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Timeless River Kingdom Hearts psychedelic truth

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Yacob, Feb 13, 2016.

  1. Elfdemon

    Elfdemon Member

    I'm not trying to convince anyone, I just think you're reaching extremely with this theory.
    Kitty likes this.
  2. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    that's ok, i don't think you are reaching anywhere at all.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    @Yacob, you're getting awfully defensive. Might want to watch how you talk to other members here. :)

    Exactly. The idea of someone laboring over what to put on a relatively unimportant door, story-wise, when there are so many other elements of the story far more deserving of the attention is nonsensical. Fleur-de-lis may represent any number of things when they appear, but which, if any, of those meanings is intended for Kingdom Hearts is not conclusively proven. I reiterate my belief that the door was designed as it was for purely decorative reasons. Frankly, I think the odds of a random artist/game coder/whoever on the team knowing about or contemplating the esoteric meanings of decor is slim to none. They sell curtains, wallpaper, scarves, and a whole host of other items with fleur de lis slapped all over them. Are those items intended to represent gateways to another world, also?

    :D I love you, @Angel. That's perfect in every way.
    Angel likes this.
  4. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    in KH merlin calls the door a gateway and its then used to travel to another world so there is reason to believe that this is a clue to the symbology of the fluer de lis it self which means flower lily and there is a flower lily with psychotropic properties which could be described as a gateway. but i never disputed it was a decretive design, i simply am looking at the clues and saying that in KH its associated with gateways.

    and like i said the fler de lis was known as lucifers flower so maybe all those drapes and scarves are produced by satanic cults lol
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Merlin says that about the door because that's what the door does. The door could be adorned with a big picture of King Mickey mooning everyone. The door would still lead to the Timeless River level, because that's what it is designed to do. That wouldn't mean that Mickey's ass is a gateway to another world.

    I'm going to go with "it's because they are pretty," but I suppose one never knows. XD
  6. Elfdemon

    Elfdemon Member

    Sorry, but I really don't see how calling something a gateway to another world means it's some sort of drug reference. He calls it a gateway to another world because that's exactly what it is. It's a gateway to the Disney Castle world, before the Disney Castle was built.
  7. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    yea the corridors of darkness are gateways too or doorways but they arnt ever called that, psychedelics are actually thought of as "gateways to higher states of consciousness"




    no I did not write any of those blogs.

    and if it really was as arbitrary as you say why wouldn't it be mickeys ass? lol or his hands or foot? why wouldn't it be some other decretive design besides the fluer de lis? its because they knew what they were symbolizing everything points to its not that arbitrary

    psychedelics can be gateways, the fluer de lis is the flower lily and it has psychotropic properties combine all this with the mushrooms and the keyholes, its a slam dunk really.
  8. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    If it was an arbitrary design choice, as I believe, there was just a good a chance that they'd pick the fleur de lis as anything else. It's a very common decoration. If anything, I'd argue it was chosen because of its associations with royalty, what with it being found in Disney Castle and all.
  9. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    first of all, its first found or seen in twilight town. secondly the reason its associated with royalty is because the ancient pharaohs and ruling class are the ones who engaged in the ancient ritual rights of the high priest.

    it is believed by some that the pharaohs use the pyramids as tools to enter the star gate. inside theyd take different mushrooms and lily's and experience different modes of reality.

    EDIT: see everything you have to say is also connected to my theory just like the fantasia mushrooms. but no matter how many facts I spew at you you still continue to repeat yourself.

    AHHH! yes. it is first seen in the beginning of KH2 in roxas's FAKE or second twilight town. now I don't know if its seen in the real twilight town (it probably is) regardless, that proves it is a gate way to experiencing different modes of reality.

    disneytown only became timeless river not another world entirely just like there are 2 twilight towns there are 2 Disney towns.

    that wasn't an insult, he said I was reaching, I said he wasn't reaching. im saying he isn't looking deep enough. pretty much like all of you here.

    Last edited: Mar 1, 2016
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Maybe so, but I think the average person probably associates it more with the French monarchy, and then the other European kings who stole it from them.

    No it doesn't.

