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What RP would EVERYONE like to participate in

Discussion in 'Roleplay' started by NeRo, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Let's find a RP we can all be in, like a open world sandbox. So let's hear some ideas. i'll be writing it but i'm taking ideas and suggestions. So what world would fit you?
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I miss Legendary, but I'd like to see an open Sandbox Digimon rp. I kind of wanna see a younger Ashe and Kaiser too, so I'm leaning more towards the Digimon one
  3. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    A Digimon RP huh, ok noted, i'll be writing that idea down.
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Why not something original? Some collaborated world or something.
  5. Dion

    Dion Member

    Man it's been forever since I've actually been invested in Online Roleplay. I remember on other sites when I was first on the internet I was very interested in them. There were a few things that I could never really invest myself into if it had the following:

    Over-Complex/Too Much Criteria: I've always enjoyed simpler RPG's. I don't mean that there can't be any system or following to some extent but if you start tossing in things like 'Experience' or a Buff/Debuff of things like Amour/Weapons. I guess those are kinda weak examples but I'm the kind of guy that likes feel like I'm being a badass even if I'm not a badass. Get what I mean?

    Very Narrow or Linear Path/Plot: Point A to Point B plots or not having much of a choice with my characters are stale in my honest opinion. I play D&D and my DM loves it when we go exploring and doesn't care if we turn down certain things because he plans multiple paths for us to take. Freedom makes for interesting times.

    Now as for settings, I use to be into things like Fandom Based (Naruto, Homestuck, etc.) RPG's. Not sure how I am with them now, but if we were going into a fandom setting, it'd obviously have to be a fandom everyone appreciates. Digimon? Eh, not my taste. Been waaaaaaay lot long since I ever cared for the series so if there was a RPG based on it, I wouldn't really care to look into it.

    I've always like Role Plays where my character had a special ability. I love thinking of characters that can control elements or be really strong and what have you. Superhero settings are fun. Doesn't have to be superheroes, but something leaning towards that would keep me invested for a while.

    Just my own two cents. I would like to get back into RPing, but I'm too picky. : P
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Um... this is just a suggestion, but does anyone know of the Suikoden series? If not, that is alright and you honestly do not need to have much knowledge on the series. Just about the land and people going after the 27 legendary True Runes, each rune with their own power and they all share the power of immortality (As long as the person is not killed in battle), power to change destiny of nations and others and the 108 Stars of Destiny helping the protagonist with the struggle over fate.

    What is nice about doing an rp based on this is that you can merely have your own original characters and can make up or use the places from the games to use in the roleplay. Plus, it gives each member a chance to have freedom and can be seen as looking through each of their character's own perspective (I am thinking of Suikoden 3's aspect and thinking from reading @Dion 's post). True Runes is something he can enjoy as well as anyone else since they give special abilities. If anyone is interested, I'll put up the links in relation to the games and the True Rune part and I'll let you guys decide. This has been on my mind for a couple of days now and from reading @Desert Warrior 's post, this can be done.






  7. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Ok , from what i've gathered real quick i need to know. Who wants an Original Story, or something Based off another series.
  8. Dion

    Dion Member

    Like I said, I'm really picky when it comes to RP's these days, so...

    If it's originality, I wouldn't mind. So long as it can hold my interest.
    If it's based on something, I wouldn't mind. So long as it's something I'm familiar with/like.
  9. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I like Original Stories more than anything!
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Ok i'm going to write up a completely Original story. Would anyone have any suggestions they'd like implemented.
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I remember once thinking about having a treasure hunting RP.
  12. Dion

    Dion Member

    >Treasure Hunting RP

    >Immediately thinks of One Piece because I'm currently reading it

    damn now that's something I could get into.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    One Piece is the shit.
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Hmm that's interesting a Treasure hunting RP something like Uncharted meets One piece?
  15. Dion

    Dion Member

    That sounds like fun. :3
  16. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Would there be room to incorporate it as a scifi/science fantasy?
  17. Dion

    Dion Member

    How would you like it incorperated? Setting-wise? Character-wise?
  18. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    One would certainly beget the other.
  19. Dion

    Dion Member

    Not necessarily. On one hand, we can have a set of characters with scifi attributes in a more outlandish environment deprived of sciencey stuff. Or we could potentially have characters not associated with the scifi attributes that go to discover places with such things.

    I'm only bringing this up with how I'm imagining the setting of a Treasure Hunting RPG. But I could just really be talking out of my ass at this point. :p
  20. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Maybe something mixed in that regard. Really depends on the angle we take it from I guess.

    I think setting is definitely the stronger prospect for genre.

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