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Pokemon X and Y: New Pokemon SPECS

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by FON, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    So most to all of the Pokemon fandom knows for a fact that Gen VI is confirms and set to release globally around the world come fall. As such, we were given a trailer featuring only five new pokemon, Fennakin, Froakie, Chispen, and the X and Y Legendaries (don't remember their names).

    This is basically a forum for updating on new info of newly revealed Gen VI Pokemon and this is also for speculations on typing, evolutions, etc.

    We already know for a fact the first typing for the starters (which is a no-brainer) but what we don't know is that if said starters will be given another type. Fennakin looks like it could evolve into fire/psychic types, Chespin looks like it could evolve into Grass/Steel, Grass/Poison or Grass/Rock types, while Froakie could evolve into Water/Fighting types, or even possibly Water/Psychic.

    But also, a new pokemon has been revealed:


    That is Ninfia. As you can tell from the Eevee with an arrow pointing to it, this is clearly a new Eeveelution. However, we only know its appearance, and Japanease name. It's typing is currently unknown, but I have heard a rumor that a Heart Scale is needed to evolve Eevee into Ninfia, however, this is just a rumor so it may not be true.

    From the looks of things Ninfia appears to be a Normal type. Given that she has no wings, no scales, and considering we already have Espeon, she cannot be a Paychic type. It is said to make its anime debut in a new Pokemon Short called PK25.

    Judging by the panel (cut off in this photo) with Ninfia surrounded by yellow energy things and the battlefield being in an red-orange hue, she could be a fighting type, or a different type who can use fire moves or fighting. However, we still don't know. Post your thoughts here on the new pokemon and what you think their typing could possibly be.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... .... Ninfia stole my heart. She's my new pokemon to take the place of Espeon now. I am a sucker for anything that is beautiful.

    Well, we have:

    Eevee, Vaporean, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon. Normal, Water, Electric, Fire, Psychic, Dark, Grass, Ice.

    She (Yes. I shall identify my love as a she) can either be an evolved Normal form, a fighting form (Her physical appearance don't look like it... but then again, I can say that she may have that graceful monk look of Eevee or Ninfia can be the first of the eeveevolutions to have two types. She can be like Deerling, who is Normal + Grass. Ninfia can be Normla + a Certain Type (Fighting or Psychic). However, I believe that she will be an upgraded Normal form of Eevee. I'm in love with her already.
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    I know right? But it does look like Skyla was fused with an Eevee XD.

    Anyway, it does look like its leaning towards a normal type or a fighting type. I heard once that it could be flying type though I doubt it.

    It does seem to be Eevee's normal evolution (AKA, upgrade as you put it), but I expected a normal type evolution to look similar to Eevee.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    It sure do not look like a flying type... but it could... if you think about its ears. If you look at Shaymin, he has no wings but yet he can still fly ( I am assuming his ears I guess) so I believe that the flying type can be included. However, the rumor about a "Heart Scale" is a little bit off. I mean, it can be just that Eevee evolved normally by hitting a certain level or being taken care of very well (In other words, fall into that friendship requirement like Espeon and Umbreon).

    And even if Ninfia is to be an upgraded normal version of Eevee, do know that Eevee's body and power has the potential to be genetically changed. Eevee does not look as though it came from the wild anyway and Ninfia is the perfect candidate to be a pet for anyone so I can make a theory that Eevee physical appearance can change from its young version into a more, respectable and lovable pet version... at least that is how I see it based on appearance. If you look at Ninfia with the bows and ribbons, how can you not say that Ninfia is a normal-type pokemon? That and the fact that Ninfia can be a great candidate for a Pokemon contest.
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    I know that Eevee changes its DNA and such when evolving, it was just a theory I had in my head since I was 10 (kinda fits cause that's the age I started to play Pokemon).

