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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Alix stood up placing kormon onto the couch gently. He streched and ruffled through his spikey white hair. " Augh...Koromon why me of all people?! i'm not strong i'm not the most popular. i tend to make mistakes in front of others i get nervous easily. " Alix you gotta understand you were chosen to be my partner because of the things that you and only you alone are able to accomplish. " But..koromon there are other people much more brave and have stronger wills than i-" Koromon jumped back onto his head sitting comfortably in his white hair. He cut him off as he spoke. " No Alix your the best ever like how you defeated that Ice digimon you guided me and told me what to do no one could have thought of a plan like that! there are things in the worlds that only certain people can accomplish. no matter how big and tough or small or little they may be!" The small pink digimon said with a smile.

    Alix thought for a brief moment and had a smile on his face. " i guess your right. well we need to figure out who it is we need to stop, and how to save both our worlds. but in the mean time maybe we should check on Shiori." I think she will be ok if she needs us i'll know


    Kaiser held her hand as they walked through the city. They walked for about 10 minuites. he was speaking no words. until they reached a short building with gold trimming around it. Walking in there was no one at the front desk. Kaiser guided her through until they came to a large room with a massive orb floating in the air. " he walked to the orb releasing her hand. To his touch the orb reacted turning the room transparent. Images started to fill the room.

    " I keep my memories in this place, only my brother and i can access this. I'd like to show you something in particular" He raised his palm and the room started to show barren wastelands. Digimon bodies laying every which way. fighting , theft and chaos to every turn." This is how the digital world had become before Our arrival...." He pointed out all the massive fights between digimon and wars alike. " I brought order to this world....think of how chaotic the human world is....with the rule of the Deva Kings i can bring order to it as well."
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "No one asked you to pop up here in the first place. You are better off back at the high school. Of all the people who sent the signal, it has to be you!" And who asked you smartmouth? I can't believe that you have been transported here in this world as well." "Come on girls. At least we found each other. At least we know that there are other kids like us who are around here." "Hmph." "HMPH!" "Just lead us back to wherever you were staying for the night. The Lady needs her rest." "What RookChessmon said! My feathers are freezing!"

    Shiori marched inside the cottage, swinging the door wide opened as Vix, Sonya, Bae, Hyokomon and RookChessmon was walking inside behind her. "We have visitors... I have found the signal unfortunately." "Oooh. The quiet boy. This is wonderful." As Lady Sonya was about to start some drama, Vix and RookChessmon stared at each other. "Can we at least figure out how to get back to our world? This is no time to be going at each others throats right about now?" "I don't care. I can take care of myself. I do not need to be around some low class kids to protect me." "Sonya..." "And you wonder why no one in the school don't like you." "Says the one who has no friends in the first place. Look at you. No style, a wannabe tough girl, hanging around a fox, a quiet boy with no taste in the arts of politics and a pink-lemonade fossil. Now THAT is low and undesirable."

    Bae facepalmed as he saw the two bickering at each other while Hyokomon was looking out of the window.

    "Darkness Wave!" LadyDevimon flung her arms around and reversed the phase of Patamon's attack. Once she reversed the attack, she made Patamon start to swell up from the inside, hurting him as she starts to swipe away at the fog so that she can have a clear view.

    Well, before Zac took a different direction, I remember him ordering Birdramon to go... this way I think Come on! Let's go!"
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "So...you think it will work?" Terriermon asked Zac,

    "Yea, can we get back to the digital world?" Lopmon also asked,

    "I don't know if it will work guys, after all, the only things I know this can do is digivolve you guys, be used as a map, make calls, open gates....wait a minute..."

    "Kaiser was able to take us to the digital world...me and Aire... if the Digivice brought me out of the digital world...maybe I could use it to take us back!" Zac said as he started to unplug the USB cords. He stuffed them back in his back pack and then focused his eyes on the digivice's screen. He browsed through the Digivice with the buttons, scrolling through the menus.

