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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Kitty, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Bumping this thread because I've just been to a Bernie rally, and it was fucking awesome, and everyone who supports him who has a chance to get to one should totally do it. Just get there early as hell and be prepared for a lot of waiting.

    I'd also like to express my disgust with Hillary Clinton. The more I hear from her, or about her, the more I can't stand her. Her (and her minions') dismissive attitude towards Sanders' supporters is offensive, and honestly, the more I follow up on her, the more I'm convinced she's a freaking criminal. Can we just blast both her and Trump into the sun already?
    Taboo Sho likes this.
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Bernie has to win!

    Between Trump vs. Clinton. Hilary won't win.
    Kitty likes this.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^ I know I sure as hell won't vote for her. If Bernie's not on the ballot in November, I'll vote Green party or Libertarian before I vote for either Trump or Hillary, though I'll be sadistically hoping to see Hillary lose to him. In just a few months, so much has happened to turn me completely against her. And I don't think a Trump presidency is as scary as Hillary and her supporters want me to think. I think he's already starting to pivot away from some of the craziest things he's said, and there's no way a lot of that shit will make it through Congress anyhow, particularly if we go vote and get some progressives like Bernie in there. Plus, he's been pretty open about his ideas, idiotic as many of them might be. Hillary's evil is the evil of deals made behind closed doors, bribery and money in politics, and war and regime change we have no business being a part of. You can look at her record and see how often she flip flops on the issues. Then there's her whole attitude that "it's her turn" and she's somehow entitled to be president. It's off-putting, to say the least.

    The biggest thing giving me pause is the empty Supreme Court seat, but honestly, a lot of these justices are old as fuck, and the justices appointed are always going to be old, because they need to gain experience to be considered for the job. So there's always going to be an empty seat, or a seat that could be emptied. Before Scalia died, the court was 5-4 in favor of conservatives, and I think we can probably survive a little longer if Obama's pick isn't appointed and Trump ends up filling the spot. I don't want to vote out of fear; I want to vote for who represents me, and for someone I respect and trust. In this election, that's only Bernie.

    My state of Kentucky is up to bat tomorrow, and I sincerely hope that we don't fuck this up. Given their track record, especially with the last governor's race, I have no doubt that tons of Kentuckians are willing to vote against their best interests, but I'm hoping most of the idiots are voting Republican. Anecdotally, I haven't talked to many people I know about politics, because it usually ends up in me thinking poorly of them, honestly, but I have yet to see a Hillary yard sign or bumper sticker, and I've seen some Bernie swag around. I've also seen more people in my Facebook feed who seem to be Berning than the alternative. So I'm thinking we'll end up eking out a win, but it won't be a blow out like some might be hoping for.

    But who knows, maybe Kentucky will make me proud.
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    So yeah, Kentucky split the votes and Hilary ended up with the majority. Unfortunately, I don't see how Bernie stands a chance or continues to campaign. Looks like a Trump presidency.
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    KY is statistically a tie, the results are not finalized yet (hell, I don't think it's even been called yet), and I'm hoping there will be a recount, as the voting machines they use in Louisville (Jefferson County) are of the brand that are easy to tamper with, and our secretary of state is a huge Clinton supporter. Still, for a closed primary, where independents had to switch to democrat by December 31, 2015 to be able to vote at all, I think he did very well. Clinton won in 2008 with something like 65% of the vote (although, she was running against a black man, and southern racism), so there's been a pretty big loss of support over these eight years. If it is in fact a win for her, .5% (less than 2000 votes) is nothing to brag about, especially this late in the race from the "presumptive nominee." A problem I noticed in KY, and particularly in my dumbass county, which went Hillary by 14 votes, despite every surrounding county voting Bernie, is that a huge number of voters here refused to choose at all and voted uncommitted (something like 24,000), and a smaller, but equally idiotic number (about 5000, last I looked) wasted a vote on O' Malley who dropped out in like February. If just 2000 of those 29,000 voters had gone Bernie instead, he would have won. But I'm still actually impressed that KY held at a tie and didn't give that witch a real victory.

    Oregon, another closed primary, had a good showing, and they are still counting ballots, although websites like the NY Times and the Guardian that track the results have apparently stopped updating. Based on the Oregon election websites, the race is 59-41 Sanders, and is still increasing. So he did well there.

