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Philosophical Debates

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Fullmetal, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Fullmetal

    Fullmetal New Member

    Okay, so I'm a bit of a philosopher when it comes to most things. So, I'll come right out and ask. What are your positions on God, creation, truth, perfection, and eternal life(immortality)?
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Since, I'm Christian; it's pretty obvious my position on God, Truth, Perfection, Creation, and Eternal life.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I think you're asking a bit much for one thread- you could argue creation on its own just fine, and religion as a whole is always a heated topic.

    I consider myself agnostic. I have no idea which, if any, religion is true, or what, if anything, comes after death, and I don't think there is any way for us to know for sure one way or another until we actually do die and see where we may end up. So as far as God and immortality (which I'm assuming is in reference to like heaven, rather than just superpowered dudes walking around who no one can kill) goes, eh, maybe, though I'm rather doubtful about a lot of things. With regards to creation, I'm rather a woman of science and the theories of evolution and all that, what I know of them, sound good to me. Whether or not this was done under the guidance of some higher power is something I'm unsure of. Perfection is something that I'm not sure exists in this world, though it's something we're constantly striving for. And I don't know what to say about truth. It's good? Most of the time, anyhow.
  4. Fullmetal

    Fullmetal New Member

    Mm. Doubt is useful for awhile at least, but as some point a stand has to be made. It's difficult to fight for waht you stand for if you don't know what it is that you stand for. And Angel, defend it. That's what I'm looking for here. I want to see everyone defend their beliefs.
  5. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    This is the only real thing. I'd like to comment on.

    You say until we die and see where we end up. This makes you seem that your leaning towards a 'hereafter' even if you weren't intending to. If there is no sole purpose for humans or some type of reason other than coincidence, then we couldn't see where we end up because there is no 'hereafter' or place after death. Like you said your unsure, but even as we are unsure, we lean closer to one side than the other. By this statement, I assume a place after death.

    I'm just probing! ;D
    If you question my beliefs than I'll defend otherwise I'll keep it simple. Besides what your philosophy?
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2012
  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^ Well, I did say may. XD Of course, if there's nothing after death, we'll never know, will we?

    I was raised in a vaguely Christian household, in that my parents went to church when they were kids, though I don't think very regularly, but the only times I ever went were when I spent the nights at friends' houses and that one time I went through a phase and started going to Sunday School for a couple of months. I've read parts of the Bible, but not the entire thing. Just so that my background is a little more clear.

    I don't think I have it in me to fully believe something like this on faith. I like to see the facts laid out on the table whenever possible, and when discussing something like religion, that's just not possible. Would I like there to be something after death? I suppose it depends on what it's like. I don't like the idea of the people I love (as well as myself) just being gone forever, but I also don't like things like the idea that making bad choices in this one short life could lead to eternal damnation. Perhaps if I found a religion that suited me, I'd be more inclined towards faith, but honestly, it really just is my personality to like to see everything spelled out in front of me before I make decisions and commit to anything. And I think even if you are strongly faithful towards a particular religion, you still don't know, and I'd rather be honest to myself about my ignorance.

    And another thing is that I have major issues with organized religion, and the way it seems a lot of supposedly moral religious people feel they have to subject everyone to their beliefs constantly and badger people and tell them that they (the moral religious douchebags, I mean) are the only ones who are right, even though they so often turn out to be hypocrites. So it makes me feel more kindly towards atheists, who at least have never stopped me, a total stranger, out in public to nag at me.

    My stand is that I know nothing. I don't see why I have to throw myself into one side. It doesn't impact the way I live my life at all. I'll still make the same decisions that I think are right for me.
  7. Fullmetal

    Fullmetal New Member

    I'll tell you my stand point. I disbelieve in deities. I always have. To me, the prescense of an ever-powerful sentinent being is too far stretched. Creation-wise, I support the Big Bang. To quote Josten Gaarder's novel Sophie's World, "At some point, something must have come from nothing." Truth is the absolute value of the world. I'll use another quote here, this time from George Orwell: "In a time of universal deciet, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." When it comes to perfection, I'll agree with Kitty's statement. It does not exist, though it is something we strive for, nonetheless. And finally, immortality. No. Science has proven that our natural bodies have a limit. In fact, our bodies are only intended to survive until around the age of 30, but our medical advancements have let us survive to closer to 100, and in some cases, more than that.
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Doesn't explain what you think of 'truth'.