    "There has to be a way back,"
  4. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Katia's reaction was to be sickened by the display. The bodies onscreen were real enough for the Digidestined, so she forced her attention elsewhere. At the floor. The ceiling. Anything but what was in front of her. She found Kaiser's delusions of grandeur to just add fuel to the fire. While he was off busy dreaming of a utopian world, she had been assaulted by four giant monsters and a rude and vicious gang of cats. Her trust of the young man was wearing thin by this point, so she covered her eyes so he did not see them.

    "Please, stop. . ." She mumbled, trying to get everything away just by wishing it.


    Labramon followed Bearmon's lead now, bounding in the direction of the villiage. With any luck, they'd get there, no problems.
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " As you wish" He closed his palm and the images dispersed. the room turned back to as it was, the wooden floors polished and the white walls with gold trim returned. He turned his focus back to katia placing his hand on her shoulder gently. " listen to me i don't mean to bring you any discontent or disgust of any kind, i just want you to understand the work iv'e done to get this place to what is is today. despite what people may say of me i'm not a demon lord king as i am portrayed.

    He placed two cards into her hands and closed her hands firmly." one key is to my personal chamber which you are welcome to. The other is a key to your own personal room which has been set up for you. feel free to explore the city to your liking i will not hold you against your will. I'll leave you to your thoughts...." Flamemon looked at the girl with a evil frown he was not fond of her much. he punched the air and a fireball appeared. Kaiser walked through it as did flamemon and the embers faded.

    " Stepping out of the flames at the very top of his own building. he leaned against the roof. he pulled out his digivice and spoke few words into it. "Beezlemon, there is a labramon with a group of digimon around the area somewhere. find it, bring it to me alive." He placed the digivice back on his belt crossing his arms. " Now we wait."

    Alix stuttered to speak but turned his head away from the words said about him. " You take that bat you fat cow!!" Koromon yelled back at Sonya' You don't know anything about Alix you old hag! you don't know how amazing he is your just a ugly fat hag!!" Alix quickly picked up koromon and put his hands over his mouth.

    " Koromon stop it"
  6. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Hold on you two the Devas could have found the village by now, if Beezlemon has even tracking us he could have seen the village and told the Deva Kings about it!" Gaogamon said as he blocked their path, "Since Zac is not here I have to protect you guys from the Deva, remember that you, Labramon, are wanted, unless its a reunion, which I doubt, we need to steer clear of the village and Quad City until the Digidestined are formed!"


    Zac ran out of the library and ran towards the actual school to head back to a certain place. Terriermon and Lopmon did their best to stay in the back pack, while he still kept his eyes on the Digivice,

    "Zac what are you doing?" Terriermon asked,

    "Where are we going?" Lopmon also asked,

    "Back to where Kaiser and Ashe took me and Aire to the digital world! There has to be some way Kaiser took us there, and I'm gonna recreate the scene,"

    The twin digimon looked at each other with confused looks and then focused on the road areas of them. Zac was determined to get back to the Digital World. He gave Leomon a promise, and the boy almost died. He was not gonna let Leomon's death be in vain.
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Looks like someone needs to show you some respect." "Just let it go. It's not like he will do anything to us... hm... be right back. Is there a room for me to go and be at peace right now? I need some privacy." "There's a free room in the back..." "Thank you. RookChessmon! This way!" As Lady Sonya and RookChessmon went into the back, Shiori was frustrated. "Why are we teamed up with her?!" "Well, if you ask me, Sonya looks like she knows what she is doing. I mean, we was under attack and the two of them was able to hold up on their own pretty well. I say that we should let them stay with us." "You're kidding..."

    Lady Sonya jumped on the bed with her laptop on, having contact by two different people. The first one was Angewomon and the second was Zac. Then, two more wanted to talk to her. "Now what?!" Lady Sonya pulled up the screen and she was about to converse with Angewomon, Cupimon, and Ebiburgermon. " Mission one complete ma'am! Infiltrated Ashe's creepy castle with ease! Now returning back to the mansion." "Excellent." "Kaiser kidnapped a Digidestined!" "What?" "Digidestined.... persuasion... new Deva? Separated by partner." "Hm... not good." "Why is that milady?" "A digidestined and their digimon cannot be separated for too long. If so, then the digimon loses power. We must get the pet together with the human but still hold them hostage."