    Again, this is an incredibly popular design element. "It's commonly found in Gothic and Gothic revival styles, as well as churches and places associated with royalty. The symbol often appears atop fences, in stained glass mosaics, or in friezes and cornices." Source. I don't know where the design is found in Twilight Town, but finding it on architecture is no real surprise.
  11. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    yea, ive seen it my whole life on dressers, gates etc. and you forget the French monarchy of the Merovingian the ruling elite of the matrix remember? not to mention the ancient mystery religions of the east were brought to Europe after the crusades of the knights Templar. this is why the once holy order had to be hunted down and destroyed because they had delved into satanic debauchery. its all history, look it up.

    and actually its more like on posters its around a few shops its doesn't look very decretive at all. and that on top of everything else, does prove it. maybe not by itself it means nothing but combined its concrete.
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    don't worry guys i got this.

    he's just a little coocoo, ( well more like completely mental lol)

  13. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    and you are immature, and lack criticle thinking skills dont respond to my post.
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Im not going to further entertain your idiocy though....that doesnt mak me immature you child. all of your post are the same " Listen to me guys, wake up, you're wrong and im right and im reaching for straws for all of my information but im right and you're wrong"

    -someone proves you incorrect with substantial evidence

    - you respond with " you don't understand you're missing the big picture im right and youre still wrong

    Yacob get that trash ass response out my face fam.
    Kitty likes this.
  15. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    no one has proved me wrong once. ive proved like 3 people wrong in my threads. no one has countered a single point i have made with a sound argument. you guys are the ones who keep saying the same thing over and over,

    "it doesn't mean anything"

    i come with another piece of circumstantial evidence

    you guys still say "it doesn't mean anything" the game developers blah blah blah. when you don't know a damn thing about the game developers and got no facts to back up your points.i on the other hand have loads of evidence. sure it may be circumstantial but its a damn mountain.
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    right cause you totally know more than we do about the gave devs ya? cause you're a dev on the disney/square enix team. Yep cause you were totally in on the meetings about what to add and omit from the game. hell ya i know you were there yep. i mean hell it only makes sense because we can't in our right minds be right. but YOU! Oh lordy gosh geee, you have to be right yea were totally wrong that we think that a game made for its purpose totally has connections to Illuminati and all these cryptac things that you're looking for.

    I am now going to shove this conspiracy theory crap under the Rug of Bullshit.

    Why? Because it seems you are apart of a community of people that believe in things that cannot be 1) proven or 2) disproven. Thats how a cult works, and is just the same as any bullshit conspiracy. They have neat-o and incredible ideas, and while I will not deny that Square may or may have not added random (easter eggs) I do not really think that any of these people actually know what is going on with them. The people that claim to know whats going on -- while they have a common thread of thought reinforced by each other -- have differences with all the other people that claim they know whats going on.

    So here are these people, they are a community of fanatics, and they support each other, they listen to each other, exchance ideas... Are all of these people genuine? Knowing human nature, I say ABSOLUTELY NOT. And they do not use science, it is much more like a cult therefore, whoever is not genuine among them, surely corrupts the entire group's idea by creating misinformation. Therefore it follows that is it impossible to believe anything they claim because they are not based on f actualities, but instead based on a community-supported story-weaving. Humans enjoy creating stories, especially if they can get a lot of attention from it,

    In conclusion people like you annoy me beacause you like to pull bullshit out their asses and claim they are real.
  17. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    i don't have to be in on the meetings because i can see the clues they dropped in the game.
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    then you can't disprove it. so stop. because you don't know the intentions of the clues. therefor stop right there.
  19. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    umm the clues reveal the astrological story being told. for instance, none of you ever thought about the mention of Excalibur in the game. you didn't think anything of it probably because not much thinking be going on around here lol so you would either say it means nothing or you wouldn't know what it means or maybe you think it was the Game developers whim to drop that little word in there.

    you don't know why goofy says jack is like sora or that maybe jack sparrow may one day acquire the keyblade.

    you don't know why when and if you defeat riku in the race on destiny islands you get a pretty stone an item which description says its a pretty stone that glistens in the sun.

    just like when roxas defeats setzer he gets pretty stones too AND

    ven when he stills the pearl from the cat Lucifer with the help of jack jack.

    Lucifer means light bearer. Christians often think it is the devil but its actually about sun worship.

    you couldn't even begin to understand these things or even see them. i DO see them.
  20. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Uh, no. You haven't successfully proven any of your theories right. No one else here believes anything you say. Yet somehow you think you're the one who is right? The odds are not in your favor.

    With this kind of conspiracy, hidden meaning garbage, it's easy to find "evidence" if you go looking to find it, and only view the information through a set of bullshit-colored glasses. The fact that you continue to claim victory when you've convinced no one that your claims have merit is absurd.

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