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Timeless River Kingdom Hearts psychedelic truth

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Yacob, Feb 13, 2016.

  1. Yacob

    Yacob Banned


    The Fleur de lis

    this symbol is all over the place in real life and tv shows as well as Kingdom hearts. im sure you've all seen it. its meaning is kind of a mystery if you are not adept.

    The English translation of "fleur-de-lis" (sometimes spelled "fleur-de-lys") is "flower of the lily." This symbol, depicting a stylized lily or lotus flower

    The fleur-de-lis is a stylized lily (in French, fleur means "flower", and lis means "lily") or iris that is used as a decorative design or symbol. It may be "at one and the same time, religious, political, dynastic, artistic, emblematic, and symbolic",

    adjective: esoteric
    1. intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.
      "esoteric philosophical debates"
    adjective: exoteric
    1. (especially of a doctrine or mode of speech) intended for or likely to be understood by the general public.
      "an exoteric, literal meaning and an esoteric, inner teaching"

    the Fleur de lis has many exoteric meanings but only one real and true esoteric meaning and that is the meaning that Kingdom Hearts tells you. that's right. KH tells yous what the Fleur de lis really means. allow me to show you the proof.


    the door to the timeless river world

    skip to the 8 minute mark

    if you paid attention, merlin said that the door with the fleur de lis symbol on it was a "gateway to another world" ...

    Nymphaea caerulea, known primarily as blue lotus (or blue Egyptian lotus), but also blue water lily (or blue Egyptian water lily), and sacred blue lily (or sacred narcotic lily of the nile), is a water-lily in the genus Nymphaea. Like other species in the genus, the plant contains the psychoactive alkaloid apomorphine. It was known to the Mayan and Ancient Egyptian civilisations.

    There is evidence that the clinical effects of plants including N. caerulea that contain the psychoactive alkaloid apomorphine were known to both the Mayans and the Ancient Egyptians.[4]

    The mildly sedating effects of N. caerulea makes it a likely candidate (among several) for the lotus plant eaten by the mythical Lotophagi in Homer's Odyssey.
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Once again, another ridiculous stretch in an attempt to confirm something that isn't there.

    Architecture, particularly in a castle or in a wealthy location, is often ornate. Fleur-de-lis are a common decoration, and would be fitting to find decorating such a door, regardless if it has mystical powers or not. Having decorations on the door isn't what makes it powerful, it's just something to pretty it up to make it look more pleasing to gamers. That's the reason.

    I can't wait to see what else you'll decide has some secret, drug-related meaning.
  3. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    LMAO you just revealed that you are a willfully unlearned
    also the fluer de lis appears in more than just on that door it appears in twilight town next to a lot of different shops on the walls and it doesn't pretty anything up.

    I also mentioned that the "symbol" is decretive but its still symbolic.
    the flower was at one time known as the devils flower or flower of Lucifer.
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2016
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Dude, you can't prove meaning where it doesn't exist.
    Kitty likes this.
  5. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    what are you talking about? look up fluer de lis and discover its meanings. esoteric symbol is among them.
  6. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Fluer de lis itself has meaning.

    A fluer de lis on a door doesn't imply meaning.
  7. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    yes it does, you simply dont want it to
    because the fluer de lis is a flower lily and if you look into the nile lily you will find it is a phychotropic or gateway as merlin said. that along with the mushrooms and everything else is a solid case.
    you dont see it? you blind or bias, that simple.
    its ok, i dont blame u
  8. Elfdemon

    Elfdemon Member

    The fleur-de-lis or fleur-de-lys (plural: fleurs-de-lis)[pron 1] is a stylized lily (in French, fleur means "flower", and lis means "lily") or iris that is used as a decorative design or symbol.

    Sorry to break it to you, but it's a decorative design.
  9. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    did you read what you yourself posted? "decorative design or symbol"
    i mean who are you guys trying to convince, me or yourselves? you trying to convince me you doing a horrible job. if you are trying to pacify yourselves...better but still piss poor job.
  10. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Actually you want it to have meaning when obviously it doesn't.
    See you don't understand! I'm sure that the facts about the fluer de lis are true. But you can't prove that because it is on that peculiar door that it is what you say it is. I can put the fluer de lis on my door and it wouldn't mean a thing, by that same logic, it wouldn't mean a thing here.
    Kitty likes this.
  11. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    As @Angel said, there's no proof that whoever designed this door in the game (and I rather doubt that this was a task given a whole lot of importance) knew anything about the meanings, whether esoteric or otherwise, of the fleur de lis. This is why your arguments always fail. Just because a symbol can mean something, doesn't mean it means that specific thing in this particular case.