    As far as his chances, as I understand it, North and South Dakota, Montana, and New Mexico are supposed to be favorable. I think the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico could be wins depending on turnout (Virgin Islands is negligible with only 7 delegates, though a win would help, but Puerto Rico has more delegates than Kentucky does, so Bernie really does need to win it. I think it helped that he visited, plus Hillary has lost some endorsements from officials there in the last few days). DC is an almost guaranteed loss, but it's only 20 delegates, and I still think Bernie will get enough votes to get some of them. The really big concerns are California and New Jersey. NJ has a lot of delegates and polling (although the polls were not really very recent) is not in Bernie's favor. I think it's possible that the result will end up along the lines of the exit poll from NY (which was 52-48 Hillary before the results were (IMO) tinkered with). Compared to NY, NJ is a much more accommodating state for independents, who favor Bernie. If Bernie does manage a win there, I don't think it will be a big one, but any win helps cut into the delegate deficit.

    It's basically going to come down to California, at least as far as the pledged delegate count goes. Neither campaign will have enough delegates to win the nomination outright before the convention, no matter what the media says. Superdelegates, whether they endorse someone currently or not, can change their minds at any time and don't vote until July, so their votes don't yet count. The gap between Hillary and Bernie is currently 274 (give or take a few delegates, because I can't remember the exact number and I'm too lazy to look it up). Wins in the smaller favorable states, ties, or keeping it as close as possible in the unfavorables, and a big win in California would put Bernie over the top in both pledged delegate count and popular vote. The latest poll I remember seeing was I think 6 points in favor of Hillary with 12% undecided. There has also been a big influx of new Dem and No Party Preference voters, who I'm guessing are registering to vote for Bernie because Hillary doesn't really inspire much excitement. California is also favorable in that No Party Preference can vote in the Dem primary but not the Republican. A problem in some states, like Ohio, was independents forgoing their vote for Bernie in order to take a Republican ballot to vote against Trump. That isn't an issue here.

    And once we get to the convention in July, superdelegates will ultimately have to make the call. If Hillary's polling and favorability rating continue their current downward spiral, the FBI finishes their investigation and recommends indictment, or some other scandal breaks, well, SDs were created with the specific purpose to intervene if the popular vote goes to someone who is unelectable in a general election. Bernie will have to make that argument and see what happens.

    As far as President Trump, 1) He's already starting to move center and mellow his rhetoric, 2) Face it, the craziest shit out of his mouth will never happen. The President is not a dictator and there are checks and balances in place. 3) If dems turn out and vote in down ballot races (and just refuse to vote for Hillary because she is so honestly awful), we can retake the Senate and gain seats in the House, and President Trump will be facing the sort of obstructionist government Obama has been dealing with. We'll just suffer for 4 more years with nothing getting done, and in the 2018 midterms, we might be able to gain even more seats. If we retake the Senate, that also eases the SCOTUS worry, because the newly Blue Senate will have to confirm any appointments of Trump to fill Scalia's spot (if they don't end up taking Obama's pick), so they won't let in anyone horribly conservative who will set the country back.

    Sorry for the wall of text. I find this election cycle uncharacteristically (for me) fascinating and like talking about it.
    Last edited: May 23, 2016
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Unpopular opinion here, but I really don't support Bernie. Then again, I don't really support any of the big three nominations. And I'm not going for a "lesser of three evils" kind of thing either. I don't want any of them in office.

    Did they with the 50/50 split?

    Aren't each of the 11 people Trump said he would nominate all conservative? Assuming Trump becomes President and the Democrats take back the Senate I am expecting them to deny each and every one of Trump's nominees because politics. Now, they may humor Trump and go through the process before rejecting each one, but I doubt they will actually try to save face and allow a nominee to become a Justice simply so they can say they aren't exactly like the Republicans.

    Like a train wreck you can't look away from?
    Kitty likes this.
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I'm tired of the lesser evil argument, myself. I think our elections would be much better if people would just vote for who they actually feel represents them the best, rather than who they think will probably win, or against who they dislike the most. This kind of thinking would also help promote third parties, which I think needs to happen. Libertarian and Green would be good options for people if they bothered to look into their platforms, and would probably fit what people care about better than the Republican/Democratic parties. I like both (although I personally agree far more with Bernie's platform), and depending on what my ballot looks like in Nov, will probably end up voting for one of them.

