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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Lady Sonya lifted her other hand with the digivice and it flashed in Wendigomon's eyes, having power to restrain her.

    " You are not showing it. How come I can still knock you down? Get back up. Get. Up."


    KnightChessmon walked towards Wendigomon and had her rocket pointed towards her, trying to decide on whether or not to attack her.

    "You say you do not take order from no one and yet you obey. You want to be alone but yet by yourself, you cannot even gain any strength. No one to give you a bond. No human partner. No nothing. Without orders, who are you then?"
  2. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " No....its not. i'm not sure who or what he is but i breiefly saw him on that broadcast with that Kaiser guy. If he is just as big as a threat as him...then we had better stay clear at least for now." Koromon hopped off of Alix and onto Zac's head. " You gotta shhhhhh we don't wana get caught."
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac looked at the man and quickly recognized the man and quickly pulled down Alix, "It's Ashe!" he whispered, "He is one of the Deva Kings, we have to get going!" Zac said, "Kipper, be at the ready..."

    "Got it," Kipper whispered back,


    "I, am, stronger!" Wenidgomon said, and then bounded into the air and over KnightChessmon. She turned her head back at the Deva Queen and her partner, and snarled at them. However, for a moment, he snarl turned into a whimper, and her eyes for a brief moment turned back to their normal hue of color,

    "...I... I'm so...sorry... I can't..." The old KiKi said, and ran off,
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe looked around anxiously, but at first glance he saw nothing... until he saw his digivice blinking, signifying a nearby signal. "Flaremon..." Flaremon nodded her head and lifted her arms, and after creating a massive fireball she absorbed it into her fist. She then jumped into the air and slammed the fist into the ground, sending a wave of fire that decimated the rocks and trees in the area.

    Ashe smiled as his prey was revealed, and bowed politely. "Greetings Digi-destined... Oh... I know you both! Excellent! Just wonderful! Dahahahahahaha!" He pointed at Alix, "You're the loner with only one friend, who is also your love interest." Then he pointed at Zac, "and you work for us! Good work finding the digidestined for me, you made my life so much easier! Thank you so much! Dahahahahahaha!" Ashe pushed his hair back, and created his digital hover boots, and spiked gauntlets. "Flaremon, take down Koromon, but keep him alive... I don't like killing Digimon... I'll deal with the digi-destined!"

    Smiling evilly, Ashe lifted his hands and gestured for Alix to bring it on.
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Alix turned his head with a look of surprise shock and confusion" Be at the ready? eh..i suppose i can think of a plan for a distraction." Alix placed his hand on his chin for a brief moment. looking around the area he scouted a group of rocks and boulders teetering across the mountain top. " If i can use that to my advantage..."

    Suddenly a massive blaze of fire turned the area into ash and soot. including the large boulder they were hiding behind. " oh....isn't this just turning out to be a fantastic day." He watched on as the strange man introduced himself. Then he mentioned Zac working for them. " Wait wait. YOU work for them? and you got me caught up in this!!" He completely disregarded the fact that Ashe was standing mere feet from him. "Tch...ouch" He gripped his arm the pain was starting to become unbearable the more he went on.

    Turning his attention to Ashe he spoke" You don't know a thing about me...and i'm not afraid of you."Koromon hid behind Alix carefully shaking.
  6. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "I don't work for them anymore!" Zac said, "I only joined them because I wanted friends! I was alone, everyone kept making fun of me, I didn't know they were the enemies. But after meeting Leomon, I discovered the truth, so I ran away, but not without loosing the friends I made..."

    "And what hypocrisy!" Zac said, "You say you don't like to kill digimon?! I saw your Digimon kill my friend Gaogamon! I'm not letting you kill Alix! Kipper!"

    Kipper nodded and fired at the ceiling an sent many rocks tumbling down between Alix, Zac, their Digimon and the Deva King. He pulled the shirt of Alix and pulled him and Koromon away, "Come on guys!!"
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe noticed Alix grab his arm in pain and frowned. "Wait... Did you just get out of a battle or something? I mean, I sent IceDevimon after you but you managed to take him down which impressed me, truly. But that... was certainly some time ago... you should be healed by now... Ugh.." Ashe lifted his arms and smashed the falling rocks easily with his gloves. Ashe sighed and appeared beside Alix before he could blink and placed both his hands on Alix's arm. He mumbled a few words until Alix's arm was enveloped in a warm red energy, healing him.

    Flaremon sent some of her flames to Koromon, to regenerate him as well.

    "There we go... I may be a villain in your eyes, but me and my brother are still honorable fighters. I refuse to face a wounded opponent, and have healed you so that you can at least keep me amused while my brother finishes his global broadcast thing... or whatever he's doing now..."

