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Sunset Station

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by logos, Nov 27, 2016.

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  1. logos

    logos Member

    actually there are only 12 signs on the zodiac wheel because only 12 are needed to chart the motion of the sun and the change of the seasons. there are 88 constellations in all, but only 12 are used in the zodiac wheel. I already knew about ophiuchus though. but there is a reason the zodiac whell has not been changed.

    Is Ophiuchus the 13th Zodiac Sign?
    Why Astronomers Shouldn't
    Try to Do Astrology

    Recently, astronomer Parke Kunkle announced the exciting news: There is a 13th zodiac sign! That means your zodiac sign has changed! Right?

    Uh, no. Not exactly. In fact, not at all really.

    Alas, this is a familiar scenario, ironically almost as predictable as astrology itself

    The zodiac used by modern Western astrology is based on the seasons, not the constellations of the fixed stars. The seasons are measured by the tilt of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun, as the Sun's direct line of light moves farther north or south of the Earth's equator.

    please read the link


    The thing is, there are more than 12 constellations the sun can pass through. Some are smaller, or have fainter stars, so they get ignored. The biggest is Ophiuchus, the serpent-bearer, which is a huge constellation taking up quite a bit of celestial real estate, and in fact the sun spends more time in Ophiuchus than Scorpius. Scorpius has brighter stars and an obvious scorpion-like shape, so it gets better press.

    So no, NASA didn’t add in Ophiuchus or change the zodiac or anything like that. Ophiuchus has been around this whole time, but has been ignored by astrologers. They’re the ones who should take the blame for all this, not actual scientists who don’t even think astrology is worth wrapping fish in anyway.

    Worse, there aren’t really 13 zodiacal constellations. By some counts, there are as many as 21

    so obviously we are talking about astrology not astronomy
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2016
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Another source? Amazing.

    Still doesn't do much for this theory as a whole, though.

    Also, stop double and triple posting. There's an edit button for a reason.
  3. logos

    logos Member

    of course not when you dont look at it with an open mind. there are outright allusions to the sun in the game a whole hell of alot entire worlds are named based on the cycle of the sun, like twilight town and daybreak but some how you have a hard time understand that the game is about the sun...ok
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    The game is about a kid who swings around a giant key, and Disney characters are there too.
  5. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Open mind and fantasy are two different things. You're wrong simple as that. Loosely related things aren't worth anything how don't you understand that?
  6. logos

    logos Member

    and almost every disney character ever made is an anthropomorphic figure of something in nature. not to mention everything im talking about here is what disney is all about. the game is not about a key swinging a key. it is about the "struggle" of the forces of nature. its an anthropomorphic story of nature.
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I think it is the marriage of two franchises, Final Fantasy and Disney, into one giant moneymaking endeavor. That's the amount of thought that I think was put into this series.
  8. logos

    logos Member

    because its not loosely related at all, its entirely based around the cycle of the sun like completely. im not wrong and i can prove it if you guys would listen with an open mind instead of out right rejecting the info.
  9. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Who told you it was based on anything? Absolutely no one. Maybe you're not open minded to us.
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    So prove it. We're all waiting.
  11. logos

    logos Member

    it doesnt take a lot of thought to regurgitate the same old anthropomorphic story you've been telling for thousands of years. im sure it takes more thought then what you are saying though. im sure they thought about how they could tell the story in such away that people wouldnt realize its the same story they have been told 100's of other times in other works but its actually pretty blatant in kingdom hearts compared to other stories like game of thrones.

    hell there are people who can see the allusions to the cycles of nature in that fandom even though they are far more hidden than they are in kingdom hearts. but the song of ice and fire is the same as the song of the seasons. thats why they always saying "winter is coming" thats why jon snow is the king that was promised. he is targaryan and stark = fire and ice he is the purple prince. just like riku. i mean why do you think rikus hair is white? its about winter thats why ansem and xehanort have white hair and why xehanort controls the ice element. (i know he controls earth too)

    no one had to tell me anything because i can see.

    ok i will prove it i will make a new thread with the most damning evidence that ive uncovered yet.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2016
  12. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Stating that there are allusions within KH doesn't make it so. That's your screwed interpretation to find meaning within a game that is clearly based on something much simpler.
    Kitty likes this.
  13. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    What's wrong with this thread? Prove this point.

