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G.T.F.O! [Swearing]

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Angel, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Profanity goes by swearing, cursing, cussing, vulgar/inappropriate language but generally everyone does it. It's usually a social taboo in society. You wouldn't normally swear around people you don't know, around the work place or in the presence of smaller children. So, here's the golden question.

    Should profanity be censored or partially censored?

    [Haha! I don't say any swearwords and I don't plan on doing so. It's just one of those lifestyles that I've chosen in all honestly. It's rather rare that I've find someone that doesn't curse. Other times, you have friends that rarely curse and when they do. Your like wow they must be P.O.ed. But I would like to here others views. Or you can just talk about your own cursing habits.]
  2. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Tricky subject for me, because although I don't see the problem in swearing(to me, it's just another way of articulating yourself), it's become associated with vulgarity and anger. Honestly, whilst I rarely swear myself, I think that there are worse ways of expressing anger that, for some reason, people don't seem to care about as much.

    So the answer to that golden question is that if profanity were censored, would it stop there? Would we end up censoring insults in general? Asking people not to show their anger? It should perhaps be partially censored, if only to protect smaller children's ears, but no more than that.
  3. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I don't see why swearing is such a big deal. Sure, the words are differently used now, but look at it this way:

    Bitch: used to mean female dog
    Ass: Another name for Donkey
    Shit: Not sure of origin. Myself, I's say it war originally another word for Poop
    Fuck: Unsure of this as well. A friend told me it originally meant "To hit lightly"

    Words are meant to be said. Blocking out words should only happen if someone's being racist (the N* word) or insulting someone (calling them a bitch). Things like shouting "Fuck!* like when you hurt yourself (stubbing your toe really hard) has no reason to be censored.
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    There are some words censored. I know for a fact the "f word" can't be used on TV or Radio broadcast.

    What about on T-Shirts? I saw this one guy in Walmart with a shirt. "I Fu** your mom" or something like that. We have this store called Spencers. I don't know if there are more stores like that but they sell profanity tees like that. Here's some from their site. Examples:


    There's like little children and the elderly in Walmart and people just walk around with these shirts. Although wrong, I occasionally laugh. I'm not going to lie.

    I think it is a big deal when you over do it or are just overly excessive with it.

    No! I would have disagree. Every word is not meant to be said and every action is not meant to be taken.

    These two don't have a origin. They are for vulgar purposes.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2013
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I agree with this. Sometimes, it just feels right to shout "Fuck" at the top of your voice. But, I do think there is an appropriate time and an inappropriate time to swear. I try extremely hard (it slips sometimes, especially when I'm driving and having massive road rage) not to swear in front of my nephew, and I also won't swear in front of another person's child, or in a place populated by a lot of children in a manner in which they could hear me. I also wouldn't think it'd be appropriate to cuss in a church. Or in front of like my grandma, if either of them were still alive.

    Should profanity be censored? Well, I suppose it depends. In general, no, I don't think things should be censored. But I think, in references to things like tv/movies, if the show airs at a time when children are generally awake, on a channel that children are known to watch, then I think efforts should be made to avoid using a curse word when possible. If it's a movie intended for young audiences, the same thing. Other than that, I don't much care how cursing is used, although I don't think every other word needs to be a swear just because it can be.

    I always manage to find something in Spencers that makes me embarrassed. >_< This is kind of a gray area for me, because if I stick with my ideas on censorship, really anything should go. But I'd be mortified for my nephew to see a shirt like those examples, especially that last one, and ask about it. I guess it goes back to appropriateness. Hanging out with your friends, it's okay. Going to church or work, you probably should pick out something else.
  6. xxxJRosesxxx

    xxxJRosesxxx New Member

    I agree with Kitty and and Reprise that the words themselves aren't a bad thing. They really are just words to emphasize an emotion, so I prefer to not refer to them as "bad words". If I have children I would sit down with them and explain why those words aren't appropiate in certain settings. Kids are smarter than most adults give them credit for, and so I think it'd be best to not freak out about my own future kids asking about profanity or sex.

    As for those t-shirts, they're obviously made to get a reaction out of people and offend others. But wearing the shirts themselves isn't my problem, it's the setting you wear them in. If I saw someone wearing a shirt like that in a bar, comdey club, dance club, or a rock concert I wouldn't care. But a place where children can be or in a church filled with people? Oh Hell no! Though I've cussed in church before, no one was around to hear me rant at God. Lol. Back when I was a bitter teenager.

    I have trouble watching my mouth when my little brother is around, I'll prevent myself from speaking the really colorful words but damn is the hardest one to shake off.

    I really have trouble taking people seriously when they obviously don't know how to properly use a curse word, especially when they're trying to insult me and only make themselves look foolish.
  7. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    That's the same way with every insult though, isn't it?

    Why's that? And does that include other words which younger children usually don't know about, such as 'intercourse'? What about insults which aren't profanity, such as 'stupid'? In my opinion, all words are only words, and 'idiot' means the same thing, whether or not it's preceded by profanity.
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Because socially we agree that some things shouldn't be said. It's more of a moral type thing that we have grown towards. Very religious origins across the board as well.

    "One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself."
    "One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated."

    Do we follow this? Not all the time. But you and I know all words shouldn't be spoken even on a smaller scale. Maybe just to your mom or a friend. There are some words that you wouldn't say to them or remotely cross your mind.

    I don't understand where you are going with this. But if words were truly just "words". These things wouldn't lead to suicide and fear.

    -And when I mean "words", I mean by definition.
  9. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    You have a point there, that we've grown towards considering certain words to be taboo. Whilst it's a shame that people can't express themselves in certain ways without being disapproved of, I suppose it's true.

    However, as there are a variety of opinions and habits when it comes to swearing, I definitely don't think it's as simple as "let's ban all these words!".
  10. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Usually, its never that simple.
    I really don't know what view to take on this. But I love playing Devil's Advocate and I sorta of think what I'm about to post is true as well.

    Why should a person express themselves in such a negative way. [It's viewed as negative so that is what I'm calling it.] There are other ways of expressing individuality but a person who chooses a way that offense others. I don't necessarily think that they should when obviously there are other ways where everyone can be happy. I think there is a point where the needs of others outweighs your own personal need and people should come to that realization.
  11. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Sometimes the point is to offend. To use the vulgarity and shock factor for a purpose.

    Personally, I think society takes being politically correct and inoffensive a little too far sometimes.
  12. Mike

    Mike Member

    Every word has a meaning. It may not be a meaning you can find in a dictionary, and it may not be a meaning you're even aware of. However, the word exists for a reason, someone made it up for a particular purpose and that purpose may or may not have changed with time. This goes for every word, be it a curse word, or a word like "hello."

    The problem with cursing is that far more often than not, people cursing don't actually mean what the word they're saying means. For example, if I stubbed my toe and said the word frigate (which sounds vaguely like a curse word), do I actually intend to make reference to a particular type of warship? If I instead yelled out "crap" do I intend to discuss about feces? What about the F-word? Is any one of them particularly more "harmful" than the others?

    Words are powerful, and appropriate words should be used wherever possible. If you misuse words, misunderstandings occur, and that (in my opinion) is how most human beings end up upset with each other.

    If someone spoke to me and used really nice, pleasant words that they did not fully know the meaning behind, it's more disrespectful than someone cursing at me in an appropriate context.

    In short, I think it's rude to misuse any and all words, and far more often than not, curse words are misused. I can best show my respect for others by choosing my words carefully.

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