    Sort of. I have a rather low opinion of my state (I know that makes me sound snotty, but meh), and I was impressed that in such a Bible-thumping, conservative state, so many progressive voices turned out the vote. When compared to how Clinton swept the state in 2008, I am proud that KY kept it so close. I wish it had been a win, but I hadn't been expecting it. And I'm glad that it wasn't a blow out for Clinton- she doesn't need to add any more delegates to her count.

    Who knows who he would actually end up choosing if he actually gets the opportunity. I think he's done a lot of pandering so far in the election, and what he says now might not be what he does if elected. If democrats take back the Senate, I would hope that they would vote down the nuttiest Trump may pick, and force him to put up someone more moderate and then vote that person in. Regardless of how petty some of the dems might be, surely they couldn't possibly stall on this pick for four years.

    I wish we could just pick justices based on if they could use their damn brains and base their decisions on actual law and common sense. I don't know why it should always be a right vs left thing. But I guess we can't raise our justices in a vacuum.

    Ha, yes. Every day it's like, what hilarious and/or awful thing will I learn next? For someone who never gave a damn about politics before (yeah, I was part of the problem), this has been eye-opening.
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    i love reading Kitty's wall's of text i feel so informed after the fact lol.
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately people are either lazy and don't look up the alternatives or they know that they have zero chance of winning with anything other than the two main parties. Though because of things like this was why I was hoping both Bernie and Trump would lose the nomination. My hope was that they lose and then their supporters both vote for them as independents. Neither would win, but hopefully there would've been a big enough vote for each of them that whichever of the main party wins, it isn't by a majority.

    TL;DR I wanted both Trump and Bernie to lose nomination, run as independents, and secure enough votes to start to break the two party system.

    I can understand having a low opinion of your state. Commiefornia pisses me off sometimes.

    Hopefully they wouldn't stall out on it, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did.

    Unfortunately politics has become too divisive these days for it to be anything other than a right vs. left thing. Not only that, but whoever is doing the picking of Justices picks whoever they feel will move the government in the direction they desire. As an example, consider the gay marriage ruling. I was having a conversation about it the other day and the person I was talking to said that the ruling was the right thing done for the wrong reasons. Long story short, this issue should have been a state's rights issue and not something for the federal government. Anyways, based on that notion it makes sense that people aren't going to use common sense when picking a Justice. It also leans towards the reasoning behind that thing I mentioned way way back, about the next Justices picked could very well cause irreversible damage to this country.

    Well there are worse ways to get somebody into politics.
    Kitty likes this.
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I was actually hoping for this, too. There's the danger of no one reaching 270 electoral votes and having the House decide the winner, but I was thinking that with four running, left and right both splitting the votes, that Bernie had a good chance of winning enough states. Plus, I just wanted to send a screw you to both main parties. But then the republicans screwed that idea by actually uniting behind Trump, something I thought the party leaders would try to obstruct as much as possible. I don't quite understand why the republican base has bucked the system, but the democrats still can't seem to let go of it. I still hope if it's Trump vs Hillary that we can get enough people to vote third party to get at least one group up to 15% of the vote, so that they can get on the debate stage in the next general election. Or at least the 5% mark, so they can get federal funding.

    I'm sure they'll stall some. I can't imagine them voting through the first person Trump puts up. But for four years?

    Well, I'm hoping if there is someone awful in the oval office, that some of the oldest justices hang on for four more years. I don't know. I don't know that I think Hillary's picks would be a whole lot better than Trump's. She's practically a republican anyhow. She might pick someone slightly left on women's health issues (which, honestly, wouldn't really be as important if schools taught proper sex ed and contraceptives were easily available for everyone, so unwanted pregnancies could be avoided), but I seriously doubt she'd actually choose someone who was serious about, say, getting money out of politics, with all her super PACs and shady as fuck Clinton Foundation dealings, or strongly pro-environment, given that she takes money from fossil fuel industries and went off like a nutcase on a green peace activist who wanted her to sign a pledge about not continuing to do so. And I really resent being placed in the position of picking between two such unqualified candidates in the general if Bernie doesn't make it through, with this Supreme Court spot being held over my head. I don't want to vote for someone who I think will be awful in all other respects just because she might make a tolerable choice here.

