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Does Anybody Still Play Board Games?

Discussion in 'General' started by Desert Warrior, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Well, do you?

    Does anybody play games like Monopoly anymore? Maybe have a family game night or something to play with the family.

    As for myself, the one I've played most recently is Axis & Allies. It's a board game about WWII, where you play as either the Axis powers (Germany and Japan) or the Allied powers (Russia, UK, and USA).
  2. Dion

    Dion Member

    I would play board games but no one that I know of really likes them that much. Especially Monopoly.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I still play board games. Most of the board games I own are themed though like Doctor Who monopoly and so when there's a new episode, my friends and I will play it.

    But I have also Yahtzee, risk, Clue, scrabble, and a few card games and I'll play them with friends, so it's not quite a dying art yet. But it seems younger generation in high school though have no concept or want to play board games. But this is basedon my computer game obsessed younger sibling.
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    I still play Clue, Monopoly, and Cranium with some friends but not very often.

    I'm not really a fan of board games.
  5. 月野 うさぎ

    月野 うさぎ KH Graphic Team

    We have an entire box of board games sitting here in my room.
    I always want to play one.
    But nobody else does.
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I still enjoy board games when I get the chance to play them. Most of my family at home is too busy to sit down and have a game night or anything like that; sometimes we pull something out on a holiday or someone's birthday, but that doesn't happen too often.

    I get my fill of board games when I'm with friends or at my aunt's house. With friends, the game of choice in that regard is usually Risk, which we tend to complicate with alliances and pacts (though I think that's discouraged in the rules, lol). At my aunt's house, I usually cycle through Stratego, Chess and Risk with my cousin; he always beats me in Stratego, but I tend to have the upper hand in Chess and usually dominate him in Risk, although we almost always end up playing under the two player rules for it, which waters down the experience quite a bit.

    At parties there, other members of the family will join in the action on Risk or Monopoly, and things get pretty interesting.
  7. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    No one would ever play board games with me as a child. I never really had anyone to play with when it came to those types of games. My friends and family were always interested in gaming consoles and sports and what not. I enjoy them, but I always ended up playing by myself. I'm just waiting for that right someone who enjoys them as much as me.
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    That is depressing. Like, very depressing.
  9. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I know right! I'm still like that now. I'll sit in my room and play chess with myself, because apparently no one I know is into it. It's very sad.

    And on the off chance that I do find someone playing a board game, I'm so eagered to play. It's completely written on my face. I always ask for the next game.
  10. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    I mastered Candy Land as a youngster.
    I still play Clue, Monopoly, or Trouble. It's just been a few months since I've actually touched them.
  11. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I still play board games, mainly at work with the kids at school. Monopoly, Candy Land, Sorry!, and Chutes and Ladders are the main ones I end up playing. Sometimes when my family gets together, my mom, sisters, and I will play Yahtzee or Apples to Apples, or Boggle or something, but we don't get together as much as we used to.
  12. Mike

    Mike Member

    I'm pretty hardcore into board games. I don't tend to play a lot of the "mainstream" ones (monopoly, risk, etc) and tend to instead play the slightly more obscure, more complex ones (I got tired of always losing at monopoly because my luck is horrendous haha).

    I'm into games like Zombicide, Pandemic, Dominion, MTG, Mage Knight, Ghost Stories, Khet, Munchkin and the like. In fact, I was going to post a thread like this asking about board games, because I'm about to start to get into painting miniatures and making customized pieces for these games (which typically come with plain, dull plasticy ones).
  13. Maxad

    Maxad New Member

    Just monopoly, but different versions of it. Most of the time now its apples to apples or a deck of playing cards.
  14. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    :D I just get tired of Monopoly, period. It seems like once you start, it never ends.

    Both of my parents' families are big into Eucre and when we got together over Thanksgiving last year, my mom and my aunt showed me the basics. I still don't quite have it down, but we also haven't been able to play much since then and playing against the computer is kinda boring after a while. >_<

    That's pretty cool, to have games that look however you want them to look. It must take a lot of time to do all that.
  15. Maxad

    Maxad New Member

    500 seems to be a family favorite. all i ever played on the computer when it came to card games was solitare. Unless it was go fish from spy fox in dry cereal. (cheating pig)

    I painted miniatures once for a school project, my dad knows a guy who paints them for a living, mostly for tabletop rpgs ect.
    its pretty cool. Though im not that good at it. XD
  16. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    My friend, she loves board games. We played this one game with a 26 sided dice that had all the letters on it, and you roll the dice and whatever letter you get. You have to answer these random questions with that letter. If another player comes up with the same answer as you neither one of you gets points, so you have to come up with unique answers. Most points win.
  17. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    Was it Scattergories ? I love that game. I barely win because my vocabulary isn't as large as one of my friends, but I still enjoy playing the game.

    As for board games, I find they're a great pastime. Back in the city where I go to University, there's actually a 19+ board room cafe, which my friends and I go to when our work load isn't too hectic. One of the board games that we recently discovered was Marrying Mr Darcy. If you're a fan of The Pride and the Prejudice, you're guaranteed to love this card game. We have played it so many times at the cafe that we ended up buying a copy for ourselves. The point of the game is to try and build the best character profile with Character Cards in order to match your female heroine with a suitor.

    Another popular game is Bananagrams (I've actually managed to win this one a few times). This game is a lot like Scrabble, except you're trying to make connected words faster than your opponent.

    In general, I love board games though and I find they're a great way to spend time with friends.
  18. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Why am I only hearing about this now? :eek: This sounds amazing. Apparently there's an Undead Expansion, too. XD I must check this out.
  19. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Thank you. It is now my life's goal to ensure my mother never finds out about this card game. She watches that movie way too much as it is.
  20. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I only heard about this game when I went to the boardroom cafe, so I was just as excited as you !! I didn't realize there was an Undead Expansion. Hmm... I'm going to have to check this out ! It's honestly a great time and I've even played the game with people who knew nothing about Pride and Prejudice. I love making a well-rounded character.

    You should try it ! Mother's Day is just around the corner ;)

    Also, another game that I really enjoy is a game called Smart Ass.Basically, it's a trivia game where anybody (besides the person reading the card) can shout the answer and whoever guesses right can move their piece closer to the finish.

    I just like trivia games, regardless if I'm any good at them.

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