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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Kitty, Feb 13, 2016.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    A topic which usually turns heated, but I know my fellow KHPers are lovely and rational and would never get ugly with each other over their beliefs. :)

    This is on my mind because the completely asinine governor of my state (been in office two months, and already a complete muck-up, but that's not the point right now), has very recently signed into law a bill requiring all women wanting an abortion to have a face-to-face consultation with a healthcare provider. There's also a law (and I can't quite tell if this too was passed, or if it's on the way, the articles have been unclear) requiring any women wanting an abortion to be forced to have a transvaginal ultrasound, whether the women's doctor deems this medically necessary or not. And I am just so unbelievably pissed off that a bunch of old white male politicians in Frankfort think they know better about what's in my best interest than I or my doctor do. Just unbelievably pissed. And I want to talk about it.

    So, where do you stand on this issue (not specifically my state's crisis, but in general)? Pro-life, pro-choice, don't care? Other?

    As you can tell from my angry ranting, I am 1000% pro-choice. That doesn't necessarily mean I am pro-abortion, as personally, I don't think I would ever do it for various reasons I can get into if someone cares, but I absolutely believe that the decision about a woman's health should be made by herself, her family (if applicable), and her doctor. The government has no right getting involved in this way.

    And in line with that, a trolling KY Representative, Mary Lou Marzian, a woman after my own heart, has introduced legislation requiring men seeking Viagra or another erectile dysfunction drug to have two office visits with a health care practitioner before being given a prescription, as well as requiring a signed and dated letter of approval from his spouse and to “make a sworn statement with his hand on a Bible that he will only use a prescription for a drug for erectile dysfunction when having sexual relations with his current spouse.” Source / Another Source. This is a real bill, though not expected to pass (of course), and I'm sure most of these hypocritical politicians will completely miss the point, but it sure is nice to see the government meddle with men's reproductive health for a change.

    As far as the pro-life arguments go, it always seems to me that the people supporting pro-life are really just pro-birth. Republicans especially don't seem to give a damn about all the things a baby needs to thrive after he is born (ie. strong early childhood education, affordable healthcare, plenty of food, shelter, etc), given the way they are constantly slashing programs designed to give these things. It seems awful to me to force a baby into the world, only for him or her to be neglected, unwanted, or not properly provided for.

    Whew, I feel better. Anyone like to share their thoughts?
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I didn't realize birth was so unnatural that it required force. Or hypothetical futures impacted life at all.

    Anyway, I'm pro-life. Sure, women should have a choice (if there is one) when it comes to their own health, but I believe it ends when another human life or the process of one (whatever politically correct bull, people are spouting these days) is concern. And I'm okay with taking away this one particular choice, so it's probably a good thing for some that I don't have my way. Birth is a natural process. Why mess with that? Why mess with life? On the premise of one's own body and health. I just don't understand. Half the time that's not even the reason for abortion. Choices (except in instances of rape/incest) are the reasons they're at that point in the first place. Actions have consequences. You should deal with it, not take the easy way out.
    Kitty likes this.
  3. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I personally try to keep myself out of the whole abortion debate mess. As a male, I feel it's not my place to call that kind of shot for pretty much any female. The only instance where I'd feel I'd want my opinion held with some sense of validity would be if it was my potential child at stake (which, in all honesty, will never be the case).

    If I had to weight in where I stand, I consider myself a moderate about it. I feel that in the early stages of a pregnancy, abortion should be held as a viable and acceptable avenue, but only with substantial reason (IE - the potential mother lacks the means to care/provide for a child, rape victims, etc.). But there has to be a point of no-return, so to speak; a point at which, regardless of desire or ability of a mother to care for a child, they should be held accountable for the life that they're bearing. I'm not entirely put off by it as "messing with life" because human civilization has already "messed" with life in so many other ways.
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    It's forced if the mother and the father don't even want to be giving birth to the kid in the first place, but have to because the government puts so many hoops for them to jump through that they have their choice taken away.