    This election just sucks, really.
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Is that what happens in the event of none of the runners getting enough of the votes? Is there a law or precedent somewhere that has this?

    At this point they probably care more about getting a Republican in the White House. Since I subscribe more to the conspiracy theory that Trump is secretly working with Hillary to get her the vote though, I always think about them being tricked as their attempts to stop Trump become less frequent. But since I brought it up, you should look into that conspiracy theory if you have the time.

    Is that how it works? I never knew there were any actual rules towards these things, only that the two main parties were so big there was no point in including the other parties.

    It certainly does seem ridiculous. They probably won't stall. But given that I have rather low opinion of Congress (And the Democratic party in general) I personally wouldn't be surprised if they do try to stall all four years.

    I hope they can stay alive as long as possible. I feel that claiming Hillary is practically a Republican goes to show how similar the parties are more than anything.

    I don't really want to side track from the thread too much, but the talk of making contraceptives easily available seems odd to me. You can find condoms at just about any gas station or convenience store and college health services give them out for free (At least here in California). I'm not really sure how easier contraceptives would need to be. I know condoms aren't 100% effective, but they are pretty damn close when used properly. And while I can't profess to knowing the cost of female contraceptives, I don't believe they are something that should be spent with taxpayer money. If somebody wants them, then logically they should buy them themselves (Or if it is one that requires a doctor to insert then get the insurance to pay for it)

    I don't think Hillary would make a tolerable choice for a new Justice though. And given that my ideologies lean towards the right I feel that Bernie would have even worse choices for Justices. But then again, like I said I don't really support Bernie at all so naturally I wouldn't have a hopeful view towards his potential choices to fill up the Supreme Court.

    No kidding. As a side note, until this election I hadn't really paid much attention to other ideologies, and by that I mean Libertarian. Gotta admit, I feel like I side with them much more than I would've thought. Funny thing about not really noticing them until now is that I never noticed the opinions of those against them. And I am surprised at some of the negative ways non-Libertarians think of Libertarians.
    Kitty likes this.
  12. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    That's what I understand. The House has to choose between the top three vote-getters for president, and then there's a separate vote among the top two VP choices. I'm not sure if it is supposed to be the incoming House or the current one, but regardless, the House is so gerrymandered it'll be republican either way. I assume this is all somewhere in the Constitution. I've just seen the info pop up here and there online during discussions about hypothetical independent runs.

    I think because of the fuss they've made about the republicans not confirming Obama's choice, that they'd have to save face and vote on the next president's pick. But then, that assumes that they care what the public thinks, and also assumes that the public actually pays attention and cares about the issue in the first place.

    Yeah, I've been super disappointed with how scummy the democratic party has been this election. And they really are practically identical to the republicans. They might differ slightly on some social issues, but the party leaders of both sides are just in it to serve their corporate masters and take home their paychecks/bribes.

    RE: the birth control comment I made, quickly since I don't want to derail the thread, I think it's much more the education part, although poor women with no health insurance would likely have a difficult time getting the pill, depending on their area and their access to clinics. It was kind of a pointless aside, anyhow.

    I don't think she has the judgement to do anything right, really, but I would think her justice would be fairly right-leaning, especially compared to Bernie's. Obviously, as someone fairly far to the left on most issues, that's not what I'd prefer to see. I actually sort of think no one would be happy with her choice. It wouldn't be far enough to the right for conservatives, and too far right for progressives. She's just awful in every way. I honestly can't believe she's winning. Too many people voting for a woman because she's a woman instead of looking at that woman's (horrible) record, if you ask me. *Sigh*

    I admire their platform for the most part, especially as far as social issues go. I kind of feel like this is the party that the republicans should be, if they truly believed what they preach. I'm not sure how I feel about some of their economic ideas and I feel like maybe they want to take a little too much power away from the federal government. And they're pretty much the exact opposite of where I stand on health care. However, I do like that the libertarian nominee has executive branch experience. That's an issue I have with the Green party. I lean more towards them on the issues, but their front runner has barely any experience in government, and the presidency is a big job. For anyone else interested Gary Johnson is the libertarian nominee, and you can find his stances on some of the issues if you follow the link.

