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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Gaogamon had saw the battle that took place, and watched as the two fell before Aldamon. The wolf growled in anger and roared. He began to charge towards Aldamon with great speed until he seemingly vanished. In an instant e reappeared and yelled with great might, "DOUBLE DASH CLAW!" as he appeared before Aldamon and slashed his claws in a X-formation at Aldamon, "You are not worthy to be the rulers of the digital world!!!"


    The two traveled the rocky, and might I add, crumbling terrain? Still searching for the Digivice and its owner. Zac made it to a stop and felt his Digivice vibrate. He took a look at the digivice and saw...

    "Kaiser?!" Zac exclaimed. He watched as he saw a Garurumon and Grizzlymon being creamed by Aldamon. His anger grew, he clenched his fist as he saw two digimon not having a chance. He saw the two digimon grimace in pain, and cower as well.

    "Damn you...damn you Kaiser!" Zac exclaimed,

    And that's, when Gaogamon caught something. He saw Gaogamon, he hasn't fought yet, "Gaogamon is still alive!" Kipper said as he pointed to where he saw the blue wolf. Zac saw Gaogamon as well, and only held the Digivice tighter,

    "Don't fight Gaogamon...DON'T! I don't want anymore to die because of me!"
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Apollomon grabbed Gaogamon by the throat and smirked evilly, "Pesky little fleabag! I'll..." She frowned as a bullet blasted the ground in front of her.

    Beelzemon panted heavily, but didn't let up, "L-Lord Kaiser... Please, you proved your point... We don't need anymore senseless killings..."

    A spiked fist slammed into Beelzemon's chest, data and blood flying from his mouth as he looked down at the one who had hit him, "L... Lord... Ashe..."

    Ashe had an evil smile on his face, one he hadn't worn since the slaughter that earned him his title of The Bloody. "That was so mean brother, I love it! As for you servant, you dare attack us, the ones who gave you your power? Insolent fucking digimon!" He punched Beelzemon in the jaw, sending the demon lord onto his back. Ashe turned around and nodded to Apollomon, who squeezed Gaogamon until he burst into data. "We've given you too much freedom. We saved your world, and how do you repay us? Treachery and uprisings. No longer will we stand aside and let you do as you want." Ashe took his place beside Kaiser and his cape digitized onto his back, matching his brother's. Apollomon dedigivolved back into Flaremon, her brother's flames reenergizing her from her fight with Kuroneko. She stood beside Aldamon, a smirk plastered on her face at the destruction they caused.

    Ashe laughed as he spoke, "Any further uprisings will be met with equal force. We know of these worthless digi-destined, as we once stood before you as such. But know this, they are not a threat, and we will crush them like we did your village... I'm Done. Kaiser, anything you'd like to add? Or did I cover everything." Out of the corner of Ashe's eye he saw the wounded Beelzemon crawling away, he let him go, unaware of his connection to one of the Digidestined.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "This way everyone! This way!"

    Bearmon was had a few more to lead out of the village so that they can be safe. The whole group was walking and walking and was far away from the village, which now ceased to exist. The Bearmon pretended to be a regular citizen and the group was still walking, trying to find a good place to camp. The large village group sat down miles away but unknown to them, Bearmon had a signal on him. Soon, marching was heard in the forest and one of the small In-Traning digimon turned around to see digimon in the shape of pawns and one with a large staff. A bright light was shot straight into the air and Bearmon took cover...

    "Ok. We should be ok here. Hopefully, Alix will be here soon."

    "If you say so."

    Shiori, Vix, Bae and Hyokomon started a fire and had a couple of items ready so that everyone can sleep in for the night. However, Lady Sonya had other ideas and told everyone that she will be by herself for a while.

    "Wendigomon... come here."

    Lady Sonya walked off with her KnightMon and looked up into the sky untl they cannot be within hearing distance of the group. Soon, Lady Sonya allowed the other Deva Kings to contact her... but only temporarily until she ends up blocking them once again. While Lady Sonya was talking to Wendigomon...

    "I hope that Alix is alright."

    "Alix and Agumon will be fine... I believe. I know what you are worried but I... I think that Sonya was right."

    "How can you have so much trust in her?! You see how she acts!"

    "I know... but something tells me that there is more to her than what she is."

    "You sure Bae?"

    "I think so Ri. Sometimes, he makes my feathers ruffle up and make me giddy when he ponders like that!"

    "Heh. I bet he does Chicko."

    "So Bae, what are you going to do?"

    "Me Vix? um..."

    "You have been traveling with us but it seems as though you are bothered by something."


    "You sure Vix? Bae?"