    Like I said its a rumor so we don't know for sure, but who knows. When the short PK25 comes out, we will know, (Or at least the Japanese fans will :p). And who knows maybe its designed to be more of a domestic Pokemon. I'm still leaning towards normal typing though, mainly cause a lot of Normal types are Pink and we already have Espeon.
  6. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Here's a better image. It's so a flying type. :p

  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Maybe it is normal + flying. Still a beauty. Oh yes. her name is Sylveon in English.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2013
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Nah Eevees shouldn't have dual types. I been wanting Eevees of all types.
  9. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Heheh, on IGN, they said that there's a possibility of it being a "Light" type. I find that silly and ridiculous, but I wouldn't discard it totally.
    I have no idea what it could be, but it slightly bothers me since it breaks the whole -eon naming cycle. You know, Vaporeon, Flareon, Espeon, etc. And then suddenly Ninfia. I don't know, it's just bothering me a bit...
  10. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Actually Ninfia is the Japanese name, the english is Sylveon like Summoner said.

    As much as I would like a light type, IGN has said that Pokemon was repetitive but that every Call of Duty game was different and revolutionary.
  11. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Ah, that makes sense then. I don't know why you put in that CoD comment, but whatevs. But I don't think pokemon is full on repetitive. Sure, the gameplay is pretty much the same, but it's outside the battle that revolutionizes the series! Connecting with other people is always fun. I just hope no weirdo pokemon like vanilluxe is added.
    Ooh, another theory: it could be a ghost type!? I mean, not all ghost pokemon need to be purple and stuff.
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    1. It cannot be a "light" type. Otherwise, they would have:

    A. Discussed about a new type before Sylveon.
    B. Introduce a whole new type of pokemon and add in more pokemon and then figure out which type it would be weak against and what it would be strong against (Oh wait. Light vs. dark? Then what is the point of fighting type being strong against dark then and dark strong against psychic?)

    Sylveon cannot really be a new type of pokemon. It is either going to be normal, flying, fighting (I doubt it) or a dual type.

    2. It does not even have any physical appearance to show that it is a ghost type. If you look at the ghost pokemon that exists, they does not have any physical features that show that they have some type of beauty or elegance so Sylveon being a ghost type pokemon is out of the question for me.
  13. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    I highly doubt it to be a ghost type. Psychic, maybe, but I doubt that as well. Anyway, I think she (I will refer to Sylveon as a she as I do for all eeveelutions and Eevee)


    Take a look at the picture. Similar to a color wheel, the eeveelutions (plus Sylveon) are placed in an order where they contrast each other in types, Flareon is across from Glaceon, Umbreon is across from Espeon, and so on.

    Now Jolteon and Sylveon are apart from each other. So, Jolteon is probably having a type advantage over Sylveon, which bakes up Sylveon being a Flying type, OR, Sylveon has a type advantage over Jolteon, meaning she could be a Ground type.
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    But you see, I have a problem with this. I honestly do not think that Sylveon will be a fighting type. Maybe a full-fledged normal or a flying type but then again, what is Jolteon and Umbreon weak against? Espeon is weak to only Umbreon and Umbreon is not weak to anyone at all along with Jolteon. Vaporean got it bad because he is weak to both Jotleon and Leafeon and Leafeon is weak to Flareon and Glaceon. If Sylveon were to be a flying type, then that will be an additional triumph over Leafeon only but then Sylveon will be weak to Jolteon and Glaceon. If Sylveon were to be a fighting type, then you can see the rotation of Espeon < Umbreon < Sylveon < Espeon. I am not going to worry about myself of Sylveon triumphing over Eevee itself in terms of type. That part, I am not going to worry about.

    And if they come out with a new Eeveelution? Maybe then I will be fine. Sylveon being a ground type... ok... but are there any physical appearances that may show that she is a ground type? The different hues of pink does not show that she will be a ground type at all and you can tell which "eon" is what type based on their color and appearance. Ground type is out of the question for me, especially rock.
  15. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    It's been done before. Gold and Silver successfully introduced dark and steel, remember?