    In all likelihood, Johnson will probably end up with my general election vote, because I can't bring myself to vote for Trump or Hillary, and last I checked, Greens aren't on the ballot in KY yet.

    That's what I've heard. I guess it's part of the FEC's regulations; honestly I've never felt like looking it up and finding where the info came from, but I've seen it many times, so I assume it is true. Seems like the dems and repubs got together and set some arbitrary bullshit in stone to make it harder for any other party to unseat them. But I feel like with a Trump vs Hillary election, there's a good shot that enough people would be so turned off that they vote third party and get them more legitimacy next election. I'd kind of like to see both dems and repubs go the way of the whigs, and I say that as a currently registered dem.

    Ha, I've been thinking this for months now. Either that, or Trump was drunk with some buddies who dared him to run for president and see how long it took to drive people away by being as awful as possible and it backfired when people flocked to him, and now his ego won't let him quit.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2016
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Interesting idea, almost making things reminiscent of the beginning of the country in regards to the VP. Though not sure how I feel about the House having that power. To be honest having the Speaker of the House be the next in line for the Presidency if both President and VP were to die doesn't sit too well with me, but I'm not sure what we should do in such an event anyways.

    Indeed. We will just have to see.

    I'd be fine if she were to choose somebody who was in the middle. But I know that's not gonna happen.

    Yeah, unfortunately people do that. Consider how many people voted for President Obama simply on the grounds of him being black, and not on his record or his ideology or anything.

    I'm in complete support of taking away power from the federal government. How much? I'm not sure. But definitely a decent chunk of it. And thanks for the link to Johnson's website. I'm most likely gonna end up voting for him.

    I did see a video on Facebook the other day explaining how the parties have worked to rig the system in order for them to stay in power. I never heard any of the percentage stuff you said though. It was mostly influencing voting districts to keep themselves in power. Though given that not enough people pay attention to politics, it seems like they have put too much effort into keeping their spots.

    I've heard opinions like that. Stuff like Trump did this on a bet, or that Trump doesn't even want the job and simply wants the title. But that conspiracy stuff though, it makes too much sense. The man had been a registered Democrat for a long time, he's family friends with the Clintons, he has donated millions to the Clinton Foundation, etc. Scary stuff and I can only hope this conspiracy theory isn't the actual truth.
    Kitty likes this.
  14. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Yeah, I don't care for that, either. My guess was that in the event that the issue came up, the House would probably end up voting for the person with the most popular votes, assuming there was a clear winner, but I'm probably having too much faith in people doing the right thing. In any case, it doesn't seem like this will end up being an issue this election.

    I can understand where people are coming from, and I think with Hillary, probably quite a bit of her older women supporters are with her because they're hoping to see a woman president before they die. But I've always felt that the most qualified person for the job should be the one who gets it, period. And I feel like with the internet so easily available, there's no excuse for people not to look into candidates' records and stances on the issues. It takes practically no time to visit the campaign website and do a little reading. If you're going to bother to vote, you should be informed. There will be a woman president some day. But let's wait until we get a woman running who we won't be ashamed of, please.

    I think that there's a lot of red tape and bullshit in the government that could be safely done away with, but the libertarians seem to want to deregulate everything, and I am not sure that's wise. I need to do more research to better understand what their goals are, I suppose.

    The libertarians have their own party website as well, that explains a bit more about the party's platform on areas not covered on Johnson's website, for anyone who hasn't stumbled across it, yet. Link.

    And for the hell of it, here's links for any undecideds or the curious to the other campaign websites:




    Jill Stein (Green Party)

    I know there are some other even less well known candidates still running, but I think this is the main group we'll be choosing from.
  15. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    So the American people have spoken and Sanders has to admit defeat. I did the math earlier and according to Sanders plan to get more pledged delegates than Hilary. He would have to get approximately 72% majority in California and New Jersey as well as 50% in the other states to at least match / tie with Hillary in terms of pledged delegates which frankly was never going to happen, but old Bernie with his "ride or die" attitude tried to battle crooked Hillary till the end.

    Apparently, the American people don't know what's good for them or the people around them, but that's just how it is.
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Well unless it has happened before, we can say this year's election is really, really historic.

