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Light-Based Villain?

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Alan Smithee, Sep 17, 2012.

  1. Alan Smithee

    Alan Smithee Member

    Tales Of Vesperia analogy:

    MX = Alexei
    Aqua = Duke
  2. Cylix

    Cylix New Member

    Terra would be the perect light based villian after kingdom heart's three because if terra was with Xehanort so long with DArkness he would want to eradicate it completely so if anygames came after Kh3 and it had a Light based villain im sure it would be Terra but with pure light instead of a Balance
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Funny that you say that Terra would be a "light based villian" when Birth by Sleep shows that he usually use darkness all that time. So basically, a Dark-based hero protecting light. With Terra, I can agree with this one (A whole lot more than the Aqua theory that Alan wants to prove). Terra for pure light... naaah. Maybe not. Terra being a "Light based villian", that I can agree.

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