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Whats the most unnerving thing about RPing that you are reluctant to address

Discussion in 'Archive' started by NeRo, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I dislike it when people try to follow a specific, dictated path, and when an action performed by another character may divert the plot... They simply don't allow it.

    I like the unpredictability of an RP, it's a collaborative effort from all authors. I find it rude when someone makes an RP and basically allows others to participate in their story. It's a group effort, and it should be treated as such.

    Also, I don't like it when those of say, a higher literary ability don't allow themselves to accommodate for those unfamiliar with RPing or those with a lesser ability to write. That might also be a reason that it is difficult to pull in new RPers, due to maybe, some form of intimidation.

    -Inspired by Smoofy of Khinsider
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    My pride has, on numerous occasions, diverted my focus away from my own personal plans, just to attempt to impress higher ups.

    IMHO powerplaying has started pissing me off lately though.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2012
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Yes I'll be honest, I keep getting attached to my characters and I want to keep being in the RP.

    And I'm sorry Taboo,
  4. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Oh, this should be fun...

    1.) I hate it when certain people feel the need to wait to see if a RP will "develop" before they put in an O.C. Like posting, "Oh yea, if so and so happens, then I will join." That's actually offensive and it feels as if you are making it feel as if it won't be good enough. I mean seriously? Why waste your precious time posting that when you can just chill the hell out and keep your mouth shut! If you have a thought like that, or if you were going to wait to see who joins, then just wait! I don't want to see your posts!!

    2.) I have been role playing for a while, sure I need practice, but when people point out every intimate detail in my post, it pisses me off. "Oh, you forgot to capitalize this." "There should be a comma there." Last time I checked, you just started role playing so you have no right to tell me what I need to do, fix your posts before you tell me to fix mine. If this was the case, then I would be going completely b*tch mode on your posts that you would hate me.

    3.) I post certain rules in my role play. No power playing. FIVE LINE MINIMUM. It's honestly not that hard to do. Sure it's hard to respond in some parts, but at least find something to work off of! I am not strict on my role plays but when you take advantage of it, I go crazy! I mean, I give warnings sure, people must think they can just walk all over me, so they keep doing it. Believe me, I won't hesitate to kick people out of my R.P and if I want to try to strengthen my skills, I NEED PEOPLE TO FOLLOW THE DAMN RULES!

    4.) I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it! I will most surely get pissed off with you, if I create a role play, and some noob, or better yet, a person who places themselves "higher up", tries to take control of MY role play. I created the plot, I created the set up and if you dislike it so much you have to tell me to change things, or you feel the need to change things yourself, then why the hell did you join in the first place!! Like really? Get the hell out of my R.P if you feel the need to do that! Make your own R.P, don't try to freaking take control of mine because you want to feel "superior" or better than everyone else!

    5.) Spelling, grammar. Must I go on?! I don't like people making their characters sound "ghetto" or "uneducated" it's stupid and it makes you sound like an idiot. "Dang, dat jacket iz tight dawg." SHUT THE HELL UP AND USE PROPER GRAMMAR AND SPELLING! I honestly hate it when people do that. I will kick you out if I see it at least once. I don't have the patience and time to sit there and try to translate your post.

    I think that's it so far ... I can't think of anything else, I have a very bad headache.

    -End of short, soft core rant ... -
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2012
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    It was voiceofourgeneration that started the thread, actually.

    If you're suggesting that those people of "higher literary ability" alter their personal standards and approaches to Roleplaying, then I must disagree with you on this point. I aim to write somewhat longer posts because that's what I'm capable of, and it feels foolish in my eyes to strive for anything less than what I can achieve in any given post. There's no reason for someone to feel intimated by long, elaborate posts. No one is asking new roleplayers to be stalwart literary geniuses (no one here, anyways; we accept all sorts). No one should have to change the way they roleplay out of "courtesy to others." So long as every accepts that there are various different skill levels and writing styles, then there's really no issue. And in truth, we really don't have that around this site.

    Allow me to inquire then: what if a person is PLAYING as a character that's ghetto and/or uneducated? A character that's an inner city drop-out thug, or a backwater country person? If the "uneducated" slang and spelling errors are confined to the character's dialogue, and the narrative portions of the posts are proper in spelling and grammar, would it still irk you? If the language is reflective of the character's personality, heritage and/or back story, then I would urge you, then, to see it as more of an artistic/creative approach. Requiem does it from time to time; as I recall, (s)he's played characters that speak with accents and the like, and writes in a manner that displays that their language is different.

    The point I'm getting at is that there are, realistically, people that speak with poor grammar, and in ways that, in writing, would yield poor spelling of words. I would implore you to consider the possibility of a character speaking as such, as well as whether or not the rest of the post(s) for said character are solid in grammar and spelling.
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I'm aware that Voice started it, but the post in particular in that thread is what caught my eye.
  7. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    No, but here's the thing, it's not stated any where, where I could have seen it, that they were "ghetto" or whatever. It's not even simply that, it't the abbreviations every five seconds. I mean, how hard is it to type "you're"? It's not even that complicated but yet, people still keep typing "ur" and it's stupid.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I know from experience(and from talking to him nearly every day) that Vox has great grammar and spelling... but he prefers to let the character be his voice. He'll make entire posts with all lowercase letters, but when someone reads it, they can still understand it. That's all that really matters in my opinion.
  9. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    This confuses me a lot. How does Vox come into this? That particular section has absolutely nothing to do with him ...
  10. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Well, when you put it that way, then yes. It is annoying when someone uses 'text talk' when they post. The use of 'ur' should only ever be used in reference to the Sumerian city-state.
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    @Kairi- He was used as an example... and he rps plenty so yeah, he fits right in.