    Unfortunately what counts as qualified is different for different people. After all, there are actually people who think Hillary is qualified.

    Well I can't claim to be an expert on their goals since I never noticed them until now, but I think I might be able to explain a little of it. The argument Libertarians have is that government regulations enable these unfair economic factors that Bernie is constantly arguing about. So by removing government regulations and bringing forth a truly free market economy, things will be more fair because the corrupt powers wouldn't be able to use the government to skew things in their favor. Also, the Libertarian party is much more for individual liberty than any other party.

    Thanks for the links. Looked at Jill Stein's page for a bit, and honestly she doesn't seem like too good an option either. Mostly because one of her goals is to end unemployment which, to be honest, is impossible.

    And yet people still believe he has a chance because the superdelegates have yet to actually vote. Though I doubt they would turn the election in his favor.

    Let's be honest here. Bernie probably isn't what is best for the American people either.
  17. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Lol. Hard to see how anyone with two current FBI investigations would be considered qualified. But yes, I concede that there are people out there who somehow think this way.

    I disagree, obviously, seeing as I'm a supporter. I don't think any candidate's policies are best for every American (the rich (and business owners, including myself) would have higher taxes under Bernie, for one example) but I feel that Bernie's policies would end up benefiting many more people than they hurt. But more than that, I trust that he actually wants to help people. I don't believe that Hillary or Trump are in this for anyone but themselves.

    I think it's still possible, though highly unlikely. I think it depends on polling closer to the convention and how the FBI investigations are coming along. Hillary is already one of the most unpopular nominees in history, so if it seems like people will turn against her even more, then the supers might feel compelled to act. The poor turnout on Tuesday makes this all a much harder sell. I was hoping that Bernie would gain enough delegates to pull pretty much equal with Hillary, but obviously that didn't happen.

    I've seen that there is a lawsuit being filed in Ohio concerning election fraud and racketeering throughout the Dem primary. It will be interesting to see if that goes anywhere and if it ends up having any effect on the results. Personally, I do believe that some of the primaries have had some shadiness going on. Enough to change the outcome of the election, I don't know. I think it was always going to be a hard win for Bernie, and I'm not sure that he even expected to do half as well as he has, really.

    If you don't like Bernie, I wouldn't think you'd like Jill, either. I don't agree with all of the green party's platform, myself, and I don't like her lack of experience, but I align more with Jill than anyone else besides Bernie. She's my next choice if she gets on the ballot in KY, but currently she's still trying to collect signatures, and I don't know if she'll end up getting enough or not. If she doesn't, I guess it'll be Gary Johnson. In reality it doesn't matter which one I vote for, since neither will win anyway. I might wait until closer to November and keep an eye on the polling, and then vote for whichever is polling higher. Help break this two party monopoly, possibly. I'd prefer to vote Jill, though, because as a registered democrat, I think it sends a better message, that if the party had embraced progressive values, it could have had my vote, but the party chose to continue being borderline republican instead. I'm really not happy with the dem establishment right now.

    I Side With is a good tool for someone wanting a quick way to see which candidates agree with his/her beliefs, although it goes by what the candidates say their platform is, so there's no guarantee that the candidate isn't pandering for votes or flat-out lying.

    Yeah. I see how the theory makes sense. In practice, I think businesses will just screw the workers and consumers (and probably the environment, too) without some protections in place. Maybe that's just me being cynical.

    This sounds awful, but I don't think we're going to get anywhere until the Boomers all die out, or die out enough that millennials can be relied on to show up to the polls and overpower them. They're pretty much the reason we're stuck with this shit economy and all the rest of this shittiness, but want to call us lazy when we want the same things they were given (like affordable higher education, or a wage we can actually live on). If nothing else, I hope this primary so far has been a wake up call to young people that we need to get off our asses, get informed, and vote. In every election.
    NeRo likes this.
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    So I've been "debating" (read: arguing) with some Bernie supporters who are voting for Hillary and are critical of the NeverHillary group. And basically, I am the epitome of privilege because I can vote based on my morals and not on the lesser of two evils, apparently Trump in office is going to cause every racist to ignore the law and treat minorities like second class citizens because there will be no fear of consequence, and calling somebody lazy is incredibly offensive and I'm in the wrong because I didn't consider somebody's feelings.