    Oh yeah, that's a great life for a child. Here, let's send you home with the parents who never wanted you, see how well they take care of you for the next 18+ years.

    And before someone brings up adoption, yeah it's great. I was adopted myself, as I've mentioned on this forum in the past, as well one of my sisters. But families are usually looking for a very specific type of baby *coughwhiteorinternationalcough*, and it's also a very long, expensive process that often ends in disappointment. I don't think there are as many people out there fighting to adopt as some people claim, and I also think they tend to be fighting over the same type babies, leaving the others to be sent into the system. Of course, if the protesters holding signs and berating people at Planned Parenthood clinics instead acted sane and held up signs offering to adopt these babies, maybe that would change some minds. As it is, there's something like 100,000 children in the US in foster care waiting to be adopted. But yeah, let's add to that number.

    Birth control's not 100% effective. You could be doing everything right and still end up pregnant. According to this report, about half of women seeking an abortion were using a form of birth control. Punishment for daring to have sex at all? There's also this stereotype that all abortion-seekers are young, dumb teenagers or college coeds who were stupid and don't want any child, but the reality is that a lot of the women seeking abortions are already mothers (61% as of this article) and want to be able to provide the best for the family that they already have.

    One of the reports I linked to discusses this, and says that women do not use abortion as just another form of birth control. There actually are these substantial reasons. :)

    Probably because you don't have to make that choice at all. :)

    I frankly don't understand the idea that someone else thinks they can make a better decision about a person's life and health than the person it affects and her team of health practitioners. It's the same bullshit health insurance companies do when they interfere with doctor's orders and refuse to cover services doctors insist are medically necessary. And there are a lot of medical reasons why a woman would not want to stay pregnant, some of which can be permanent and/or life-threatening. Then there's the problem of things like unpaid maternity leave, wage inequality, the actual cost of raising a child (child care's not cheap), and so on, which makes it too hard on a lot of families. Especially if the father chooses to skip town when he finds out a baby's coming and not pay any child support. But that's cool.

    Also, this is cool. I miss debates. Now where's Mike?
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I'm pro life, though I'm sure that 's something you were already aware of. I'm not sure how much of this I want to get into at this exact moment, but there is something you said in your first post that I would like to comment on.

    This has been nagging me for some time recently. It is a valid point, I must admit. The only thing that I can think of is that people who are pro life usually don't consider what goes on after the child is born. I feel as though the general thought between people who are pro life is that they desire to stop the unjustified killings of an innocent child. And while people can bicker and argue about what makes a child a child, know that such an argument doesn't get anybody anywhere. Pro life people believe that the fetus is an actual human life regardless of the developmental stage. So to them, an abortion is killing an innocent life.
  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I don't care one bit about a person's beliefs about this for themselves. Hell, I even said that I don't think I would ever have one for myself. My problem is that the government has no business getting themselves involved in the way that it does. It's always these rich white men, passing laws based on their religion, though they try to hide it by pretending that they're looking out for women.

    Newsflash, but women understand what they are agreeing to when they go in for an abortion. We understand the implications, and we can make that choice for ourselves without the government thinking we're incapable of understanding, and need them to hold our hand, and insist we get this counseling one day, some more counseling another day, an ultrasound wand stuck up some place it doesn't need to be without a valid medical reason because these same rich white assholes think we need to see the nothing on the ultrasound screen and take even more time to (re)consider our actions.

    Unless Roe vs Wade is overturned, abortion is legal whether people like it or not. Yet many states have managed to get away with passing laws that make it damn near impossible for women (especially poor women) to get one when they need one. And that's bullshit. If you don't want to have one, don't. No one's forcing anyone to. But don't get in the way of another woman's legal right to have one if she wants one.