    Chicko looked at Bae and was just as curious as to what is going on in his mind.

    "I'm... I am not sure what to do... or what is my true purpose yet."

    "You will find it. Until then, we will help you."


    "Lieutenant Angewoman!"


    Cupimon was flapping as hard as he can in a panic.

    "It's awful! Kaiser had a spy on one of you and gave him misinformation about Lady Sonya! Kaiser believes that she will betray him!"

    "But... that is not like that. I hope the Mistress will hurry on right back from her quest. Everything is hectic enough already."


    "The Sovereign found the village that Bearmon was at and burned it down. Luckily for us, Bearmon had all of the citizens out of there and BishopChessmon rounded all of them up."

    "The Lady... how did she predicted this?"

    "I do not know. However, the Lady must know that something is up. Maybe that is why she is on a quest, to find out what is going on."

    "I do hope she returns."

    "But until then, I will report to her. You stay here and train with the other comrades and I will try to have our other spies to hurry on back here to the base."
  4. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Wendigomon nodded and followed lady Sonya. When they were away from the Digidestined she spoke, "What do you want," she grumbled at her, her eyes were currently red, "Shouldn't we be with the others? What is so important?"


    Gaogamon saw Beelzemon, who attempted to stop all of this. He was amazed... did Beelzemon... Change?

    "BEELZEMON! If you ever find Zac, tell him I'll see him again!" Gaogamon said before a loud whine could be heard, and soon, his digital data flew off into the air, and away from the group. However...part of this data headed towards Beelzemon.


    "NO!!!" both exclaimed as they saw Gaogamon die. They didnt notice the data fly off however, and assumed the wolf was dead... Zac gripped the Digivice tightly and screamed. He then ran off, continuing to find the other Digivice. He wasn't going to let anyone else die no longer,

    "This, ends, now,"
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Hoshi's attention was divided. She flopped endlessly between watching the broadcast on the TV screen and the events as they proceeded several hundred yards ahead of her. The village... it had already been punished for its treachery, had it not? She watched everything unfold with a wide-eyed gaze of both intrigue and horror. What was the point of sending us here if he was just going to level the place himself? Hoshi wondered. Is this really for the greater good?

    "Hoshi... Hoshi..."

    A heavy blade pierced into the ground at Hoshi's feet. She looked over to the Minervamon that was Kuroneko. The Digimon had on an expression that indicated a pouting impatience. Hoshi was, however, unable to work that impatience out with just her name being shouted. "Yes, Kuroneko?" she asked.

    "What about my battle!?" The Digimon demanded to know. "I was in the middle of something wasn't I?"

    "Yes. You're right, Kuroneko," Hoshi said. We'll have to catch up with Ashe another time. I think what's just happened counts as a game interference anyways. Don't worry though. You'll get your chance soon enough. We should leave though. It's been a long day, and we both need our rest."​


    "Heh heh." Gururumon chuckled a bit while also coughing out a share of blood as he did. "You've certainly come a long way Lord Kaiser," he said with a tone of sarcastic nostalgia. "I remember, not long ago, you would come here and see how happy and peaceful this village was. And you would walk right up to Leomon and ask him how he managed to keep things in line so successfully. But it seems you've found your own path to controlling the world. But mark my words: this global display of brutality will only make matters worse for you. I was ready to work things out with you diplomatically, like Leomon would have wanted me to do. But you decided to slaughter my village. Discontent will spread. Your kingdom here will collapse in violence."

    "Brother?" Grizzlymon said weakly.

    "This village might be done for," Gururumon said. "But now others have reason to rally. We won't go down in vain."​
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Kaiser bit his bottom lip in a angry fashion. Gripping his fist tight listening to Garurumon talk . Did he overstep his boundaries, was he acting a bit to rash. Was him intervening at the already terrible punishment to much. These questions ran through his mind till he looked over his shoulder back at Hoshi. " She may be beginning to doubt me..." he muttered under his breath to himself.

    Aldamon was becoming full of rage. " Burn in hell.." He pointed his hand out to Garurumon. His fist pulsating with energy. " Stop..." Kaiser shouted raising his hand sternly. " I will handle this.."
    Walking past Ashe a few yards over to Hoshi his long hair drapped over his face as he turned it so that she was unable to see his expression. " Go home..." He placed his Hand onto her shoulder gently. " Just..go home." Turning away from her without giving her a chance to reply he walked away his back to everyone else. his long cloak flowing about with the wind as the sun set on the horizon. The debris falling from the crumbling buildings. The flames blazing around the now burnt down village. " I can't continue to do the same things over and over again...nothing else gets done that way..." Snapping his finger the camera fell to the ground disintegrating into data. " We won't have a use for this anymore ...my point has been made"

    Turning his attention to Garurumon he had words to say however he would wait until everyone had left the area.
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac kept running through the crumbling mountain. Gargomon at his side. He ha to find the Digidestined here. He assumed it was a Digidestined, but why in the world would someone be here. Come to think of it, they accidentally landed here as well... Not, their brightest moment. No matter.

