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question about sora

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Yo123, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Yo123

    Yo123 New Member

    in kh1 sora stabbed himself in order to release kairi's hard.. why wasn't ventus' heart released as well?
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Sora released his heart and Kairi's heart. Ventus's heart stayed inside of Roxas.
  3. Yo123

    Yo123 New Member

    he wouldn't be a nobody then would he?
    any way to prove that theory?
    i know he had feelings, but xion had them as well, same for namine so i don't see why roxas should have had a heart.
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    From the beginning, I was strictly against Sora have three hearts by the time of Kingdom Hearts I, because frankly I didn't like the idea. But since, it's true. [This was before the release of Birth by Sleep that I thought this]

    Roxas most definitely has a heart. It is implied throughout the game and before I provide evident. I would like to argue a bit more. I wouldn't call Roxas a normal nobody because he most likely has a heart. A nobody is created after the heart leaves the body. Sora's heart left his body. And Sora's body and soul went through the process of becoming a nobody while Ventus's heart was inside Sora's body and soul. Thus, Roxas having a heart.

    Really, Namine and Xion don't count. Namine's birth was unstable. She lacks the qualities of a nobody and Xion is a replica.
  5. Yo123

    Yo123 New Member

    i'd say namine has more qualities than a nobody as she has the ability to modify memories. xion.. yea xion was a stupid clone but it doesn't matter.
    but IF your thesis was right, roxas should have memories from ventus, which he in fact does not! remember sora experiencing kairi's memories while "owning" her heart. roxas doesn't have any memories about anything and afaik namine didn't manipulate him much. and sora's body returned extremely fast (including his heart) why shouldn't ventus's heart have stayed? i mean sora was able to recall his memories through his time being a heartless although he should have lost them immediately, couldn't this be because of ventus' heart as well?
  6. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Well, I mean the qualities that Ansem the Wise gave to define a nobody.

    i.e. Body and Soul.

    Nah. Sora didn't have memories of Ventus. Ventus's heart was still 'asleep'.

    Actually. I'ma say that your wrong here. Sora didn't get his body back. He existed as only a heart. I call it an 'existence of only the heart'. (That's a discussion onto itself.)

    I honestly don't know about Sora's heartless. There's nothing there for me to comment on. Maybe its just one of those abstract things you can't explain like friendship or whatever.
  7. Yo123

    Yo123 New Member

    so you're saying he didn't make it from heartless to somebody after reuniting with kairi?
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I'm confused by the phrasing.

    A heartless is a heart consumed by its own darkness. I'm saying that Kairi took the darkness away then Sora was only left with a heart. Roxas had Sora's body and soul.
  9. Yo123

    Yo123 New Member

    sounds invalid to me. i doub't that only the heart could manifest in the way sora did!
  10. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Exactly why your wrong! XD There is another case just like Sora's and that was Ansem Seeker of Darkness. He wasn't a heartless but just a heart or what I call ' an existence of only the heart'.

    BTW: Here's the interview
    This says 'perhaps' but just mentioning it makes it more plausible.
  11. Yo123

    Yo123 New Member

    well but wasn't Naminé created from SORA'S BODY and kairi's soul?
    sora roxas and naminé existed at the SAME time. so nobody with ones body another nobody with ones body and the somebody without body?
    and although namine's birth was instable she still shared A body.
    btw who says that body couldn't be a metaphora.
    sorry for calling your omniscience into question ;)
  12. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    It couldn't be Kairi's soul because this happened within Sora.

    Honestly, I think Namine doesn't have a body.
    Here's my diagram.

    Roxas = Sora's body and soul
    Sora = Heart
    Namine = No body or soul

    Diagram above.

    I.E. Kairi's body and soul throughout Kingdom Hearts I is an example of physically not metaphorically.

    It happens! XD
  13. Yo123

    Yo123 New Member

    i dunno which KH it was, but it was stated by either DiZ or somebody from the organisation that namine indeed was built from sora's body and kairi's soul.
  14. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    He doesn't say that she has his body and soul.

    Again, through Sora's body and soul. Sora's body and soul went through the process of a nobody, Roxas.

    Anywho, it wouldn't make sense if she had Sora's body and soul when she rejoined with Kairi.
  15. Yo123

    Yo123 New Member

    the translation into german is different..
  16. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Eh. Can't help you there. It's probably different in Japanese as well.
  17. Yo123

    Yo123 New Member

    german translation says that namine derived from sora's body and kairi's soul
  18. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Still, wouldn't make sense. Her soul was inside her body.
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... Wait a minute. The translation is different... no wonder... so that means the interpretation on heart, mind, body and soul is different for American, Japanese and German (And Angel will be the next Kingdom Hearts Know-It-All since x3pic is extinct XD). But anyway, in the American version, we are told that Namine is born from Kairi's heart and Sora's body and soul. But anyway, let me clear on some things:

    Namine: I wouldn't say that she was born "unstable". Namine is born from Sora's body and soul so she has power over Sora's memories. To me, she is the... how can I put it... the up-to-date type of nobody because she possess emotions unlike the other nobodies. Namine shares the resemblance of Kairi because of Kairi's heart. This is why Namine is Kairi's nobody just solely from that heart. Namine basically have her own vessel that she can use herself.

    As for Ventus' heart not releasing, I don't know. Maybe Kairi's light went and saved it too in Kingdom Hearts 1. I don't know.
  20. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    It's the same in Spanish and German!

    It roughly translates to:
    Naminé is the nobody of Kairi, but Namine achieved life through the body and soul of Sora.

    Cuerpo = body. Alma = soul.

    I believe this is the German Secret Ansem Report. I don't know German but Körper looks like body and Seele looks like soul.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2012

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