    I feel like I would be a lot more sympathetic to the pro-life side if they showed that they really were pro-life for everyone, at any age. Like I mentioned, rather than harassing women and workers at clinics, if they were offering to actually adopt unwanted children, or conservatives in government were offering programs that would actually help these mothers (or, I don't know, how about some decent sex ed), the abortion rate would probably go down some on its own. Instead, in my own state for example, the government just voted to refuse to raise payments for fostering children (which have been the same for over 12 years), and the budget (which, granted, hasn't yet passed) is all set to slash education, child care assistance, not to mention the rape the governor is doing to Kentucky's health care system. Conservatives turn up their noses when women with children apply for help, and say shit like they shouldn't have had so many kids if they can't afford to take care of them, all while giving them no options to do otherwise, with crappy access to birth control and shaming women about abortions. The blame seems to be shoved all onto the women in these situations, with no one caring about the men who helped get them into the mess in the first place. Women are told that they should have kept their legs closed, but then the same men bully them for not putting out when they do that. Or that's how I feel, anyhow.

    Thank you to everyone who has taken part in this thread. I know none of you agree with me, but it still has made me feel a lot better talking about it. I was feeling extremely angry about this the other day when I made the thread.
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear you got so angry about this. Did you want to continue the conversation, even though I did say I was unsure about how deep I myself wanted to get into with this?
  8. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Let me clarify that I'm not angry at anyone posting in this thread. Y'all are absolutely entitled to your own opinions on things, just as I am, and I don't mind a good debate when people are respectable, which I feel you all have been so far. My state government is just awful, lol. But then again, KY is probably one of the most ignorant voter states in the country, so I don't know why I expect anything else. Just needed a good rant about it. XD

    In answer to your question, I'm not sure what else I can say that I haven't yet, but I'm open to attempt debating some more if anyone wants to. In some respects, I feel this topic is pointless. I don't think I've ever heard of a single person who've actually changed their views from pro-choice to pro-life, or vice versa.
    NeRo likes this.
  9. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    No, force implies a victim, which you're painting these people out to be. When in most cases; they're not. It just shows a lack of responsibility when you're saying you're a victim of circumstances and forced by situations, when in fact, you caused it to begin with.

    Life isn't gumdrops and rainbows; I know that. But all parents aren't irrational people who can't change their minds and perform some type of care or attachment to someone to whom they live with for 18+ years. And even though, it's not a perfect life, shouldn't that same child be given the opportunity to have a better one?

    Shady statistics aside. Yeah, birth control isn't 100%. Yes, women who take birth control still get pregnant, but not because it's ineffective but because of improper use and missing a day or what have you. Getting knocked up is the risk of having sex. Call it punishment. It is what it is. Both parties can use dual protection to prevent and increase prevention of pregnancy. If they still manage to get pregnant, then you simply need to take responsibility for your actions, but that doesn't always happen and abortion is the scapegoat.

    And according to various B.S. statistics, more than 2 out of 3 women won't either.

    You're whole argument for pro-choice seems to be "life is tough" or that abortion is some right and not a privilege. The majority of abortions isn't some health-related situation. It's selfish decisions or financial reasons, which arguably still is a poor excuse, seeing as immigrants with children come to this country and still manage to pull off a better life for themselves.

    Even if a child's life might be hell, they should still be able to live for a better tomorrow. You would think that the contributions that children could make to society would outweigh any choice for abortion or the right to life would hold water but apparently not.
    Prince likes this.
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Exactly. These debates don't really do much since people aren't going to change their opinion over them.
    Kitty likes this.
  11. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    It is a right, upheld by the US Supreme Court by Roe v. Wade. Don't agree with it? That's your problem. No one said you have to have an abortion, did they? No one's trying to tie women down and force them to have an abortion against their will.

    You don't know these women's lives, and frankly, it doesn't seem like people on the pro-life side usually want to. There are lots of reasons why a woman might not want to have a baby, but the fact is, women shouldn't need to defend their choice. Abortion is legal.

    Sometimes for that reason, but also because yes, birth control is not 100% effective, even when used properly. Hence why there are warnings to that effect about condoms and birth control. And of course, when people aren't taught proper sex ed, it's no wonder that some would screw up using contraceptives.

