim!!! Hyper Beam!!!!!!" It nodded quickly as its bruises were still shown.

    It blasted forth a huge blue beam that was large in comparison. Larger than most hyper beam attacks could even muster. Evasion was possible but if Alakazam evaded the attack it would surely shread through the forest behind it." That's my overheat attack it enables 90% accuracy chance and increases the attack by 140%. This is a death blow!! i don't play matches i win em!!"

    Luke knew after this attack arcanine would fall but he would not let Michi see it on his face.
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Protect!" Michi shouted as the clear shield came up in front of him, but not fast enough completely.

    "Alakazam!" Michi exclaimed as the smoke cleared. Alakazam still remained standing but was on the edge of knocking out. Michi looked at the Arcanine knowing and doing the math it would faint and be out.

    She knew the minute the third pokemon came out Alakazam would be out, but Alakazam screamed out showing he wasn't giving up.

    "Alakazam..." Michi smiled at the pokemon before looking up at Deviluke awaiting to see what would come next.

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