    To illustrate a bit on the lazy thing, I said that voting for the lesser of two evils and not what you want is lazy and dishonest. Somebody got pissed that I called them lazy, I said perhaps it would be better said it is intellectually lazy and dishonest, and then apparently me saying I don't see calling somebody lazy as being offensive means I am saying I didn't offend the person. Fun times.

    Yep. Scary world we live in.

    I have no doubt that he wants to help the people. In terms of being a good person Bernie is a much better person than either Trump or Hillary. But I do not feel as though his policies would be good and with the increase of government power either he will abuse it or his successor will. Not only that, but there are some of his ideas and personal philosophies that are really, really bad.

    I know there's speculation of Biden basically being forced to run depending on how these FBI investigations go.

    Only in Ohio? I remember New York getting hit pretty hard with the voter fraud. I'm surprised there isn't a lawsuit being filed there.

    I can respect her for understanding this whole "lesser evil" thing is only continuing the problems our government faces for elections. But that whole "get rid of unemployment" thing. That almost sounds more idealistic than Bernie.

    The results didn't surprise me. But I'm pretty sure you can't trust the results with respect to Trump or Hillary

    Well that's the fear and argument against it. Which is why we'll never get to see what a deregulated economy looks like.

    Naw. It'll take the next generation before millennials start to vote more than they do.
    Kitty likes this.
  19. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    These types of voters are the absolute fucking worst. If everyone voted on their morals, there wouldn't be these shitty corrupt politicians to choose between, so there wouldn't be this constant discussion of who's the lesser evil.

    I like how some people think that Trump will destroy the world, trample all minorities under his boot, send women back to their kitchens, and whatever else they're fearmongering about, yet a big argument for voting Hillary instead of Bernie is because "he'd never get anything done." How can Trump get all this crazy, unconstitutional bullshit through a congress and supreme court, if Bernie can't get a $15 minimum wage through? I'm just not afraid of Trump.

    Going by how I feel right now, I am most definitely NeverHillary. I think she (and the shadowy figures backing her, as well as the sycophants kissing her ass constantly) are corrupt, and I don't want to reward their election fraud and scummy behavior towards Sanders and his supporters by voting for her. I hope she crashes and burns in the general. I don't care if that makes me privileged. I'd sleep better at night knowing I didn't vote directly for someone with such poor judgment, someone who will start wars for profit, someone who will pretend to be progressive but work against the lower and middle class any time it doesn't benefit her or her backers.

    Fuck Biden. The idea of the DNC pushing someone through who people didn't even vote for is fucking ridiculous, and if they do that, I hope the whole dem party burns to the ground. Overlooking a candidate who ran in the primary and has about 45% of the vote would be, I think, a huge mistake. Even some Hillary supporters would be pissed about that, I think.

    There was a lawsuit filed by Election Justice USA in NY after its primary, but I don't recall ever hearing what happened with it, or if it is still ongoing. As I understand it, this lawsuit is being filed in Ohio because they have the strongest RICO laws, but more states will be brought into it. New York and Arizona were some of the biggest screw ups this go around, so I imagine they'll be included. Illinois is another one- there's already a separate lawsuit in the works for there, too, because of voting machines changing votes from Bernie to Hillary in Chicago, and the people counting the ballots by hand during audits were caught on camera erasing votes to get them to match the machine tallies. I haven't had a chance to read too much on this lawsuit yet, but if I have time later, I'll try to find some more information about what all it entails and post it. I think it was supposed to be filed today.

    I suppose it's an admirable goal to strive for. As unrealistic as it is, I'd prefer someone trying to do something about unemployment, and any little bit would help. I personally am not sold on their immigration policies (although this is something I'm also somewhat to the right of Bernie on, too), and I think some of the green platform's policies on things like nuclear power and GMOs are a little fearmongering. But I think every candidate is going to have at least something their supporters don't agree with them on.

    I don't know. Millennials are already the biggest generation, they just don't turn out to vote as much or as reliably as the Boomers. I'm hopeful that this primary has changed that for at least some millennials. The more informed voters, the better for everyone.
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  20. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I love how media said she's already won. we got celebs an people all over twitter congratulating her. really brings my blood to a boil. Fuck the media for that.
    Kitty likes this.

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