    "There is another sad tidings on top of that... Beelzemon attacked the traitor and attempted to get rid of them." "And..." "The experiment 62, Wendigomon, was destroyed in the process." "... WHAT?! The nerve! He is better off as an imp! But... none of them cannot be destroyed. I am getting contacted by Zac already..." "When Beelzemon was trying to destroy them, I sensed a light. I do believe that they were transported somewhere." "Back to the real world I assume... listen. We need to take back the experiment. It is crucial. If we do not get the experiment back, then Kaiser will probably lose all that he is accomplishing. You do know that it is necessary to get our army up to their highest potential. Understand."

    "But wasn't the spy was going to that place? He must have been near the fighting." "Angewomon. Keep track of Beelzemon. Our other spy must not get caught up in fighting. If so, you hinder Beelzemon. I do not care if you knock him back into his lowly form or destroyed him. I do not care. Stop him." "Understood." Lady Sonya stood up and looked back at RookChessmon. "You talk to Zac. I need to go to the other little fools." As Lady Sonya went back up to the front and had RookChessmon to warp Digivolve into QueenChessmon, she opened the link to talk directly to Zac on Lady Sonya's laptop.

    "I have to hurry. I need to leave somewhere. While I'm at it, I need to tell you about this world." Lady Sonya was about to enact another plan as she told the digidestined...

    "Oh please! The Deva Supreme King was trying to find Leomon for a while and failed to do so. If he cannot find Leomon, how can he find the secret village. I know that Leomon is gone but to me, I guess it also mean that it is now even more difficult for them to find the village. That will also give time for the Digidestined to get together. WHO KNOWS! They may be together right now as we speak! I say that we continue on." "So... what is your story with...uh...Zac Labramon?" The Bearmon was walking along with Labramon as he was sniffing the air, trying to make sure that they are going the right way.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2012
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Aire looked down at Patamon, something was wrong with him. He was unable to move and he was shouting out in pain. "Spirit!?" Aire said. The digimon did not reply only groans gave Aire the answer that he needed. It was as though Aire could feel the turmoil inside of Patamon erupting. "I know what must be done!" he lifted the Digivice up with his right hand and firmly placed the other behind it. Patamon began to glow as did the Digivice. Wind spiraled around Aire while data around Patamon. His jacket and hair flapped by the coming of the breeze and Patamon's form shifted from Mammal to Angel.

    Hey Digimon song and lyrics - YouTube

    "Angemon!" Patamon said as a light burst from his evolution, no longer affected by darkness wave. "The real battle starts now!" Aire stated. Angemon's wings started to flap, harder and harder as the rotation of the winds produced and created a large typhoon, wrecking the foundation of that very building. "Omni Typhoon" Angemon's six wings points forward as though commanding it to move in that direction towards Lady. "LadyDevimon your reign has come to an end!"
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2012
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac made it into the school, only to see his digivice's screen flags quickly and here it beep rapidly. He thought quickly and went inside of the boy's bathroom and went into one of the stalls and shut the for behind him and locked it.

    "About time I got a response from you So-" Zac said, but stopped when he saw a new Digimon, "PawnChessmon? Is that you? Where is Sonya? She is the one I need to talk to,"

    Terriermon and Lopmon both looked over Zac's shoulders and looked at the screen, Lopmon cowered slightly knowing who that was, feeling scared that Rookchessmon and Sonya would be mad at her. Terriermon just stared at the digimon on the screen.
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon stopped and grabbed his communicator, "Labramon? Heh, got it. Oh, Sonya's Angewoman attacked me, trying to save Zac and stop me from fulfilling your orders, still, I eliminated Zac, Terriermon, and Lopmon. I'll go retrieve Labramon, it'll take a few hours tops."

