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Kingdom Hearts Mushroom Theory

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Yacob, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. Yacob

    Yacob Banned


    Hidden in the game of KH is the secret knowledge of the power of mushrooms to open pathways to different worlds.

    if you remember one of the many things you needed to get off the island was mushrooms.

    we also have the mysterious mushroom heartless of KH 1 and 2.

    and the keyhole that is used as a portal to worlds in kh2

    looks a lot like a mushroom


    Humans first encountered these mushrooms in Africa during the prehistoric, nomadic, hunting/gathering period of man's existence.

    It is well known fact that psychotropic drugs induce altered states of consciousness. It was argued by Terrence McKenna that they were a leading stimulant in the evolution of the human brain, and the origin of language and religion.

    In his book 'Supernatural', Graham Hancock makes the case that shamanic experiences led to the sudden development of art, symbolic thinking, and early civilization (pp. 29-31).


    Whether we find its traces in Australia, Asia Africa, or Europe, it is simply impossible to overstate the uniqueness and peculiarity of the evolutionary event by which we were drawn into fully modern consciousness and the fully modern capacity for symbolism and culture, religion, and art. No ancestor in the human lineage had ever made use of any form of symbolism before, and needless to say, no other animal species had ever done so either. But the switching-on of humanity's symbol-making capacity between approximately 100,000 and 40,000 years ago was the change that changed everything.
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    So if I do a lot of 'shrooms, I can travel to new worlds? Sounds legit.

    Or, it looks like a keyhole? Do an image search; they mostly all look like that. Kingdom Hearts game developers hardly made a choice to pattern their design after a mushroom, more like, they just made it look like what most people think a keyhole looks like.

    Is there an actual theory here, or what?
  3. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    If many things can get you off the island, then those things collectively would be symbolic not just one thing to fit your needs.

    All keyholes look like that wtf. Even if it did look like a mushroom. Looking like something, doesn't mean a thing.
    None of this crap is related!
    Kitty likes this.
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Not all mushrooms have psychedelic effects. Some are, in fact, legitimate sources of nutrition.
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I don't recommend trying them to find out, as some are poisonous as well.
  6. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    i knew someone was going to say this because its inevitable when you
    don't understand occult symbology....what part of clues do you not understand? and yes all keyholes do look like that but it looks like a mushroom because mushrooms are symbolically ways to travel or experiences different aspects of reality.
    when sora goes in to the secret place to get the mushroom, that's when he sees the man by the door.

    sora also says at the beginning "is any of this real or not" suggesting it could all be a hallucinogenic trip.

    it looks like a key hole but key holes look like mushrooms
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2016
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Not really. Like, I guess if you really stretch your imagination, maybe, but you can say a lot of things look like something else, but that doesn't mean there's a legitimate connection between the two things.

    I've never heard that mushrooms are known symbols of this in literature and the like, but then, why would I? So, saying it is true, there's just not enough evidence that this connection was purposely created for this reason by the Kingdom Hearts staff. See: the keyhole doesn't really look that much like a mushroom.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    No! Understand what I'm saying! What does these three things have in common!

    Right all keyholes look like that. So you have no point. It looks like a mushroom isn't evidence. There are potato chips that look like dead presidents, but that doesn't mean a thing!
    Kitty likes this.
  9. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I could be wrong, but what I'm getting is 1) some mushrooms have psychedelic effects 2) Prehistoric humans discovered these in Africa and promptly tripped balls 3) During their drug-induced episodes, these humans came up with religion and language and 4) Also while tripping, these humans developed art, symbolic thinking, and early civilization. So humans on 'shrooms discovered everything, basically. And because they liked that "symbolic thinking" so much, they chose to honor the enlightening mushrooms by modelling keyholes off of them. Because unlocking a door with a key and entering a new room is like taking a mind-altering substance and entering another realm of existence.

    And Kingdom Hearts relates by having a character fooling around with keyholes and also traveling to other worlds, and also having mushrooms. Except I'm assuming Sora is actually traveling to these places, and KH III isn't going to end with Sora waking up in his room from some drug-induced coma.
    Yacob and Become like this.
  10. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    and you didn't know that drugs are known to induce altered states of reality? i posted it in this very thread. and yea, really they actually do look a lot like keyholes.

    Keyhole – Keyholes are not only places to put keys, but also tiny windows into other worlds.

    1. extremely private or intimate, esp. with reference to information
    as if by peeping through a keyhole.

    (It is well known fact that psychotropic drugs induce altered states of consciousness. It was argued by Terrence McKenna that they were a leading stimulant in the evolution of the human brain, and the origin of language and religion.

    In his book 'Supernatural', Graham Hancock makes the case that shamanic experiences led to the sudden development of art, symbolic thinking, and early civilization)

    so its not just that they look similar, they actually symbolize similar things as well. and there is emphasis put on the mushrooms above all the other items that you collected on destiny islands because the mushrooms reappear in the form of the mysterious mushroom heartless that do not act like the other heartless but instead give you prizes and gifts. this is similar to the connections with the amanita muscaria mushroom with the origins of Christmas.

    what do these things have in common? read my response to kitty as it is a response to you to but there is more of a connection than just the similar look of the keyhole to a mushroom. they both can by symbols for different realms of reality and they are the only destiny islands item collected by sora that reappear as mysterious heartless that act completely different from all other heartless in the game.
  11. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I'm pretty sure most everyone, whether they use drugs or not, knows that drugs induce altered states of reality. However, I've yet to hear, except from you, that the presence of a mushroom in a work of literature (or game, in this case), is supposed to automatically click with everyone that it supposed to be symbolizing that there is an altered state of reality going on.