    That's an average. Plus, i think it's all dependent on your environmental status.
  9. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Is that all? I'm not doubting you, because I know nothing about this, but it seems like it should be higher than that.
  10. Fullmetal

    Fullmetal New Member

    That's about the typical averagew. That's why our bodies begin to give in about that age. And Orwell's quote does explain my thoughts on truth. It is the most revolutionary act one can do, it is the value on which the world is based upon.
  11. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I argue a lot when it comes to these topics, but I'll keep it simple.

    God: Don't believe. Haven't seen proof
    Creation: Not sure exactly. I would mainly see it as Evolution from other animals (Not just Monkeys)
    Truth: Depends on what you mean. I say tell the truth, unless the truth would truly hurt somebody, or be too much for one too handle, thus keeping them safe, in a way.
    Perfection: One of (what I believe) the three impossibilities. Imperfection is what makes us human. If we were all perfect, what would be the point of living?
    Eternal life(immortality): This I'm 50/50 on. I wouldn't mind eternal life, but if I had it, I would still be living while I watched the ones I cared for die of old age, shot, etc. Not to mention, Eternal Life does not mean Eternal Youth.
  12. Fullmetal

    Fullmetal New Member

    My views are similar in some ways to your views, ADog. But I'll have to differ on the truth. If you hide the truth to avoid hurting someone now, what makes you think that it won't hurt them at all later?
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Lol. Oh boy. Time for me to step in this one. :rolleyes: *Troll Summoner*


    I find it completely funny. Just funny. So amny people would like to go around and like to think about their own favorite "god" or "goddess" and then try to question about a god's existence. So denying a diety will mean denying the existence of God? If so, then how can you accept the fact that a Big Bang is created and yet deny the fact that there can be someone on the spiritual level who may have just as well created what we see now? You bring up the quote "Something must have come from nothing" and if God can create anything from nothing, then how can you deny a creator that requires strong faith and power which is out of the natural?

    For one, in order for one thing to evolve, there needs to be a creation. In other words, a birthing process as I would like to call it. A person cannot just skip the process in the womb straight into the five year old stage without going through it. Once the person goes through birthing/creation process, then they go through the evolution of growing into a child, to teenager, adolescent and then adult. I just DO NOT understand why people would love to deny one side and just understand that it takes both. As for truth Adogx, I do not care if the truth hurts. Sorry but would you rather live a lie and not know while it is still bothering you or would you rather know the truth where, even though you may cry from it, at least you know the truth and won't feel as though you are left out (maybe). Don't agree? Then let me give you a nice example of an adult that I know in college.

    She's middle-aged and she has kids. However, she never knew her biological father. She asked her mother that she really wanted to know because it was bothering her and her mom called the father and now trying to see if the man she called is her biological father. It is stressful yes, but she said that she would rather know now in her lifetime than her and her children not knowing. Sorry but I have heard this so many times that "There is nothing saying that the truth is to make one feel good". Sad but is true. Why would you want to keep someone from knowing the truth? Your aunt passed away. Ok. She is gone. That is the truth. You will cry but in the end, you will have to move on. Not nice to hide the truth but yet honesty is not a good thing for some.

    Oh yea. As for Perfection, it is impossible in the natural world. Will NEVER happen. Maybe in the realm of God but definitely not in this world. It is nice to strive for it because it shows (And hopefully it is in this perspective) that people want to do better in their life.

    Eternal Life? I would love to have it. Oh sure. You hear about the part "And they live happily ever after". Still didn't tell the kids that they had to die from natural death regardless. What happen if one say that the heroes lived in heaven happily ever after? Will it still have the same effect or will it tick some people off? Eternal Life = Happily Ever After. Why, you can say that you yourself is the main character of your life and passing away and go up into heaven means that you achieved your goal. Death is not happily ever after. That is just a phase in which everyone goes through. Eternal Life is the happy ending that everyone wants to achieve... which is why some say not to just look for the thigns in this world but what is offered in the next.

    As for me, I do not care about which religion someone is a part of. I'll tell you what God wants out of people and will show the love. Just do not try to go against my religion because I'll end up seeing the other person as a hypocrite.
  14. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I love commenting on these posts.

    Truly have you looked for 'this proof'? Have you read journals and entries of peoples' experiences with their Gods. Or would you like to be spoon fed facts and receive third rate info?