    Funny how men are always so quick to judge women who feel that they don't have the capabilities to care for a child, when so many men are able to get out of the situation when they find out that they got a woman pregnant, avoid all responsibilities, and refuse to pay any child support or have anything else to do with the child they helped to create. Because it does take two, despite the fact that your arguments are reading like you're entirely blaming the women for this. I live in a low income area with a lot of single mothers, and I've seen for myself how difficult they find it to get a dime in child support from any of the sperm donors they've been involved with. But I suppose that's the woman's fault for having sex without being married, right? Despite the fact that the men are doing the same thing; they can just walk away from their mistake without looking back, and women aren't able to avoid the consequences. I wish this puritanical attitude towards sex would disappear, but I see it's still alive and well in the younger generations.

    Who says a child would be born anyway? Something like 10-25% of known pregnancies result in a miscarriage. Birth defects or other health complications could occur that would not result in a live birth. It's not like women wait until they've been pregnant for eight months and the fetus would survive out of the womb before up and deciding on having an abortion. In any case, I don't think that every life is worth living. Was Bella Bond's life worth living, or would it have been a mercy if her mother had chosen to abort her? According to this USA Today article quoting FBI homicide data, an average of 450 children are killed by a parent each year, infants being almost a third of all deaths. That's just killed, it doesn't include children abused and neglected and left alive. But those babies were born, and that's what counts.

    I think that the majority of parents who have children who did not originally want them do end up loving their children once they are born. But not all of them. And we have laws that protect our ability to make this choice for good reason.

    Yeah, this is pointless, and in general, the more I read, the quicker I lose respect for the intelligence of others. I'm sure that goes both ways.

    Even taking into account the differing attitudes towards abortion, I still can't believe people would advocate giving up their health rights to the interference of the government. Does anyone actually think a bunch of politicians know better than doctors? Honestly. I also always find it funny how often the same people who advocate for laws restricting abortions tend to favor less restrictions on guns, and are pro-death penalty. It's fascinating.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    i agree with Kitty, Even though my mom is a single mother and she raised me by myself. i saw how hard it was. Now we didnt grow up " poor" but it wasnt lavish and bells either. because of me my mom didnt get to go to college and she almost didnt finish high school. i belive the choice should be allowed because yes every child is a blessing but i also believe in timing. Some parents are just irresponsible and i've gone to college with some irresponsible folks that i'd never put a kid in their hands.

    Yes it's a rough life out here but that doesnt warrant bringing a child into one. If i cant afford the clothes on my back why would i bring a child into this brutal world not being able to be sure he won't have to suffer and struggle just to get by. We messed up, she got pregnant but neither one of us are ready to be a parent, we both have a lot of growing up to do, and when that time comes when we're prepared it'll be better for the child. not just a stupid night of sex that we both regret.

    It's ok Kitty, i feel exactly where you're coming from.
    Kitty likes this.
  13. Ovum

    Ovum ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

    I'm pretty pro-choice, myself. If someone is seeking an abortion, they clearly do not want the child. How are you going to force someone to carry and give birth to a child they do not want? If they didn't want the child before it was born, they probably still will resent it afterwards. If the opposite happens, I'm sure the numbers are small to prove that. I really dislike the "put the child up for adoption, then" argument because there are millions of children already waiting to be adopted, and many never find families and end up aging out, left to live in a cruel world on their own. Why keep adding more to such a system? Why not stop the process while the child's brain is barely developed and has no cognitive abilities to even realize what's happening?

    I'd much rather have a woman abort a fetus that they won't be able to take care of/may end up abusing than force it to live a not so great life. I also don't believe in giving birth to a child being a form of punishment. That's not really fair to the child, either. That's basically telling me that the child is punishment embodied. I'm sure the woman having to live with the fact that she had an abortion in a society that really looks down upon it would be a big enough "punishment."

    I also really don't like the whole "once a baby's heart is beating, that means it's alive" thing. I'm pretty sure that once you're considered brain dead, that's when you're dead. Not when your heart stops beating. I'd think it works in that fashion the other way around.

