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Timeless River Kingdom Hearts psychedelic truth

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Yacob, Feb 13, 2016.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Exactly. Just as nothing you've said has been related to anything else, try as you might to force a connection. Sorry you can't see that.

    Just going by the comments in these threads from the rest of the members on this forum, I'm pretty confident that it's not us who are the unintelligent ones. But if you think we're so stupid, I don't know why you keep on posting here. Apparently our ant-like brains can't comprehend your masterful grasp of the secrets of life.
    Elfdemon and NeRo like this.
  2. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    well because I link these threads on google+ and facebook and those guys arnt having as hard a time understanding these things as you guys are. a few people actually said that this forum was filled with idiots.

    a bunch of people who have no clue what they are talking about saying im wrong doesn't mean a thing to me. really everyone should have known I was on to something when I proved cherry blossom (which I didn't even bring up) were connected to the harvest I mean literally substantiating what I was already saying.

    I would ask you why you thought goofy said jack may one day wield a keyblade but im almost positive you've never given it any serious thought but would somehow manage steadfast and convicted in some arbitrary reason which you only even though of because you were being confronted with my question in the first place.

    I would ask you what do you think the pretty stones mean and jack's "black pearl" means but im sure this would also result in the same.

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