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13 Darkness, 7 Light discussion

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by ADogX, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Right now, I highly doubt that Terra will be one of the seven. Since Terra is still with Xehanort, it is possible that Xehanort will use Terra as one of the thirteen darkness... to me anyways.
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I think that it is set. Xehanort implies that Terra is among one of his Thirteen of Darknesses. Terra switching sides just delays Xehanort another darkness. Since KH3 is the last in the Xehanort Saga, I don't think; that's happening.

    I'm sure; the 7 of light were officially set up in KH3D. Why else give Lea a keyblade so late in the series if it's not necessary? There would be no point!

    I believe Sora, Riku, Mickey and Kairi are a given. The secret ending in KH3D is called Another Guardian of Light, this is the secret ending where Yen Sid summons Kairi. This is the reason that I added her to the list. Lea as I written earlier must be a guardian to make up for the 7th. While Yen Sid and Mickey had already made precautions to secure Ventus and Aqua.

    1. Sora
    2. Riku
    3. Kairi
    4. Mickey
    5. Lea
    6. Aqua
    7. Ventus
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Why would Xehanort say that he has 2 of the 7 in his possession if he's implying that Terra is among the 13? His exact words are "But Sora and another on your list belong to me now." So if anything Xehanort would be trying to take 2 of the 7 lights (Sora and Terra) and make them into 2 of his 13 darknesses. If both Lea and Kairi are part of the 7 lights and Terra is not, it would make sense that one of them are simply filling the gap left by Terra not being around to be with the 7.

    So Lea could be the 7th light. And Kairi is a spare or is being trained to protect herself from Xehanort's schemes.
  4. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    There's no possible way Terra is a light. Xehanort already has Terra completely. Terra's body is completely gone after Ansem SoD and Xemnas were created. The only thing really left for Terra to return to is his Armor in the Keyblade Graveyard. Unless Terra's body and heart return to it, I don't think Terra's coming back, unless he pulls a Riku from KH1
  5. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Having them in his 'possession' implied that they were amongst the XIII. Sora was in 13th seat surrounded by the others. So yes, at that moment two of the people on Mickey's list belonged to Master Xehanort. Although Sora wasn't officially one yet.

    It really doesn't matter about Mickey's Guardians of Light. The original plan was for Ansem to have the 7 Princesses of Heart and Xemnas to have the 13 Vessels of Darkness. One way or the other Master Xehanort will have his seven of light whether Mickey finds the necessary guardians or not. If he wants to take a few from Mickey, then so be it.

    And that's perfectly fine. The situation that Mickey and Yen Sid are in now; In my opinion, only can produce those 7 of light and no others.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    If you ask me, we are most likely going to kill off Terra. He might do one of those sacrificing moves against Master Xehanort.
  7. Alan Smithee

    Alan Smithee Member


    Terra's sacrifice due to Darkness-related circumstances = Aqua and/or Ven invoking Light-based Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds-dom

    Ansem SOD and Xemnas were killed; the ones you saw in DDD were time-traveled from the past, sometime before being killed. After DDD, they had to return, lose all their memories of the future, and carry out their original fates.

    Therefore, I theorize MX's "Terra" is BBS-Terranort from the past, leaving present-Terra to indeed "pull a Riku from KH1" (either already or post-DDD).

    PS: I'm still trying to adapt to my new iPad's controls, so please forgive me if my text looks odd in any way.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2012
  8. Forever Hearts

    Forever Hearts New Member

    When I first heard the 13 and 7 thing the first things that came to mind were the Organisation and the Princesses of Heart.
  9. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    And your right! The original plan was for Organization XIII to clash against the 7 Princesses of Heart. But that plan failed, well partially.
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    <_< Oh my gawsh. The more you bring this up, the more I want to throw a brick. The next I may throw is a lamp. Aqua do not even have a crappy life, bullied in any other way. She lost the Master but she didn't go crazy. The only one who was dumb enough to do it but yet it still has something to do with the plot is Shion Uzuki. She has love for a worker within First Division but he died. She has her friends, robot and co workers and brother but once she saw that her lover became a Testament, she ends up not caring and wanted to be with her lover but it took Alan and her friends to slap some sense in that bitch. This one is acceptable because she had some love problems to begin with.

    Aqua in this case, is not. She has no emotion problems at all and she does not even show her emotions, having a clear head at all time. Also,

    But back on topic, if Xemnas and the Heartless Ansem were indeed from the past, then it is best to kill them now at that point while they are still in the future. But even so, it may fall into my time theory as to where some events may not happen at all, which I doubt even though they are to be part of the True Organization XIII.
  11. Alan Smithee

    Alan Smithee Member

    Was only going by someone else's Terra-sacrifice theory (and mentioned Ven too), a scenario which could possibly give her (and/or Ven) the necessary emotions for such.

    Plus we really don't know how any of TAV will be affected subconsciously by their experiences once restored, as we've seen little-to-nothing of them after BBS; can't blame a guy for plausibly hypothesizing, though.