    Standing back a few feet, Ashe and Flaremon bowed and smirked, awaiting their opponents.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2013
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Get away from me!" He pulled his arm away from Ashe jumping back a few steps. Koromon Growled at Flaremon and Ashe. " I don't care ...i ....i don't care who you are or what you do. What you just did....it was devious and wrong...But right now i...i" Alix was starting to fall back into his nervous ways.

    Shaking his head quickly he aimed his finger at Ashe. " I won't let you get away with this!" Koromon now!" You got it!! Koromon Digivolve to!!! Agumon" Alix pointed up at the large mass of boulders that he spotted earlier. " Now!!" Agumon jumped up and opend his mouth. "Pepper Breath!" A fireball spout out knocking the rocks undone causing a masssive avalanche.

    Alix took off running pulling Zac by the shirt " Lets go!" The rocks slammed down hard blocking the path between Ashe and Alix. As the rocks tumbled it set off smoke so there was no hope for Ashe catching Alix at least no time immediate.

    Making his way into the forest he stopped running and put his hand against a tree. coughing trying to catch his breath. " So..so yea....About them...i suggest you talk"
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Well... It started a few days ago, they found me at the school, along with Aire. They promised Aire power, and promised me that I wouldn't be lowly. I accepted, I was desperate... Then I met Kipper here, and we have been best friends. But after a while, Leomon found me when I was on a mission, and told me the truth... I left the Deva Kings with the other friends I made, but as we escaped, they captured Labramon, who belonged to a Digidestined, they killed Guilmon, turned Kipper's twin into a monster and I saw Ashe and his Apollomon murder Gaogamon during the broadcast... Please don't think I'm aligned with them, I left and I don't want them to be doin what they are doing now..." Zac said,
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe smashed the rocks and started to give chase but stopped shortly, "Damnit... he got away..." Ashe sighed but raisedhis voice angrily, "I SWEAR, IF I EVER SEE YOUR FACES AGAIN, I'LL SHOW YOU WHY THEY CALL ME ASHE THE BLOODY!" His voice echoed, definitely going far enough for the two boys to hear.

    Ashe himself sighed, and he, alongside Flaremon begrudgingly warped back to Kaiser's castle. Upon getting there however, he spotted a young girl walking through the city. "Eh? A human? In Kaiser's city...? No way!?" Running up to her, Ashe grabbed her by the shoulder and turned her to face him forcefully. "Who the hell are you? Why are you in Quad City?"
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "You can."

    KnightChessmon leaped over Wendigomon and pointed her weapon at the beast, staring straight at her.

    "Are you a coward or a warrior? If that's the case, then you will never measure up to your brother. Is that what you will? If not, then you face it and get stronger. That is a task of a true soldier in a game of chess."

    The Lady Sonya took out her laptop and created a training version of Beelzemon.

    "Take out your anger on him if you can. Unleash your anger and show that you desire for a relationship."
  12. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Wendigomon looked back at Sonya and the hologram. She then looked back off into the distance, beyond KnightChessmon. She then remembered something Zac had promised. He and her brother, would help her find her true form. This monstrous form couldn't be it...

    She turned to the hologram and then stretched her arm and yelled in anger. But, as the dust settled, he fist was barely inches away from the hologram, and she retracted her arm. She then looked at Sonya,

    ".... No," was all she said, and then she de-Digivolved and turned back into Lopmon, while keeping her eyes on Sonya,
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Its alright..you don't seem like the type to align yourself with those types of actions. at least not intentionally so i guess your one of us. For now i guess it's just you and me until we group up with everyone else. So i'll try and contact shiori again. If you have any questions you'd like to ask feel free, i think you know my name i've ran into you a few times at school meetings and clubs."

    Alix pulled out his digivice again but this time his arm starting to become aggitated and the pain returned. "Augh...mmmf" he bit his bottom lip and gripped his digivice. " Shiori you there?"
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "... Interesting..."

    Lady Sonya walked up to Lopmon and picked her up, smiling.

    "What an interesting being you are... I wonder why... but even still, no matter what you feel, you need to make decisions that is best and you cannot let doubt get in the way. Understand? I do not know why but as a virus-type pokemon, you are capable of getting to where you need to be."

    Lady Sonya put Lopmon down and grabbed both of her hands, staring in her eyes.

    "Now tell me. Through your anger, through all that you felt, what is it that you want the most?"


    Ri was rolling back and forth as she kept on hearing her digivice beeping and she hits the digivice, trying to see if she can turn it off until she heard Alix's voice.