    But as usual, the voices of reason in these threads are just wasting our time. :)
  12. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    so you are saying, despite the fact that the fluer de lis is an esoteric symbol, no matter where it appears it has no esoteric symbolism. do I have you correct on that statement?

    and no I don't want it to have meaning. I do however actually know what it means though.
  13. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Wow, we're half-way there!

    That's not what I'm saying but you're close!

    If someone like you were to place the fluer de lis on some object then yes then it would represent esoteric symbolism because you would purposely intend for it to have meaning, but say a game developer or myself were to place the fluer de lis on an object then it is most likely for aesthetics without any deeper meaning behind it.

    Now you get it???
  14. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    voices of reason? you think that despite the fact that the fluer de lis is connected to esoteric symbology, because you are completely ignorant of its true, esoteric meaning that everyone is? that's sound logic to you? the very word esoteric kinda means secrete, information known to a small minority.
    and the symbol likely does mean that when you listen to what merlin is saying, the door is a gateway to another world.
    the flower lily is a flower that grows on the nile and it has psychotropic properties. like the mushrooms, its a gateway, as merlin said.

    so lets hear what you think it means... OH nothing! you think that's sound logic? you think that they just slapped that symbol up there for no apparent reason. well you don't haven any proof for that once so ever.
    like I said the ancient mystery schools have taught this ancient knowledge for ages

    yea I get that you have no factual or intellectual basis for such a profoundly ignorant statement.

    EDIT: while you guys have no proof at all to support what you are saying, I have all these threads piling up with esoteric symbolism all through out KH and various other movies and shows.
    so the proof is on my side. you guys have just been saying the same thing since my first post "none of this means anything" over and over lol its like you are trying to convince yourself and not me. if you are that scared of the information that you must construct a bias to deny it then you should probably just stay away altogether.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2016
  15. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    What's laughable and ridiculous is, "you think the game developers share your over analysis of symbols". What's more probable? The game developers placed the fleur-de-lis on the door because they wanted to or for some deeper meaning that no cares about? The game developers don't share your thought process so why would you assume their reasons for putting the fleur-de-lis on that door would align with yours?
  16. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    whats laughable is that you don't see the hypocrisy in your own argument. the game developers don't share YOUR thought process so why would you assume their view of the world is as arbitrary as yours?
    second of all the game developers don't share my "over analysis" because its not an analysis on their part, its knowledge of symbols.
  17. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I didn't claim to know their reasons. I'm simple saying that you're finding meaning where meaning does not exist. I talking about you personally.

    Symbols are interpreted and can differ from person to person.
  18. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    EXACTLY what I have been saying. every symbol has an Exoteric meaning and an esoteric meaning and the meaning differ between person to person in this respect. while most only have a basic knowledge of the symbol, which is the exoteric. a small few understand the true esoteric meaning behind the symbology. thank you for articulating my point so nicely. :D:cool:

    oh and I have found too many connections now for you to say there are none. I must have atleast 4 or 5 threads already if not more and im not even half way done or started exposing everything.

    and you just claimed to know their intentions when you stated emphatically im finding meaning where none exist. or maybe im finding out the meaning but youll never know until you actually look into what im saying instead of being willfully ignorant about what im saying.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2016
  19. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I think I finally understand!!! But I still think you're wrong, The fleur-de-lis actually represents the New Orleans Saints and because they themselves allude to All Saints Day, a day to honours all saints past and present, known and not known. The door clearly represents a passage from our material plane to the next in order to honour the deceased saints.
    Desert Warrior and Kitty like this.
  20. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    hmm a passage from the material to the next realm of the deceased?
    or maybe the past or an alternate reality is what im thinking. remember donald recalls that the timeless river is familiar while goofy doesn't really seem to recall it. later on we find out it is the past.
    but the psychotropic element in the blue lily is said to be sleep inducing and many who tried it say they experience weird dreams while on it. the drug DMT is released in out brain when we sleep. its released when we are born and when we die in huge amounts though.
    im not gunna get into new Orleans right now because all that will take to long but you really don't know the symbology you just hit on.

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