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Pokemon X and Y Versions announced today for 3DS for October 2013

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by ADogX, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    That's right people. Generation V is already over. Gen. VI is already completed in both Japanese and English. It seems that the fan response to Gen. V wasn't that great, so Nintendo and Gamefreak decided to move to Gen. VI. At first, I was upset. They didn't give Gen. V enough time to expand. They released Black and White in 2011, the Black 2 and White 2 in 2012. It's 2013, so people were expecting and hoping for a DS remake of Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald. Unfortunately, we didn't get any of it. Instead, we get a new badass looking 3DS pokemon game. The trailed for both English and Japanses is out, and they give us a glimpse of the 3 new starters, as well as a quick look at the new main Legendaries. The gameplay, sprite and Pokemon battles, are all in stunning 3D. No more top-down gameplay. Think of a normal DS Pokemon game, but looking like Pokemon Colosseum and Battle Revolution. Everything looks amazing. Sure, it's not a R/S/E remake, but this is good enough. And to all the fire users, you'll be happy to hear this. The fire starter will NOT be a Fire/Fighting! About time right? The link to the news is below, on Serebii, so it's legit. Guess they ran out of colors huh?

    Serebii.net - Where Legends Come To Life
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    You have to be kidding me. Gen VI is underdevelopment! I'll have to do some research to find a little bit more information. This game looks very promising from its general 2D battling style to 3D. Wow! Thanks for informing me! ^_^ My starter choice would most likely be Fennekin.

    Generation V was definitely short lived. I wonder why the rush!
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -.- I never was into Black and White since I do not have the game. :) But Fennekin is my love...but anyway, I think that the companies are trying to rush through the games because of patience.

  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I think the problem with gen V was the region, the first game in the gen V installment featured a very small region and I don't know about you all but I finished the game very quickly and the story was good but it too was short lived. Then coming out with the second installment for gen V I think was pretty well done granted I got it just before finals week played for a week but had to stop and I haven't picked it back up yet to continue, but I'm sure there were probably a bunch of people who weren't buying B/W2 because of the first one. Plus I felt black and white gen V was a placeholder anyways, wouldn't surprise me if this new X/Y is actually supposed to be gen V, plus oddly enough I think I remember a year or so ago reading up on a Pokemon X and Pokemon Y for 3DS but then Black and White hit instead so who knows maybe they just had to take longer to develop the 3DS game seeing as it's a complete revamp with graphics and everything and to keep people from asking about it Black and White was made instead. Who knows though

    And must agree I love Fennekin though I kind of like Fynx, the German name better for it, so I may rename mine to be German :p
  5. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    In my opinion, the grass starter looks a lot like Oshawott though =(
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Yea. I cannot deny that his face looks like Oshawatt. The two legendary pokemon I saw in the trailer is nice (I like the one who looks like a reindeer).

    Still, I want to know why they really want to make a Black & White 2 game that is basically the same. Hopefully they will not do it to this game. You know which color they did not do yet/ :0 Purple/Violet, Pink and Amethyst!
  7. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Does anybody else see a Pokemon Z in production after X and Y? Anyone?
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    @Summoner: Well technically there's a ton of colors they have not done and Black/White 2 were new stories in fact it was a continuation of Black and White in a slightly larger region while still in the same region.

    @Angel: yep
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    I was freaking out after seeing that commercial. It brought me back a nostalgic feel of playing Pokemon stadium on my Nintendo 64 with my older sis and all my cousins.

    At first I was confused at why they would put X and Y as the "colors" for the game, but who cares its a FULLY ANIMATED 3D ADVENTURE!

    And combining the CGI graphics with battling this gma eis gonna be awesome! And surely, a lot better than Battle Revolution's wifi battle system.

    As usual I go for the fox-thing, and deffinatly getting the version with that kickass looking bird-dragon pokemon, I honestly prefer it to the reindeer legendary, mainly because in option it just looks better. And cue the angry rants of genwunners when more Gen VI Pokemon are revealed.
  10. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    hopefully that flying legendary isn't a freaking dragon. We've had main game Dragon Legendary Pokemon from since Emerald. It's time for a damn change!

    then all of a sudden Nintendo says the flying Legendary is a Dark/Flying and the reindeer is a Dragon/Grass. Total rage I would be in.
  11. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I actually like the legendary pokemon as dragons. They are one of the strongest pokemon types in my opinion.

    Yveltal is definitely. The legendary that I am favoring. It's very interesting actually. Xerneas begins with an "X" and it's shape is also in an "X". The same is with Yveltal but instead with a "Y". The one thing that I'm trying to understand is. How can they outdo the legendary, Arceus. The supposed creator of the pokemon universe!


    This is Xerneas!

    And this is Yveltal!
  12. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Yvelta I also prefer, mainly because of his design.
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    @Adogx .... Did you hit your head or something? Seriously. You saw the trailer of the reindeer. How can THAT be a dragon? Think.
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Yea seriously, just cause the previous two gens had Dragon Legendaries, doesn't mean reindeer dude is gonna be one.

    How did you even come to that conclusion anyways? I'm really curious
  15. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I wasn't serious. I was saying like, what if they pulled what they did with Gyarados? How the hell is that a flying?
  16. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Gyarados resembles a chinese dragon and they can fly so it's not like they pulled it from their behinds.
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Should the type of a legedary pokemon be a problem anyways? I never saw it as a problem and it is not as though 50%+ of them are dragon type anyway. May be more legendary pokemon in Gen VI
  18. broflovski

    broflovski New Member

    I have to say Xerneas. So cool looking.
  19. Biosaber

    Biosaber New Member

    Why the hell does mewtwo need to evolve
  20. Biosaber

    Biosaber New Member

    The Pokémon looks like The spirit of the Forest from princess Mononoke

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