    I agree; it definitely looks a whole lot better than the(in my opinion) gosh-awful new starters. It looks like a fusion of Milotic and Leafeon.

    The theory about sound and light types is actually quite interesting. It makes a surprising amount of sense, considering that one of the new legendaries(the red wyvern-esque one) is the only pokemon besides Pikachu that can be heard, and that the other legendary seems to have most of the light spectrum on its antlers. If so, then Sylveon could be a light type. It's quite colourful and even the 'plain' parts of it are brighter than the other eeveelutions. It would make a little more sense, in my opinion, than it being a flying type. There aren't even a hint of wings or feathers besides the butterfly-like things on its neck and head, and don't even think about suggesting that it will fly with those things. How would it fly? I'd also like to point out that the colour red has the longest wavelength. Sylveon is primarily red and white, though that analysis may be too deep.

    So I'm leaning towards normal or light, if there is going to be a light type, or possibly flying. Light type would make more sense considering the eeveelution colour wheel thing that Zacax posted. Light and electricity are rather similar, aren't they? Why not have the two types contrast each other?
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    If that's the case then there will never be a Flying type Eevee. Unless Nintendo and Game Freak decide to suddenly change what they've done since Gen I, there is no Pokemon that is pure Flying and no other type. They are all either Flying/Normal type or Flying/Other type. So unless they decide to finally make a pure Flying type Pokemon, a Flying Eeveelution will never happen.

    What about Misdreavus/Mismagmus?

    Anyways, my vote is for either Ghost (Those eyes creep me out. They don't look alive) or Poison. And I'll bet you're saying to yourself "Desert, it can't be poison. There's no dark purple at all." But in real life poisonous things tend to be vivid colors and are very pleasant looking. And deadly.

    As for the ghost part, Sylveon's color scheme simply fits in with the concept of a Ghost. Pale colors, pale eyes that simply scream ghost, and white pupils. The other Eeveelutions all have black pupils with Espeon being the only possible exception. In that picture all the Eeveelutions have white in their eyes to show light being reflected off them and Espeon having white pupils to add an additional and subtle psychic trait. But Sylveon's eyes just scream ghost.
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    But they introduced the type first and then showed the pokemon who are in the type (At least that is how I rememberd it and hopefully it is not backwards). The company is not doing the same with Sylveon and if they were, it would have made sense that they introduced the type first and then showed Sylveon that it is a light type.

    Those two are the only pokemon who was able to have some type of beauty while still carrying elegance. However, those two pokemon does NOT have bright colors. They have dark colors. That is why Sylveon cannot be a ghost pokemon to me.

    As for the eyes, I don't know why you think that the eyes would show that it was a ghost type pokemon. To me, I was thinking of white and gray or black and red to show that she is a ghost type. Also, I doubt that it can be poison type. I see where you are going with this but at the same time, if you look at the other times there are poison pokemon, who are the only pokemon to fall under what you have said? Roseria and its future evolution and Dustox and both of them are dual types.
  18. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Correction. They've already done that. There is only one pure flying type and that is Tornados. It was introduced in Generation V. Besides, before pokemon Red and Green there weren't any dual types to begin with so it's not like its out of the norm.
  19. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    I'd like to point out that the 'Pathenos Sylvia' is a species of butterfly. Sylveon has butterfly-shaped things adorning its neck and head. Not only that, but its eyes look bug-like; large and empty, similar to Butterfree's eyes. It seems very likely that it's a bug type. Another thing I noticed: Sylveon seems to have four ears, suggesting that two of them may be its antennae, if it is a bug type.

    EDIT: And another thing: Silver Wind is a bug type move. Silver is a similar word to Sylveon.

    EDIT 2: Also, it seems that several other butterflies have "Sylv" in their name. I don't think that's coincidental, considering the two butterflies on Sylveon.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2013
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... But butterflies can fly. So are you suggesting that it can be a dual type then?

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