    I agree with Kitty also saying that a lot of the pro-lifers are really just pro-birth. All these people seem to disappear when it comes to caring about the child's health, education, and living environment later on.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2016
    NeRo and Kitty like this.
  14. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I'm very well aware of the status of abortion in the US nor is it my problem. I'm simply stating that you believe it to be a right whether it is or is not, is a matter of opinion especially if we're discussing abortion in general because clearly laws can be changed and differ between countries. Am I wrong? I'm assuming; you think its a right not just because of Roe v. Wade ruled it to be! Correct? I was stating that part of your argument was simple due to your beliefs on choices and whether or not people had a right to those choices in this case, abortion. In which case, I was stating its a privilege to make those types of choices not a right.

    You're right. I don't. And it'll be ridiculous for me to account for every life. I'm just simply saying ( health issues aside ); people ( especially latinos ) have come to this country with nothing and managed to provide a better life for them and their children. It's not impossible! I'm sure; that not all women are in this type of situation.

    The educational system failing them is an entirely different topic. Dual protection can increase their odds of preventing pregnancy, proper communication, sterilization, etc. Plenty of options out there. But I'm sure no one thinks about this until after the fact.

    EDIT: (Good point! Can't abortion be the same scapegoat that women can use to shirk responsibilities the same way men do? Is it a way to even the playing field?)

    Well, we are talking about women choices and abortion. So am I blaming them for the choices that they've made? Sure. Everyone should be held accountable for their choices. Do their children deserve dead beat fathers and themselves with no support? No, no-one does, but that's just the cruel and unfair world; we live in. Because the world isn't hunky dory, and because some men are pitiful, women should make better decisions because it affects them more than anyone else. Is it fair? No, it's just how things are.

    Here's the thing. Abortions won't stop the world from being a cruel place! And sure if everyone had their shit together and "wised-up" to get an abortion because they are unfit parents that would practically defeat the whole purpose since everyone has miraculously "wised up" and gotten their shit together. But we don't live in that kind of world and to look in hindsight in Bella Bond's case, it'll be easy for you to make that call, only because it's after the fact that it happened.
    It's truly sad about those few that aren't loved, but that's just the way things are. It just sounds like an excuse, oh because the world is going to hell, maybe abortion can prevent a few from going through it. Prevent such misery by preventing life altogether. It seems so ridiculous that because you can't provide everything under the sun for a child that it's not a life worth living.
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    So in a nutshell you're saying. Its tough accept it and get over it the world is cruel and its not going to change therefore it's no excuse to excuse the child from living in this shit hole world we got to ourselves? That's kind of what i took from that post. it sounded like its you're mistake so deal with it, you don't get a option or a second chance. The child should be brought into the world regardless and whatever happens happens?


    Never understood why people have a problem with someone having a choice.
  16. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Basically, but without all the bias and the omission that the world can just as well be kind and a place of opportunity and because of that inkling of hope, they deserve to live. Not everyone gets a shot at a second chance or redemption and yes we have to deal with the hand that we were dealt and whatever happens happens. This isn't a new a concept. Haven't we all had moments where we didn't have an option or just dealt with our mistakes? Don't be so surprised at my thinking.

    Maybe one those kids could be the doctor who saves my life one day or pays for my meal at a drive through or even kills me in a car crash one evening because they're completely wasted. Despite all that, I'd like to think their contribution and happiness of those few (positives) are worth fighting for. That's why in this particular case, I believe that all choices aren't the right choice or even worth the price in order to be made. Never have I said, there is no choice to abortion because clearly there is. People should deal with their mistakes, because if everyone did that. It'll be less of a discussion but whether they do it or not, is up to them.
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    But i am surprised at you, i guess i didn't know you as well as i thought i did that's all. everything is an eye opener for me i guess that explains some other things about you to me as well now that i think about it , still learning and you learn something new every day. i respect your stance on it, that's your philosophy i just don't agree with it. But we've both lead different lives and had different experiences that cause us to feel the way we do so yea

    *shrug* oh well.
    Angel likes this.

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