    Most Historians don't doubt the existence of Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad. I'm sure that they did miraculous things in their eras. Really, I doubt that you've really looked into this matter to find your 'proof'. Being 'closed minded' is real ignorance. Although I don't necessarily believe in some religions, I've come to accept some of their aspects and goals.

    These posts are even better.
    A Deity = God?

    Honestly, that question can be thrown back at you. How can you accept an all powerful, all knowing God to create such events. How can you accept a God to condemn people to eternal paradise or damnation? Maybe the macrocosm has always existed and so has the microcosm. How can you deny that such a low possibility in atoms colliding created something from nothing when in actuality the matter could have always existed.

    What about false hope aka a lie.

    Say, For an eternity you must mow an endless field of grass. And you don't know it. Would you like to know the truth and know that you are condemn to mow the grass forever or cling to a false sense of hope that one day you will escape the endless nightmare of mowing grass.

    [That above statement is bias. You can already tell my choice.]

    What about an elderly old women on her death bed? Say, her granddaughter, that she has raised in her daughter's absence, has recently stole from her and has taken advantage of her and is now in jail. The grandmother has raised her in the upmost sense of right and wrong. And she believes that her granddaughter would never do anything this outrageous in her life. Would you tell her the truth or let her die in a false sense of knowing her granddaughter as innocent and pure.

    [Again bias comment.]

    Eternal Damnation is Eternal Life. Is that happiness? I doubt some people would be happy about that then again I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few.
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Well God is an omnipotent Spirit who is part of the supernatural so in my opinion, God is a diety (A great one at that).

    And why try to explain such things that can still cannot be solved even with the power of their beloved science? As for atoms, I mainly do not care since I can understand how they may be created out of nothing or from something. However, is the technology and research is strong enough to prove it?

    XD What if that field of grass is green with pretty geraniums and broom flowers? :p I wouldn't mind tending to the grass.

    Oh please. Now that there is up to whether the granddaugther will apologize to her grandmommy (If she is out of jail that is) and since it is "recently", I doubt the grandmother will be in a rage. Plus, this statement is vague. How old is the granddaughter, if she knew, oh well. Most likely will be forgiven (Unless Grandma is that cranky lady).

    Hahaha. I don't think that being damned is ever a nice word to begin with... but then again... there is this one song that was talking about angels deserving to die and another rap song talking about that he would rather go to hell than heaven... :D so yep. There's a few who may like that.
  16. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    As well as other deities. They too are of the supernatural.
    Why try to explain things that your God lays before you? Why do you lean to your own understandings? Simple. We all try to make sense of things. It's natural.

    It really wouldn't matter since you mow the lawn not of free will.

    Similar to Prometheus, who gave fire to man. He was then chained to a rock where a vulture ate his liver then overnight it would regrow and the vulture would eat his liver again in an endless cycle.

    I'm saying if you had to tell a sickly old women the truth about her granddaughter. Who is exactly benefiting? Why cause an old lady in that condition to worry and have anxiety? Would it give you satisfaction to tell her the truth and watch her suffer or simply lie and have a peace of mind?
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Um... you have that a lil' bit twisted. If God is showing something to a person, then it is not to a person's own understanding. A difference between going towards God's understanding and a human's own understandings and God's knowledge is always better than the human knowledge.

    Meh. I see it differently. If no one mow the lawn, who will? You want the weeds to grow?

    I'll ask Grandmommy first if she wants to know what the granddaughter had done that one time (And I don't know why it should be a problem if the granddaughter only did it "recently that one time anyway. Most likely won't do it again.) Actually, why should it be about what I want to say? You are obviously ignoring the granddaughter's feelings. You are basically sticking a family's relationship in this and then take me, a stranger/whatever I may be to the family which I really have nothing to do on the matter. The two of them has the closest relationship together, not me. If grandmomma die and the child did not tell, it may break her heart and SHE will have guilt. I, myself, have nothing on the matter. Your statement is to me, more about the relationship together and to let grandmommy know that the granddaughter is not perfect (And don't even know how old the child is anyway).
  18. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I have looked for proof before. Just because people "say" God is there, or "feel" God around them, or just "believe" in God, doesn't mean he's really there. They say God is a Being, a person. Since they are implying that God has a form, I need to see it to believe it. Now, just because I don't believe in him, doesn't mean I'm telling others not to. "Saying," "feeling," and "believing" is not proof enough. In the bible, people say that God visited them and told them to do this or that (I don't know exactly what. I don't fully pay attention to anything religious. Just going off memory here). Just because they say it, doesn't mean it's true. Also, It's written in a book. For all we know, any random person could have written everything down. Even if that is false, the bible has been changed be people so many times it's hard to depict what the original bible said. A big example is the Wesboro's bible, but I won't go into that. Too much I could say.

