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Beginner Sigs

Discussion in 'Audio and Visual' started by Nova, May 17, 2014.

  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Disclaimer: I am fully aware I'm not a graphical genius. I sometimes mess around with images and it's fun to get feedback for your work. It's been a long time since I made anything, I've been trying to do something different lately (from my norm) so I thought I'd share. I might post more depending on how much time I get in the future. That said, feel free to leave some constructive comments or whatever. :)


    Last edited: May 17, 2014
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator



    Also attempted at avis- [​IMG] [​IMG]
  3. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    These are pretty Hope. I only have some issues with them, but I'm not an artist so it's all basic.

    Peach- The colors are really pretty and I like the white drop shadow behind peach, though I think it could be dimmer. The text is cute/kind of funny... I hope that's what you were going for... but it's blocky compared to the render and background.

    Purple one- Again, beautiful and nice use of colors. I think you could have done better at blending the render to the background though. She sticks out in some places, and blends into the background in others. Text is better.

    Namine- I think the contrast is too high and the ice stuff you put in front of Namine looks a bit rough. It's pretty though.

    Zelda- This one stands out to me. It's gorgeous and a level ahead of the other ones in my opinion. I like how you played with the lighting, though it's overdone in some spots like around Zelda it could have been dimmed just a little. The white spots in the background make it look a little messy too.

    I might steal one of your avis someday. These look a lot better than the siggies you use to make. Way to go!
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Thanks Oath. I agree with you on most of them. I was mostly just experimenting with the Zelda one. At some point I want to try again with that one with softer colors and a different texture. It looks more messy than I had hoped.

    I made this one yesterday.
    Remedy likes this.
  5. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I'll throw my 2 cents in since I'm here.

    Hope, your sigs' saturations are intense. It's kinda straining on the eyes. You should dial it down. With that being said, some of your renders aren't blended with the background. For example, the one in your signature. You can honestly tell that she was slapped on to a background. Her edges are just too distinct. And with a lot of your backgrounds, the effects just don't go together. It just adds to the chaos.

    But I do think there are some good ones. And you did do a pretty good job. Just keep at it.

    Oh, it's really bothering me that you uploaded your avy and sig to KHPlanet. KHPlanet lowers the quality of the images that you upload. Uploading the image from another site, and using that link is your best bet.
  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I really like the lighting in the last signature you've shared. This is my favorite one so far.

    For some general advice, I would suggest working on blending the renders into the background more. As Angel said, you can tell that they are just placed on top of the sig. The text kind of feels like that, too, but I'm not the best person to comment on text. >_<

    It's hard to know what suggestions to offer because I don't know what program you're using and what its capabilities are. I guess just keep at it. ^_^ These aren't bad; they could just look more polished.
  7. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Made by request.

    @Kairu, I used Twilight Princess Link because he's a BAMF. They aren't the best but I made two attempts so you can choose between which you prefer. If you don't like them I won't be offended if you don't use them.

    First Attempt-
    Second Attempt-

    P.S. Thanks for your commentary Angel and Kitty. Blending seems to be my kryptonite. Same with text. >.< I'll experiment more with that in the future.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2014
  8. Xiaimine

    Xiaimine New Member

    For a beginner you definitely have some amazingly strong signatures.
    Overall I see a lot of work needing done on typography, but it can be difficult to master, I even struggle with it myself (*cough* why I avoid it or resort back to one font over and over *cough*).
    I highly recommend checking out this for some typography advice, though: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/136/1/f/typography_for_beginners_by_zenron-d65f27r.jpg (warning though: the image is quite large at 600x10962, so it will take a bit to load).
    From here's I'll C&C on each individual one.

    Peach: I love your choice of render and the effect in the bottom right corner. I think that the effect there should have been carried over to the rest of the signature. The rest of the background is kinda out of place, but even if you had set that to a really low transparency over the effect I said about, it may have turned out cool. I'm not a fan of the text look overall (although the word themselves are quite suiting), my biggest complaint is that it's not blended in as a lighten/screen layer or even at a lower transparency. I do, by the way, think the crown you added stands out in a nice way.

    The Second One: Sorry that I don't know who this character is, first off. But I love this one. Everything in this is really close to ideal. I think the text in this is easy to blend in and does not draw too much attention. I really love the background on this, and don't have really anything to complain about.