    And dear God, please don't start talking about ASOIAF.
  14. logos

    logos Member

    no the allusions to the sun make it so. we have "way to DAWN" when ansem ask riku to choose a road, riku says he is taking the middle road. ansem says "is that the twilight road to night fall? riku says "its the road to "dawn" i dont have to say anything these are actually blatent allusions to the cycle of the sun.
    we have DAYbreak town we have SUNSET station we have the keyblade "starlight" we have lucifer the cat etc. plenty of allusions to the sun and its cycles in kingdom hearts
  15. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Did it cross your mind that they're speaking metaphorically? Riku's character was dark and then he changed over to the light. Maybe, just maybe, it represents his transition. The very thing that the director of the series has stated over and over. But no, it's some nonsense.
    Kitty likes this.
  16. logos

    logos Member

    the struggle of light vs darkness itself is an metaphor for day and night it where the very concept originates. sure they are speaking symbolically. but like ive been saying those allusions to the sun are backed by more symbology that clearly depict the cycles of nature so its not JUST a metaphor. destiny islands itself is an allusion to the setting of the sun. it is the destiny of the sun's setting (which is riku) each game that has come out has clues and symbology that prove this out.
  17. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I'm guessing they named the cat Lucifer back in 1950 as a nod to Satan because the cat is mean as hell. It doesn't have to be deeper than that.

    So where's this damning evidence?
  18. logos

    logos Member

    well my computer is acting up right now so give me a minute but here are a few clues from the game

    Destiny Islands

    one icon sunny the other at evening time. clearly showing you the suns course.

    Destiny Islands


    the place where the sun set or descended into the darkness.
    rikus "changing" if you pay attention, was happening at twilight.


    the next time we get a destiny islands cut scene, its also at twilight and we here that "riku" is changing as the sun is setting.


    "you know, rikus changed"

    the next cut scene we see is actually at the darkness of night time. the time of the death of the sun where the moon touches the light of the sun and becomes the ruler or master or the light of the world.


    About Riku being the rightful owner of the Keyblade - why is it that Sora had the Keyblade first?
    Nomura: That part is also a bit vague. In the Destiny Islands when Riku is swallowed by the darkness, there's a sparkle of light, and next comes the scene where Sora first gets the Keyblade, right? In my setting, the darkness wrapping itself around those two is the darkness of Riku's heart. At the moment when Sora enters that darkness, the light you can see is the light of the heart. Sora, trying to help Riku, struggling in the darkness, touches that light and temporarily the Keyblade goes to Sora

    so you see, the darkness that is swallowing riku is the setting of the sun and the light that sora touches is the light that that moon touches when the sun sets when the moon REflects the suns re's or rays

    don't believe me?

    see they show you the night time with the light of the moon in the shape of a heart


    red vs blue

    Harvest moon during the fall appears very large and orange. There are two reasons for this: the moon's path across the sky, and the climate of earth. in ancient times, humans would ritually sacrifice other people to ensure a good and bountiful harvest.
    this is the reason why kingdom hearts is a harvest moon and requires that hearts be harvested in order to manifest





    the scythe
    scythe (n.) [​IMG]Old English si�e, sig�i, from Proto-Germanic *segithoz "to cut"
    (also notice the moon)

    JUST LIKE the zodiac is cut.



    CHRONOS! or as he is other wise know, "father time" notice the hour glass in his hands.

    the black soul eater

    does the white hair and tan skin remind you of anyone and hmmm wouldn't you say that orange face logo looks a WEEEEEE bit like the "JACK o lantern" of harvest time???! hmm any chance?


    Rikus soul eater

    the scythe or sickle of the harvest.

    KH wiki
    Some time after arriving at Hollow Bastion and being taken in by Maleficent, Riku learns to summon the Soul Eater, which he uses as his primary weapon. Later, while he is in Traverse Town, he uses it to take out a pair of Soldiers

    so, the first time riku uses his soul eater is to take out a few soldiers eh?

    well SOL like the SOL OF THE SOLSTICE is the SUN and the etymology of the word die, is YOU guessed it

    die (v.) mid-12c., possibly from Old Danish d�ja or Old Norse deyja "to die, pass away," OR

    die (n.) early 14c. (as a plural, late 14c. as a singular), from Old French de "die, dice,"
    as in to cut just like the zodiac or the SCYTHE or sickle

    so a soldier, is a sun sacrifice. one who dies for the sun
    because you see....riku is Saturn...."the black sun" (google it).
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 29, 2016
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    The more i read, the more i slap myself in the head and repeat to myself.

    the fuck
    is this

    What is
    All of this
  20. logos

    logos Member

    Havocs divide is where you fight luxord. lux means light and luxord uses cards as weapons.

    if you ever played 52 pick up then you know that in a standard card deck there are 52 cards. there are also 52 weeks in a year.


    this is why they are called Bicycle because its talking about the bicycles of the annual year. why one is blue and the other is red. the annual year is divided every year between the seasons of summer and winter thats why you fight luxord in havocs DIVIDE.
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