    Although you're right in that I do seem to be bringing this up a good bit; maybe I should focus on something else (such as Donkey Kong Country and Minecraft).
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2013
  12. silversauce

    silversauce New Member

    Sorry to bring up a "dead" topic, buuuuut I just finished 3D so it's relevant to me...
    7 lights ((possibility 1)) : Sora, Riku, Mickey, Aqua, Ventus, Terra, Kairi
    7 lights ((possibility 2)) : Sora, Riku, Mickey, Aqua, Ventus, Kairi, Lea
    " " ((3)) : Sora, Riku, Mickey, Aqua, Ventus, Terra, Lea
    For me the first and second are equally viable because a) why SPOILER have kairi be taught to wield in the secret ending and not have her be a light (other than to protect herself... maybe.. but she's already a princess of heart so yeah) and b) because I don't want to be depressing but it is possible that Terra won't become light again although Mickey did mention 3 friends of his and Sora is destined to save him, so I'll bank on 1 even though I would kind of prefer 2. Lea/(Axel) is just awesome.

    If the opening to DDD is anything to go by, you're wrong. Ventus and Sora were both wielding keyblades side by side. Besides, when they say Sora can wield the keyblade because of Ventus's piece of heart inside him, I think they mean that quite literally, because to become wielder you had to be dubbed one by a current wielder like some sort of knighting ceremony (e.g., Terra to Riku). So Sora was never actually officially dubbed, his ability to wield the key originally was essentially because a current wielder was part of him... i.e., S-E way of making Sora the exception to the rule, not a victim of it. It's not like he'll suddenly lose the ability to use a keyblade because he has already learned how to use it proficiently... I mean for Yen Sid to give him a test to become a Master, who is himself a former Master, I think his keyblade wielding would have to be legitimate. And it is.


    Sora clearly has his own potential. Now obviously we can't know all the hairy details, but we know for sure that to wield a keyblade you have to have a strong heart. Sora CLEARLY has a strong heart, with or without Ventus based solely on his determination and genuine kindness towards others. Say what you will but that sounds strong to me. It stands to reason then that he has all the POTENTIAL he needs. I would think of Ventus's heart as a way to jump start Sora's engine so to speak- it's not Ventus's heart which makes Sora strong, rather his heart makes Sora STRONGER.
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Lol. You're ok. The thread is still within the 9 month posting period. As for the possibilities #2 sounds the most reasonable. However, if Lea is not becoming a keyblade master, then it means that the story will have to be where they save Terra, even if it means that Terra is one of the Thirteen Darkness.
  14. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    About the Mickey comment, Master Xehanort retorted to Mickey's statement implying that he had Terra. Kairi was in the hidden trailer "Another, Guardian of Light. Then Lea can wield a Keyblade all of a sudden. I think (B) is your best opinion.
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... If you think about it, I believe that you can be on both sides and not have Lea as part of the equation... and I can debate on that (I really do not care for Lea anyway). I believe that you can still have Terra as a light but he will be a part of the Thirteen Darkness first.
    Another possibility if played correctly.
  16. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I believe anyone can be a light. It just so happens that the people available are either Disney characters, part of the XIII or no longer 'living' (loosely putting it). I'm sure that they'll save Terra in the end. Maybe he'll get to say a corny line about 'showing the old man the door'.
  17. tyekiller77

    tyekiller77 New Member

    I only know for certain the lights, the secret ending of DDD shows Yen Sid talking to Kairi about training her, and since Terra never really conquered his inner darkness that is Sora, Riku, Mickey, Aqua (Realm of Darkness), Ventus (comatose in Castle Oblivion), Lea, and finally Kairi. As for the darknesses I have researched and I strongly believe only Isa and Braig were deemed worthy to become half Xehanorts. So my list comes out for the darknesses as MX, YX, Ansem SoD, Xemnas, Vanitas (pure darkness), Isa, Braig, Terra/Terranort, and 4 others that I can't really place yet. I believe that no others from Org. XIII are on that list. But a fun tip, Yellow eyes normally means pure darkness. That's all I got for now...
  18. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    You should add Riku Replica to that list of darknesses. He was in Pranster's Paradise in KHDDD.
  19. tyekiller77

    tyekiller77 New Member

    True!!!! So adding in Riku's dark form, (Hollow Bastion before Sora beat him) that leaves only 3 more darknesses. And now I am certain that no one else in the Organization is in the REAL Organization, none of there personalities really match, save possibly Dilan/Xaldin.
  20. silversauce

    silversauce New Member

    It's possible Vanitas might not end up as a darkness, or if he does it will be used as a device to return him to "light" or "ventus's heart" or whatever. Isn't he bound to be reunited with Ventus anyways, since Sora's young heart spoke to him at the start of BBS was like "you'll win back the part you lost." I know he is supposedly pure darkness, but he kind of just comes off as a poor unfortunate soul who's trying to find his way but can't IMO. What was his status at the end of BBS anyway? I forget. I'm guessing he's just MIA.

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