    He turned around and yelled into the woods, "Labramon! Your partner wants you! I'll take you to her if you come quietly! Otherwise... people might have to get hurt...!"
  11. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Hearing Ashe’s response did little for Hoshi’s confidence in the mission to come. Automatically, her eyes rolled when he explained his situation. In the hospital, she scoffed to herself. “He’ll be dead if he doesn’t start controlling himself,” she said aloud, but to no one in particular. “Him AND Kaiser. Neither have very good self-restraint. Not as good as we do, anyways.” She looked at Kuroneko as she finished speaking, inviting the Digimon to enter the conversation. The feline simply purred in agreement. “Yes. I know. We must be the ones to set the example; and Lady Sonya as well. The women in this group are the most relaxed, it seems.”

    “Well hopefully the boys are up to learning,” Kuroneko chimed in with a cynical laugh. As both of them knew, neither Kaiser nor Ashe would be changing their ways any time soon.

    “We better get outside,” Hoshi said, taking a look at the time. “It’s already been about five minutes since he called. I don’t know how he plans to go on this mission if he’s injured, but that’s his choice to make. As long as he’s ready willing and to put the time and effort in, it’s of little consequence.” She left her room, leaving her equipment behind in an office space adjacent and attached to it. She’d be returning to it before leaving. When she entered the nightclub there were a few patrons still lingering from the night before, clearly having been too wrapped up in their revelry to coordinate their return home. As always, Sukamon was tending to the bar with little care for the other occupants; he had long since realized that they took care of themselves just fine.

    “He’s on his way,” Sukamon said to Hoshi, only half acknowledging her as he busied himself cleaning up the last of the night’s messes.

    “I know. He’ll be here any minute. And speaking of it,” she gazed out the front door, catching a glimpse of Ashe landing a small jet of smoke and flames. She walked to the doorway and held the door open for him. “Follow me she said.” She then led him through the bar and into her office space. “Alright,” she said in a whisper as she outfitted herself with the supplies she had brought together. “I like to leave from in here, since no one knows I’m gone when I do. For all anyone knows, I’m locked in here tending to my business. Anyways we’ll be headed to a forest area right outside the village; we’ll be meeting up with an ally of ours there. You say Leomon’s already dead? That’ll make this a lot easier.”

    “Makes it a bit pointless if you ask me,” Kuroneko spat.

    Ignoring Kuroneko, Hoshi continued. A digital portal opened in front of her. “Let’s go. We’ll head into the cave nearby once we get there. And remember to close the portal behind you, Ashe.” She then passed through the portal, and emerged in the forest several feet away from the entrance to a cave. Not stopping, she made her way straight to the entrance of the cave and stopped only to make sure that Ashe was following her.​
  12. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Grrrr, what do you want? Demon?" Gaogamon snarled at the Demon Lord Digimon. He was protecting Labramon incase any danger were to come, even if it meant he would die, he would do his duty.

    "Why do you and your masters want to return Labramon to her partner?" Gaogamon questioned, "Because to me this seems more like a trap than an actual reunion of human and digimon. So really, what is the purpose? Why do you really want Labramon?"
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "It is QueenChessmon to you you insect." QueenChessmon looked around to make sure that no one was around. " Lady Sonya is busy. We have our own errands to attend to. I am surprised as to how you returned back home. one of our allies saw what had happened and try to disrupt the battle but you was almost... annihilated... or so we've heard. Would be a shame if the other digidestined were to hear that." QueenChessmon stood up from the bed and looked out of the window, thinking. " You better hurry back. If I remember correctly, you better hurry back before something else happens to your newfound friends. I do believe that... what is his name... Beelzemon was it? That's it. Would be a shame if he were to shred them. Wouldn't be nice."

    QueenChessmon then turned back around and ran up to the laptop. "But why of all people did you want to contact the Mistress? Isn't it obvious that you are now a villain to us and that therefore, you are just asking to e slain? Or perhaps you are wishing for death?"

    "AAAAH!" LadyDevimon was swirling around in the tornado that Angemon made but she was able to control herself and called on her bats to help spin around the attack in the opposite direction to get rid of it. "So... you are trying to be a pure angel. You are better off as a demon. Sorry to bring bad tidings but even if you are going to use the power of light, it is still not enough! Let me show you!" LadyDevimon's red nails was shining and she starts to dash for Angemon, actually liking the fact that she will have a challenge.