    Ri picked up the digivice and was pressing random buttons and shouted,

  15. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "I... I just want... I just my family... I must wanted to be with my brother... And when I saw Zac, you told me that Kipper wanted to be with him more than me... I was so angry at Zac and then... when Zac took care of us in the real world... He cared for both of us equally... And he promised to help me find my actual digivolution... But now... I don't who to trust you or Zac..." she said,

    "But... Why would you excitement on me and my brother by trying to separate us?"


    "Well... Have you seen a Lopmon?" Zac asked. He then saw Alix grimace in pain and quickly rushe to him, "Alix you okay!?"
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Alix quickly pulled his sleeve down, hiding the intense burn wound." Yea yea im fine man" he said placing his hand behind his head putting a smile on his face. Suddenly he heard shiori respond . " Ri, i need your location i got off the mountain before things got haywire but now...i'm tired and i don't know where i am. if however you are by something i can see like a monument or something weird let me know. "

    Looking around he really had no clue where he was. " If not, it looks like Zac and i might be on our own for awhile."
  17. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Hoshi, being transfixed on the scene of the burning village in front of her, didn't notice Kaiser walking towards her. It was only when he was standing directly in front of her that she realized that he was there. She backed away slightly, just in case he snapped and tried to strike her (which didn't seem implausible given what he had just done). For once in all of her years, she was actually truly afraid of something, though she still hid that fact well.

    She tensed as Kaiser placed his hand on her shoulder. She could here Kuroneko, now reverted to her Black Gatomon state, giving a low growl, as if to tell Kaiser off of he tried anything crazy or violent. Both Hoshi and Kuroneko relaxed slightly when the words came out of Kaiser's mouth: "Go home. Just go home." The two didn't try to respond to or argue the matter with him. The simply backed away, keeping cautious eyes on their leader as they departed, backwards, trough a digital portal, through which they returned to Hoshi's room at the night club.

    Right away, Hoshi fell face first onto her bed, buried in pillow. She hadn't realized until then that she was fighting back tears.​
  18. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    (Sorry for the delay, got a cold and wasn't feeling much up to character development)

    "Nnn. . . damn Gatomon. . ." Labramon groaned in her sleep. At this point in time, her dream involved the cat digimon dancing around and drumming on the walls of a garden, always just out of reach to catch. Only, she realized that the drumming was real as her dreamworld crumbled. The dog rolled out of bed, landing on her side painfully and starting awake. A piece of paper, presumably a note, was stuck to her fur, but she figured she'd read that in a moment.

    "I'm coming I'm coming!" The nature-type growled, heading over to the door. Thankfully, the handle was the kind that stuck out in an L shape, rather than the apple shaped handle that many doors have. Labramon stood up on her hind legs and flicked it, opening the door. And that's when she saw Beezlemon.

    "Wha- Cure liqueur!" She barked, not hesitating for a second.

    Katia recoiled at his touch, attempting to shirk away. Ashe's grip was too strong, so she failed. She trembled and closed her eyes, freezing in place. It was her defense mechanism she developed over the years, resurging because of the harsh tone Ashe took and the familiar style of rough interrogation.
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Beelzemon groaned as Labramom healed him, he gazed up at her but she looked blurry, he realized he was losing consciousness. "... Kat...ia... Devas... Village... Kaiser... Destruction... Pro...tect... her..." The demon lord frowned before he crashed to the ground with a bang, unconscious.

    Ashe loosened his grip, realizing this person was no threat to the Deva Kings. "Are you... alright little girl? Where is your digimon? I saw your digivice and mistook you for someone else, I apologize." He smiled, and pulled Katia into his chest, "Calm yourself... I am no enemy... I will protect you from my brother... We must go find your digimon, do you know where it is?" Ashe put his hand on her chin and pushed her head up so she looked into his eyes which held the look not of Ashe the Bloody, but of a caring, protective, sibling. Even if this girl was not related to him, he had to admit, she looked cute. He'd have to tell Kaiser about it, but if he found this girl cute... he could only imagine what his brother would think of her...
  20. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    . . . and landed on Labramon.

    "Aw, great!" The dog howled, squirming out from under Beezlemon. She knew she couldn't leave Beezlemon there, so she dragged him (albeit with much hardship and difficulty) by his jacket onto the bed. Once he was on (sorta, anyways. she's only one dog), she began using Cure Liqueur rapidly, making sure all his wound healed. It wouldn't do to have him dying, even if she didn't like him that much.


    He does seem warmer than that other Deva King. . . But is Kaiser his brother?

    This thought echoed in the girl's mind as she looked into Ashe's eyes. But she couldn't let her guard down - not yet. Even if he would "protect her," She couldn't trust him to keep her safe from him. After all, a Deva King is a Deva King, whatever that meant.

    "Sh-she's back at home. . ." Katia mumbled, looking down. "I came out because I wanted to find out what that smell on the wind is."

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