    Zac and Kipper kept on running until Zac looked at the Digivice. Resist were getting close to each other so he decided to call out, "HELLO?! Is someone here?!" he called out,
  8. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Katia woke a short time later after she began her nap, though she knew not why. She stepped out through a sliding door onto a balcony overlooking the city, where something seemed. . . off. She couldn't see anything, but something on the wind smelt strange. Bad, even. The girl reentered the apartment, noticing Labramon had actually fallen asleep next to her.

    "I should probably just let her sleep. . ." She mumbled, exiting the room in favour of the front entryway. Katia found a pad of paper and scrawled a quick "gone out for a walk," then slipped some shoes on and left the apartment, saying, "Fresh air will do this insomnia good!"
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon's bloody, fading body crawled slowly towards the apartment, he thought for sure Ashe would pursue him, but thankfully he did not. After many painful minutes, he managed to call Behemoth, placing his body over it he had the autopilot take him back to the apartment, but the bike stopped short, Beelzemon wondered why, and saw Katia going for a walk. He tried calling to her, but he was in far to much pain. Instead, he crawled up the stairs to the room and pounded pitifully on the door, hoping Labramon was at least there.
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "... There is no hope for your friend."

    Sony alooked up at the sky and then back at Wendigomon as she crossed her arms.

    "You are an experiment, yes but you are more than an experiment. In all honesty, you yourself have became a virus and most likely will never stop becoming a virus. I believe that you have the potential to reach your highest forms. However...with your brother and his owner leaving, he is forever trapped in the middle of an endless battlefield."

    "What the Lady is saying is that while the two of us is on our own journey, we realize that something is not entirely right and with evidence, we believe that the outcome of the war will meet our results... but yet, you and your brother cannot truly be together. As long as the battle goes on between both sides, you will have to make a choice. Returning back to your brother will endanger them because of the virus."

    "But... are you still willing to return back to them is a rhetoric question. To know if they truly care for you is beyond me and I doubt that they do care about your nature."

    The Lady Sonya walked up to Wendigomon and had her hands on Wendigomon's face, staring straight into its eyes.

    "Tell me, what is it that you truly want from your anger?"
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2013
  11. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    A giant digital monitor took toward the sky as none other than Kaiser captivated the screen. "Hey, aren't you coming?!" Aire spoke to Patamon with his back turned in opposition to Kaiser's projected form. "But Aire, Look! Something's not right" "Listen! Whatever statement that he's trying to make doesn't concern us. I'll make sure his vanity leads to his ousted". Patamon couldn't help but worry, but he believed if Aire's words rang true that comeuppance will be served. As the digital mammal turned away, the screen collapsed into pixels and vanished.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2013
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Woah!! not good not good not good!" Alix and Agumon said in unison as they were running from molten lava dripping from the walls and the tunnel quickly caving in behind them. Rocks and granite collasped in front of them with little time to spare " Pepper Breath!" Agumon yelled as he blased the rocks to ash. " I'll protect you Alix!" but as he said that he dropped to his knees. Agumon was drained of his previous fight and he needed rest. " No not here not now!" Alix dashing foward grabbed Agumon who now de-digivolved into a small koromon. Finally a light at the end of the tunnel seemed so close yet so far.

    "Almost out of here!!" Jumping forward he rolled out of the crumbling tunnel exit.

    BOOOOM!!" A large explosion erupted behing them as they were thrown down the hill. Gripping Koromon he rolled down finally falling onto his back holding koromon. " Alix your hurt!!" Koromon looked down and as they rolled down Alix's arm must have come in contact with a bit of hot rock and singed his entire left arm. " I'll be alright- tch" he jerked as the pain started to set in. Stumbling to his feet he dusted himself off pulling his jacket sleeve down to hide the burn. "Alix look up! Its...him"

    Alix raised his head up as his long white hair flared down his back. He watched on as the specitcal continued. The brutality ensued and Alix still did not move. Clinching his fist as the Digital monitor turned into pixelated dust." Koromon...we have a goal to accomplish. I won't let any one else die...." Just then he heard someone yell out. "

    " Yea Over here!!" Alix yelled back to the voice raising his hand to wave but cringed in pain as it was his left. Placing it t his side he raised his right hand at what seemed to be another human like him."
  13. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Hold on I'm coming!!!" Zac yelled back as he and Kipper ran towards the voice. They made I to who was yelling out to them. They came to a stop and Zac recognized the boy, "You?! Your a digidestined two?!"