    The Bearmon grabbed the foolish Gaogamon by the mouth and told him to be quiet. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?! He doesn't even know where we are and you are now trying to blow our cover?! Now we will have to run! MOVE IT MOVE IT MOVE IT!" The Bearmon grabbed the Labramon and put him on his shoulders, running in the direction in which he believes is the village.
  14. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    OOC: Labramon is a GIRL

    Labramon's ears perked up (Or, rather, flopped up) as she heard Beezlemon's call.

    "Kitty-kat wants me back? Oh-boy-oh-boy-oh-boy-" she hummed loudly, like a car. Her two companions set her straight almost immediately afterwards, however, with their words of cynicism about the motive of the hellish digimon.

    She groaned, "He's lyin'? Awwwww," while getting off of Bearmon's back and letting her companion walk unencumbered.

    Her heart rate was finally settling as Kaiser left the room. The moment he was out of earshot, the girl breathed an audible sigh of relief, pocketing the cards in her satchel. God, she loved that bag.

    Katia soon ended up into her own room. She wasn't sure how she got there. But there she was. The card did work, after all. Her old clothes were on the bed, clean and neatly folded. Her sweater was on top.

    She couldn't shed those stupid arm gloves fast enough. She kept the rest of her outfit on, though she discarded the tie. Her sweater found itself over her body once more, still warm with the heat of the cleaning.

    Katia's next move was to find a desk or a nook somewhere. There was one next to the bed with a nice, thick wooden chair next to it. It looked comfortable. She didn't care. Her body placed itself under the desk, which was built like a proper piece of furniture for a study rather than a simple place to put books on, which meant that it had a back and two sides underneath.

    Pulling the satchel up to her chest, she hugged her knees and did the only thing she really could do at this point.

    Katia cried.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2012
  15. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "I'm just as clueless as you are, my Digivice said "OPEN" and then me, Kiki and Kipper were transported back to my dorm, and I woke up to find my computer fried," Zac explained, "They don't even know about me yet, Queenchessmon,"

    He kept hearing her talk until he heard the part about Beelzemon, "Why would you do that?! After he almost killed Kiki?! Who and Sonya need for you so called, "experiment"?!"

    "But why of all people did you want to contact the mistress? Isn't it obvious that you are now a villain to us, and therefore, you are just asking to be slain?Or perhaps you are wishing for death?"

    "I had it up to here with people wanting to kill me," Zac said, stretching his arm and hand over his head, "And Sonya is the only one as a contact on my Digivice, or at least I knew how to contact. Even though she killed Leomon, and-"

    "Turned me into a monster..." Lopmon added,

    "And nearly tore our family apart!" Terriermon also added,

    "Guys! *Sigh*But... I sorta treated her kinda like a friend before Leomon showed up... Plus I can't just call Kaiser or Ashe, think about it. Do you think I'm that dumb enough to just call Kaiser or Ashe and be like, "Oh hey man wassup? Aw nothing much I was wanting to come back and get my ASS WHOOPED BY BEELZEMON AGAIN!"

    The twin digimon backed their heads away from Zac for a moment,

    "Please forgive Zac for that, QueenChessmon," Lopmon said,

    "Zac doesn't have to apologize for being mad and worried sis!" Terriermon said,

    "By the way... Where are you?" Zac asked, "It looks a bit... Unclassy for you and Sonya's tastes... Where are you? Never mind, look, how do I get back to the digital world?"
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon growled, "Foolish digimon. If you won't come quietly I will forcibly take you all down to return her to her owner! Lord Kaiser seeks only to make... Kitty-Kat happy! I will follow his orders and bring her digimon back to her!" He roared and charged through the forest towards the sound of the voice of Labramon, his acute sense of hearing allowed him to track them down quite easily, and eventually he passed them. He stopped Behemoth in front of them, blocking their progression and he placed his guns on the bike before stepping forward.

