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Sunset Station

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by logos, Nov 27, 2016.

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  1. logos

    logos Member

    358/2 or 358+2 = 360 as in 360 degrees of a circle. like the circle of the zodiac wheel which rotates on an AXEL. roxas is the 13th member in the organization 13 is the number of death or the setting of the sun.
    If you divide 358 by 2 then you get 179. 179 is one short of 180. 180 is half of a circle representing the division of the annual year. Xion represents the X or the cross of the zodiac wheel. this is why she appears as both a male and a female in one. just as in one day there is day and night and in one year there is summer and winter. Xion represents the division of the annual year from summer the rising of the sun to winter its setting.
    Twilight town is a world where the sun never sets and it is stuck in eternal evening time. when the sun set's the sky will sometimes turn purple because Red light from the Sun (when low in the sky) is reflected off small particles. in the upper atmosphere. In the right conditions the red can mix with the generally blue color of the sky, giving a purple color to parts of the sky and clouds.


    7 is a number representing division of the sun's cycle. there are seven days in a week and the 7th day is SUNday. this is the meaning behind the 7 wonders. they represent the division of time between day and night. 7 represents the division of the zodiac wheel. the division of one season to the next. starting at Aries, the first sign. if you count seven spaces in either direction you will arrive at libra. you can see that this equally divides the zodiac wheel. if you start from libra and count back to Aries then again there are 7 spaces


    the 7 princesses of heart are actually Sun sacrifices for the rebirth of the sun in spring time from the cold death of winter.

    the purple train is about the cycle or procession of the sun. it represents the sun that has set.


    one train is orange and represents the sun

    while the purple one represents the moon.
    they are roxas and sora respectively.
    from the first game sora has been associated with the moon

    Oath likes this.
  2. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    logos likes this.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator


    This is all a huge stretch, and there's no evidence that any of this was intended by the game developers.

    Also, this sounds just the tiniest bit familiar. That you, Yacob?
    EtherealSummoner, Angel, Nova and 2 others like this.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Yacob, old buddy old pal, is that you? We've missed you dearly, truly.

    Your theories are still way too far-fetched though bro.
    Nova likes this.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    If you count seven spaces away from Aries, you get Libra. If you count seven spaces away from Libra, you get Aries. Huh... It's almost as if they're seven spaces away from each other.

    I gotta admit, thank you for the laugh. That bit made reading the entire thing worth it.

    I'm wondering something though. If you are Yacob and/or Ezol, are you using a different IP address for each profile or something? Also, why do you keep doing this? You're never going to get somebody on this site to actually believe there is some sort of secret underlying message within Kingdom Hearts. I figured with all the arguing about it previously you would've just stopped trying.
    Nova and Taboo Sho like this.
  6. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Is this Kingdom Hearts or some bad Nic Cage movie?
    EtherealSummoner and Nova like this.
  7. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    There's a difference?
    EtherealSummoner and Oath like this.
  8. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I know I shouldn't feed the troll, but I can't help but ask why a picture of Setzer is included within this mess. Because "Set" is in SETzer and in sunSET? You do know Setzer was named over 10 years before KH II came out, right? FFVI was released in 1994. Or do you think he was included only because of his name and as a secret tie in to whatever this theory is trying to prove.
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    It's all a part of the conspiracy. they were in on it even then.

    Also welcome back Ezol
    Kitty likes this.
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^ Ha ha.

    All of these sorts of theories give S-E way too much credit. I'm not even convinced the game developers even know what the hell they're doing from game to game. I can't believe they are capable of such deep thinking, from so far back in development, carrying through the entire series.
  11. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    This is the best point made on this entire thread.
  12. logos

    logos Member

    TWIlight town, DAYbreak town, way to DAWN, STARLIGHT (unchainex keyblade) SUNset station. these are all allusions to the sun and its light
    358+2 = 360 degrees of a circle. nomura said that the title is about a year minus 7 so he actually said the title references the course of a year. minus a week or 7 days which is division.

    tetsuya said - The title means 358 days through the eyes of two.(division)

    Now this game takes place during the time that Sora was asleep. In the beginning of KH2 you play through 1 week as Roxas. Since a normal year is 365 days when you subtract the week in the beginning of KH2 you get 358.

    so there you have it roxas's story is about the course of a year 358+7= 365 358+2= 360
    roxas name actually means red dawn of day. all of those things are allusions to the sun.

    im not trolling and yes I know setzer is from a much older FF game it doesn't matter though they used him for a reason. just like the used Lucifer the cat from Cinderella for a reason. Setzer does represent the setting sun he actually plays the same role as Lucifer the cat in birth by sleep. in FF he pilots and airship called the black jack. I would explain to you the significance but something tells me you would ignore it

    Ansem's name is an anagram for mensa meaning table. the table of the zodiac wheel that is divided between summer and winter. this is why we see ansem sitting in the room with the broken table.
    notice you can see the 360 degree circles lying ontop of the broken table. its an allusion to the table of the zodiac wheel that is divided every year between the season.


    in order to form the X blade two equal forces of light and dark must clash this is the clash of the seasons which forms the cross of the zodiac wheel



    in unchained x we all get the keyblade starlight. the keyblade graveyard, is the starlight graveyard. it is the death of the sun between the hot and cold or the spring and autumn equinox's 6 houses are the cold months and 6 are the warmer months.

    the house of Libra is the seventh astrological sign in the Zodiac. It spans the 180 210th degree of the zodiac. it divides the annual year between summer and winter.

    Element: Air
    Ruling planet: Venus
    Symbol: Scales
    it begins the autumn equinox

    Libra is the sign of justice.

    interesting that ventus is divided into one being of pure light and one of pure darkness. he also encounters captain justice


    in vens room in the land of departure the libra scales can be seen sitting on vens dresser

    you can see them in the picture below in the upper left hand corner

    after the Autumn equinox the days will continue to get shorter and shorter until the winter solstice in December, so the Autumn equinox marks the beginning of the death of the sun. this is why when ven and vanitas were divided though they were equal, ven was so weak that he almost died because the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer following the equinox. however on the equinox the day and night are both equl in length this is the very meaning of the equinox.
    Equinox” comes from the Latin words “equi” meaning “equal” and “nox” meaning “night.” This implies that there will be equal amounts of daylight and darkness
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2016
  13. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    My friend, be honest. Do you partake in the devil's lettuce when you think these things up?
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  14. logos

    logos Member

    no, what do you think about what I posted though.
  15. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I'm not going to read all this nonsense, but there's 13 zodiac signs now. Completely obliterating whatever direction you were trying to take with that.
    EtherealSummoner and Nova like this.
  16. logos

    logos Member

    there are only 12 zodiac signs
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

  18. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

  19. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Is that a source I see, making a rare appearance in one of these threads?

    Notice also how it mentions that the 13th sign has always been there, and was even brought up in the 1970s. Something that surely the Illuminati should have been well aware of when they designed Kingdom Hearts.

    An aside: c'mon, I know the thread is ridiculous, but don't spam it up, please. :) Need a little more to posts than just a pic or gif. We have standards. Mostly. *takes off Mod hat*
    Nova likes this.
  20. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Real conspiracy. I was born on a 13th. I'm the 13th Zodiac. Bow before me and my foreshadowing in KH2's programming.
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