    @Wayward- Where're you talking about xD?
  12. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Reading this little sentence brought a smile to my night.

    Does that mean somebody who always types in grammatically correct sentences (Or at least a good 96% of the time) can correct you? Although I'm curious as to who corrects who on this site? Admittedly I occasionally point out Summoner's grammatical mishaps (But more often in a section other than RPing) but not too often (At least not anymore).

    This is kinda the opposite of part 2 of your post. You don't like it when people correct your grammar and yet here is a rant about people's horrendous grammar. Admittedly I'm the same way, preferring people type in a sentence that can be understood with one reading. But I figured I'd point this out anyways.

    Anyways, I've got something. The powerplaying and godmodding rules. My view is a bit different than everybody else. This will sound a bit strange but admittedly I feel as though those two rules can be a bit restrictive. It is why I prefer being in private RPs. To me there is more freedom in a private RP. In a private RP, somebody can create an utterly invincible character and the other members will understand that, oh hey this character is part of the story (Obviously there is talk and explanations beforehand so all the members understand the purpose of that character). But in an open group RP, you don't have that freedom. Creating an invincible character (Which there are a million plausible plot reasons as to have that character) will be met with cries of Mary Sue or godmodding. Or somebody will have there characters be able to easily beat the invincible character without any real struggling.

    Which brings me to another thing. Differences between character strengths. Not all characters are created equal. We should all hopefully understand that. But everybody tries to even the playing field. And I admit I'm guilty of that too. But it gets annoying.
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    One of the things that truly urks me is the intimidation factor of some character builds. What i mean by this is, when someone has a character so "godlike" and your's is meager in comparison you feel as if you have no business taking them on. Even if you have found a kink in there armor so to speak they act as if nothing you can do or say will change the outcome. As if its pre-determined.

    Thats another thing i don't like when RP's follow a distinct flow or plot line. its idea is to be a collaborative effort to create a story. Or at least thats my POV on it. Not to take turns writing the same story to end up to the same outcome.

    However admittedly i do make some powerful characters however there not " unbeatable". i agree with you DW not everyone is the same power level and some people tend to forget that. nor can certain characters fight for the same time or allotted time as others. its all in moderation and i wish people would take that into consideration.

    I don't have the best grammar in the world i make mistakes just like everyone else. I try my best to do the best with what i know and what i can. i do appreciate that people don't always correct me but sometimes its needed. i may be the admin but i'm just as human as everyone else.

    -End Rant-

    (PS.) Lets keep things civil shall we i don't want anyone to blow up here. this is a chance for us all to air our dirty laundry so to speak and debate in a civilized fashion.
  14. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I don't think that there has ever really been a truly godlike character created by anyone on this site. People have made powerful characters, that much is a certainty. All anyone ever does is claim their characters to be godlike. I could name a few people that I've seen that are suspect of this, but I'm not about to make a scene here.
  15. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    I don't understand anything you are saying here. I never even mentioned Vox in my post, so why would you all of a sudden jump to conclusions about me supposedly "pointing him out or mentioning" him in my post?

    I honestly don't care who corrects me, because it shows me what I have done wrong. but when I am in a rush and juggling a few things myself at home, and I accidentally mistype something, per say, or forget a period or a capitalization, it's all of a sudden a big deal like I typed the whole post out in some jibberish for or what not.

    I see what I might have done there, but really, can someone be so lazy to type a post such as; "i g2g, my mom wants me 2 come home 4 dinner, ttyl, make sure 2 get ur hat @ my house l8tr." I mean, come on it's not that hard to type out; "I got to go, my mom wants me to come home for dinner, talk to you later. Make sure to get your hat at my house later." I mean, come on, it's not like you are writing it down, you are typing it! sure, you may not type fast or well, but the least you could do is take a few minutes of your time to complete the post correctly. If you don't even have time, then why would someone join an RP?
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I'm not talking about just this site in general. i'm referring to RPing as a whole with my personal experiences. i've run into some pretty " godlike" people in my days and they make it almost no fun i guess you could say.
  17. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    It depends how the characters are done (And what the overall RP is about). There are a couple mangas I read with godlike character (And by godlike, I mean that in one manga there are several invincible characters while in another manga one character is the closest thing to God) and they are some of my favorite mangas. If a manga can make godlike characters work well with the story, why can't we?
  18. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I would have to agree with DW on this matter. There are cases in which a godlike character is, if not necessary, permissible for the plot of an RP. Take most fantasy action/adventures; more often than not there's a godlike entity acting as the main antagonist. It sets the protagonists up to fight something. Those sorts of RPs wouldn't last ten seconds (most times) if the main baddy was just so-so powerful.

    Vox, I understand they you and I are aware of some of the same faces in Roleplaying. And some of them are suspect to not using godlike characters in a called-for situation. A godlike character should never be thrown in for the sake of having a powerful character, or for the sake of derailing (or "moderating" as some call it) the story. If they serve no plot significance then they're very much a game-breaker.

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