    "I shall give you one last chance to come peacefully... for you see, I merely seek to make your master happy Labramon. Please come with me so that you two can be reunited. She misses you dearly, she was also very upset that the neo-digidestined, Zac, took you from her. Come peacefully and I'll tell Kaiser that you were along when I found you, there was nobody else here." Beelzemon extended his hand out and gave Bearmon and Gaogamon a nod saying that they could leave without fear of him hurting anyone.
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "But...." Bearmon looked around, not knowing what else to do. "Oh my gosh. What am I'm going to do now? They have the biggest mouths ever and we all know how Beelzemon act.... stupid evolution of his. Didn't even work hard for his power. WE ARE NOT GOING BACK TO YOU! Why should we trust you! I... I do not know her well but I will make it my task to protect her!" The Bearmon stood in front of the two and had his fists up. "This is not what I am supposed to do but... I have no choice...forgive me."

    "How nice... bumbling fools you three are. Oh well. If you say so. Lady Sonya has so much to teach you but I guess I can tell you the function that the device has to get you back here. The device is based on three D's: Digital, Detect and Discover. This enables a digimon to evolve. However, it has the power to open Digi-Ports. As NeoDigidestined, our devices are able to make these Digi-Ports and bypass the barriers that separates the real world from the digital world. That is how you are able to return. You knowing how to return back and use the digivice is up to you. Oh yea. And Lopmon...." QueenChessmon went through her hair as she felt herself about to go back to her rookie form.

    "Last time I checked, you turned yourself into a monster as you deemed yourself. What if you were a monster to begin with? We did nothing of the sort. Interesting no? Ta-ta for now. Think on this."
  18. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "But how do I-" Zac was about to ask, but Pawnchessmon had finished the conversation before they could ask. Lopmon retracts her head back into Zac's backpack, while Terriermon just growled at the screen till Zac was finished with the conversation. He got up and opened the door and walked out of the bathroom,

    "So...how do we open a Digi-Port?" Terriermon asked,

    "Well, judging by my computer being fried, it must have been where we entered the real world from I guess. So, we need another computer, but I can't just go to the library and teleport into the Digital World. I gotta figure out how to return..."

    "...maybe she is right..." Lopmon said as she started to cry,"Maybe I am a monster..."

    "Momentai! You are still my sister, and still a Lopmon!" Terriermon said, hugging her,

    "Hmmm... Maybe that isn't your true form?" Zac asked,

    The two twins looked at each other and then at Zac,

    "I mean we haven't used my Digivice on you, so... What if we head back to my dorm and tried to help you digivolve using my emotions instead of when your were hateful and angry?"

    "Will it work?"

    "Nothing ventured nothing gained," Zac said with a smile,


    Gaogamon growled at Beelzemon and snapped at him, but, hesitantly walked back, his teeth still showing, "Bearmon, quick question...why are so eager to head to Leomon's village?" he whispered to the Bearmon, "You were with Zac who Leomon saw as an equal,"
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2012
  19. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "Bad tidings!!!" "You know of the age old story. OF THE FALL" Angemon stated as he prepared his rod. "We once lived in harmony and prosperity. A complete utopia under 'God's justice' until Lucemon and God's most beloved Seraphimon, now known as Daemon rebelled against God. As punishment, those who assisted in their attempt were deleted to the Dark Area in which these fallen angels became corrupted and demonic creatures that many we have dubbed 'Devi' and 'Demon Lords'. Now you will pay dearly for your kinds sins'" "ANGEL STAFF" he shouted to defend himself from Lady's attack.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2012
  20. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "I'm not smart, but I'm not stupid!" Labramon growled, her fur bristling with rage at the sight of Beezlemon. "They didn't want me! They wanted Kat! They wanted to kill us when we're together. You're a lyin' liarrrrrRETRIEVERG!"

    Her bristling fur pulsed for a moment, gathering the energy necessary for her attack. The sound wave ejected, smashing against the bike's front wheel and hopefully busting it.

    "RUN!" She yowled, darting towards Bearmon to give her companion a push.

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