    "You know him?" Gargomon asked,

    "I ran into him the other day, before I entered the digital world," Zac said, "Well... More like crashing... Anyway, what happened?! How did you even get into this mountain?!"


    Wendigomon looked back at Sonya but pushed her away, "NO! I don't have a virus in me!!! You, you are just trying to keep me away from Kipper slyly can continue your experiments! Zac and Kipper will find me! You. AREN'T. MY. MASTER!!!" Wendigomon yelled as her voice got more deeper, and even more distorted. The virus was changing her rapidly.
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Oh wow...your um, Zac right?" Alix's eyes opened up as he realized it was someone from his school." As Class and school rep its kind of my job to know those things. " Turning his head to the ground briefly " As for what happend. i'm sure you saw the broadcast...so you know what we have to do. Yea i guess i'm a digi destined however im guessing you are to huh. Still nice to see a familiar face. " Koromon hopped on top of Ali'x hair.

    " Nice to meetcha!! im Koromon!!"
  15. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "I know... I should know... The Devas have killed already two of my friends, I'm not gonna let anymore die because of us," Zac said. He looked at the bouncing pink ball and smiled,

    "Hi Koromon," Zac said, "I'm Zac and this is Kipper my partner,"

    "Hi Koromon, but can I remind you guys we are sitting ducks right now if we don't get out of here?!" Kipper said,

    "Agh! Your right!" Zac said, "Alright, come on guys we gotta get out of here! Once we get to higher ground, Kipper here can fly us out,"
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Yea you make a point we shouldnt just st out here. i'll fill you in on things in detail later. But for now we need to find my group. I'm sure they got away before all of this occured. i was the last one out, so for starters i need to contact Shiori. The sun is setting and we need to find shelter soon." Reaching for his Digivice which oddly enough was on the left side of his belt. he rolled his eyes and awkwardly reached over with his right. hoping Zac wouldnt bring attention to what he was doing. " Hitting the left button he spoke into it hoping it was the correct frequency. " Shiori you there? Its Alix. i'm ok Where are you?"
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe scowled as Kaiser relented so quickly. "Damnit... I was just starting to have fun... oh well. I'll just... wait a sec... whazzat?"

    Ashe saw the erupted mountain and raised an eyebrow, and before anyone could stop him, he sped off towards the mountain, unaware that the digidestined were there waiting. Flaremon followed close behind, awaiting more orders from her master.
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Shori listen i-" Alix get down!!" Koromon said quickly. He saw one of the Deva Kings come around the area. Luckily there was tons of rocks and boulders. " Shit! He grabbed Zac and pulled him a few yards away hiding behind a large rock. " Don't say a word. I know you want to take them on...but now is not the time." Peeking his head around the corner of the rock he hoped to god that he could not be sensed.

    " Stay quiet and don't make a sound any of you..."
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Oh really? Last time I checked, I was righteous enough of even giving you a place to stay. If you truly think that I am lying to you,"

    Lady Sony atook out her digivice and a whip shot right past Wendigomon's ear.

    "Then prove it with your anger."

    Shiori was fast asleep, not realizing that her digivice was beeping. However, Bae was looking straight up at the sky, wondering what to do.



    "What's wrong?"

    "I... I feel like leaving."

    "But what about the others?"

    "No worries. They will be ok. I trust them. However, you and I... I just feel like I cannot find my answer by just staying around with them."

    Bae stood up and was packing up, getting everything ready while Chicko was pulling on his legs.

    "Are you sure?"

    "... Yes. I am absolutely positive."

    "... Ok then I guess. Still, wherever you go, I will follow."

    Bae and Chicko walked off but Bae turned around and bowed towards the camp with remorse.

    "I'm sorry."
  20. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Wendigomon heard the wipe, but at this point, she wasn't thinking. She was going by instinct now as a monster. She growled and took hold of Sonya's wrists and snarled at her. For a brief moment her body pixelated, and her eyes became blood red, "WENDIGOMON TAKES ORDERS FROM NO ONE! NO ONE CONTROLS WENDIGOMON!"


    "What the heck is your problem?!" Zac whispered to Alix. He looked at his Digivice and then saw that there was another Digivice near, and it was coming closer, "Uh... Hate to talk again but... Please tell me this dot is a friendly,"

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