    Namine: Hm, well let's start off saying the choice of using blue in the background looks very nice. The background it's self would have looked better blurred out and maybe layered with other effects. I think even the ice(?) in front of Namine would have looked better blurred a little, but that is a good start to blending her in. I think also that a darker (blue and black, maybe) background would have looked better. But, I do not think that is terrible and although I don't know what it says I think the Japanese in the background is a neat touch.

    Zelda: I quite like this one. I think the font, is again a step up on this too. The only complaints I have are: the bright spot on the right side of her head, the circles in the background (a simple space background may have been better suited), and the white spots in the background (although not bad, some transparency and/or blur may have helped them blend in). I really do like this signature overall.

    Riku: I absolutely love this one. I love that you experimented with borders on the top and bottom and some light effects. I have zero complaints.

    and your Link ones: I think that the exact way you have Zelda looking and the Hylian symbol in the second one would look amazing over the first background. I really like the curved edges
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Thank you Xiaimine. Been trying to use all of the advice from comments I've received in this thread for more recent work. Here are a few things I have come up with.

    Made to match the Link set. I used the same text, background, and texture that I used in the Peach sig. I tried to up the transparency on the Pink effect and used a glow effect to extend it a bit. In my opinion, it does look better than the original try with these resources (thanks Xiamine). I also used a different font and added the text as an overlay. I got rid of the crown because it wasn't making as much sense in this one. Did try to blend the render better, but I don't think I succeeded.


    Next ones were attempts at the last SOTW. It was Kingdom Hearts themed and the original render I tried to use was Kairi. I had a vision in my head about it but I wasn't doing a good job at making it a reality. This caused me to really not like this tag so much so I gave up and started over. Something I will say is that I like the colors, and I think the text looks somewhat better than in my previous attempts with it. This was also my first attempt at blending a render into the background that I didn't completely hate.


    There are two versions of the Namine sig I entered. In some ways I like the first one better. I just think that the It doesn't look quite as yellow. But the exposure was just too out of control and I didn't like the text.



    This last one I made for SoTW #2. It might be my favorite so far. I actually used the same background as I did in the Zelda sig from the first post in this thread, and I like it a lot better than my first attempt. For this, I'm quite proud of it. Still not crazy about the text and blending isn't perfect yet, but I think I'm getting the hang of it.

    EtherealSummoner likes this.
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Over time i've been noticing your progress. i like what i'm seeing.
  11. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Thanks Vox. Means a lot coming from you. ^.^
  12. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    The sig you made for the most recent SOTW is one of the best I've seen from you. As you said, the text and blending could still use a little work, but I think you did a nice job.

    I commented on the sig you did for the first SOTW in the voting thread, but seeing the two versions together, I prefer the second. I like the coloring in the first better, with less yellow, but I don't care for the text or the border, which you fixed on the second version.

    The other two you just posted have basically the same criticism- the renders look to be just placed on top of the sig, rather than blended into the backgrounds, and there isn't a lot of depth to the backgrounds. But I do think you're improving and hope to see more from you.
    Nova likes this.
  13. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Really kicked my butt with that SOTW #2 entry :) Good work, I love the simplistic elegance.
    Nova likes this.
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Yours probably deserved to win more. But thanks I'm glad you liked it :)
  15. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    New Sigs:


    New Avatars:


    It's been a while since I've updated this.
  16. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Wow, those are really good..
  17. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Thanks very much ^.^
  18. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I like all three sigs. The text on the Aqua one looks especially nice, and I think the background looks interesting. I think the first one, the one you're using as your current sig, is the best, though. I like the render placement and the background has depth.

    The avatars look pretty good, too. I like the last one- the stock choice is really striking.
  19. Kodakliv

    Kodakliv Member

    I love your signatures!! Is it okay if I use the lumina one?
  20. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Thanks for your commentary. I really liked your sigs when I first joined KHP so it's nice to get positive feedback from you. xD Glad to know the stock looks nice in the last Avi I posted. I took the picture. I have worked with it before but the results weren't what as good in my opinion.

    Thanks very much. And yes please do just please remember to credit me. :)

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