    Scientists have proven that the Big Bang happened from the universe expanding from volume, temperature, and density on extremely high levels. Space itself expanded, and matter formed together. Now, I'm sure you're gonna say "Well, what if God made that happen?" True, that is a possibility science has not proven or even looked into, but that also counters what the bible (not sure which) said that "God created the world in six days, and rested on the seventh" or something like that. The Big Bang happened instantly, and some go as far as saying time itself was created by the Big Bang (I don't know how I feel about that though).

    Yes but Evolution happens by changes/Natural Selection (Not good wording I know). Basically, we evolved from something so small, and grew slowly over time. Our ancestors are monkeys. but who are the ancestors of monkeys? For all we know, it could have been a simple rock formed by matter.

    I see your point on this one. Now that I think about it, the truth could be best no matter what, unless it involves one knowing the truth and deciding to kill someone because of it that's related to the truth.

    I agree with this. Yes, I argue about religion and why I think it's stupid, a waste of time, etc. But Religion does that to other religions and atheists as well. Every side argues to prove their belief is better. It's gonna happen. However, any religion, or atheists who try to force someone to their religion or no religion, and still tries to argue why his/her religion is better, is a hypocrite on the highest level. I believe in Destiny, but I'm not trying to force people to believe in that. I explain my reasons and counter arguments just like everyone else. For all I know, Destiny and God could be the same thing, and I just don't know it.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2012
  19. Mike

    Mike Member

    Truth is relative, which is one of the most frustrating things. Most lay people will point at Mathematics as a language of absolutes: 2 + 2 = 4 and so forth.

    Without trolling, what if I told you I could create a mathematically consistent framework where 2 + 2 = 5? (Hence, 2 + (2 + 2) = 2 + 5 = 7, and so on for all of the other 'true' statements of arithmetic) It can be done, and I can provide a google source if anyone's curious.

    In this context, 2 + 2 = 5 is truth. The problem is, it's not the truth that we want. We seek truth that is relevant, if we have 2 apples and 2 more apples we have 4, not 5. We seek mathematics that is accurate, and represents our experience. There is a whole world of truth out there that does not match up with our pre-conceived notion of what truth should be, and so we deny it. In short, mathematicians seek to find, not only 'true theorems' but 'true theorems that match up with real life.' And this isn't always possible, for instance, the Axiom of Choice is a math concept that cannot be true or false (oversimplifying slightly).

    This is what I believe instigates all of the religious arguments/discrepancies in the world, or even stances on moral issues. If Christianity, for example, operates under the premise that everything must be as the bible says, anything Islamic will be illogical. If a scientist operates under the premise that everything is concrete, tangible, ie. not based on God, how could we possibly ever gain any insight into the existence of a higher power? Any 'evidence' (for lack of a better word) supporting the concept of God is instantly denounced as something "we will eventually explain with science, but can't yet" sometimes going so far as to invent hokey theories to accomplish exactly that. It's no more possible to find 'scientific evidence of God' than it is to find a pencil in your pencil case named Sally, given that you've already named every single one Harry. Science's very goal, and we've decided this at the outset, is to never 'give in' to needing a God to explain our existence, even if one becomes necessary, sometime in the future.

    Science is a beautiful thing... I'm a mathematician, hence vaguely, a scientist (I do hold a masters of science), so I have to acknowledge this. But human beings, scientists are people I take reservation with. No field is free from bias, everyone seeks to prove their own little slice of what truth should be instead of seeking what's actually there. I'll never understand why people take science, or even mathematics as an absolute truth. What we should strive to do is consider "the scientific perspective" which tells us such and such.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2013
  20. Fullmetal

    Fullmetal New Member

    Well. That was... mid blowing in some extents. Mathmatics was the last thing I expected to be brought up here, but yet... it somehow fits. Mike, I think you just totally catogorized my thoughts on science vs. God. I couldn't even do that myself, thanks! XD lol

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