    No, they don't. The shape is vaguely similar some of the time, depending on the shape of the particular mushroom, but for the most part, no.

    I disagree with this. I think the heartless mushrooms were included as a nod to Disney's Fantasia [​IMG]

    and the mushrooms at the start of the game were there because, well, what else are you going to find lying around an island that's potentially edible that Sora didn't also have to collect?
  12. Yacob

    Yacob Banned


    I never said that every time you see mushrooms in a work of fiction or art one is meant to attribute it to anything because I have already explained about the exoteric and the esoteric meaning of symbols and it is something that is understood by the Elite very well, hell even google knows it. there is always a meaning meant to be understood by the adept and KH FM tell you when you want to play critical mode its for the adept and when you look up the word adept, it is related to the study of occult and secret knowledge.

    the mushrooms in disneys fantasia as well as the mushrooms in alice in wonderland are all symbolic of altered states of reality, thus FANTASIA & wonderland

    coconuts are pretty edible
  13. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    That's probably why Kairi asks Sora to find some, as well as fish, drinking water, and a seagull egg. Mushrooms are just one more thing on the list. :rolleyes:

    There's no point in having symbolism if you can't see the symbol and figure out what the meaning is. There's nothing in the game Kingdom Hearts that suggests any relevance for either the edible mushrooms or the mushroom heartless, nor is there any reason from playing the game to tie those mushrooms to keyholes or any other part of Sora's journey. And if the game doesn't spell this out for the players, then it would seem like the symbolism should already be readily apparent to them. Like how sunrises often symbolize birth, or lambs can be symbolic of innocence. People can recognize these when they see them. No one played Kingdom Hearts, thought to themselves that the keyholes looked like mushrooms and that this was all referring to "secret knowledge of the power of mushrooms to open pathways to different worlds" and something about drug use.
  14. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    exactly, mushrooms were just one more thing on the list that happened to have psychoactive properties.
    and I already explained about the esoteric and exoteric meanings of symbology. its not that you cant figure it out, its just that they know most people WONT figure it out.

    you are looking at it from a normal person perspective but its whats known as lesser magic. its not put in there for you to figure it out because its meant to be a play on your mind or a program if you will. an honor or tribute to their beliefs and teachings.

    this is how they justify the sacrifices and the debauchery because they give to the masses in tv shows, movies and games and they enjoy it too because they are too ignorant and don't know the truth.

    this is why they encourage naivety.
    if you notice most shounen main characters a morons. goku, naruto, luffy,
    sora is also naïve. exactly how they want him to be.
  15. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Then what's the point, so the game developers can secretly pat themselves on the back about how clever they are?

    Uh, come again?

    Sora is the hero of a video game targeted to children. He's also a child, and his POV serves to introduce gamers to the wonders of the KH world. Of course he isn't going to be some misanthropic, cynical, world-weary jerk.

  16. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    normal people are more often than not, ignorant and or naive.

    i just told you, its whats known as "lesser magic" and its used for things like social engineering and indoctrinating the masses into a particular frame of thought.

    and are you seriously telling me that sora makes a better main character than riku or roxas would have? ven and sora are the lamest characters of the entire series. riku or roxas could have just as easily been the POV character and it would have been a better game and people wouldnt think KH is such a kids game.

    to be honest i dont have a single clue why anyone who is over 12 would play this game if its not for decoding the occult symbology therein because if you arnt playing the game with symbology in mind, the games are unbelievably childish and boring.

    but thats just at face value. underneath the surface is a whole other story being told.
  17. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Yeah, that's exactly why all the fans of Kingdom Hearts have played or continue to play the game- they're keeping their eyes peeled for any signs of the occult. Give me a break. All of your theories are a stretch barely supported by any facts at all.

    For the purposes of the type of story Kingdom Hearts was trying to tell, and with the demographic in mind, yes, I think Sora made a better main character. Whether or not there are other characters that people might like better doesn't change the fact that Sora served a clear purpose in the story. Following Riku's story in KH instead (while it probably would have been awesome), would have made an entirely different game.

    When the alternative is being delusional, I'll stick with being normal, thanks.
    Taboo Sho likes this.
  18. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    I have actually supported everything I said with facts, which makes you a bigot.
  19. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    LOL. You might want to watch the name-calling, if you want to keep being a member of this forum. XD I'm not sure what I am supposedly prejudiced against. Theories without factual basis? Guilty as charged.

    You have supported nothing with facts, something that numerous people besides myself have tried to explain to you. Eventually there should come a point where if everyone else is disagreeing with someone, that person should start to consider that maybe he is the one who is wrong. Just saying.
  20. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    its not name calling, just an observation. I am not unwilling to DISCUSS these clues with anyone who wishes but people coming into my thread telling me that this has nothing to do with that emphatically while not knowing what they are talking about is not really explaining anything. you guys have pretty much told me im wrong but you haven't explained why. sure you cant really see the connections but none the less I have given them to you. the only reason you cant see them is because you arnt familiar with them. but at the same time you can see them because you try in vain to invent excuses for them.

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