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Sunset Station

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by logos, Nov 27, 2016.

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  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    That's Yen Sid being awesome is what it is.
    Kitty likes this.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Please don't. You play the fool's game and you become one.

    Bringing it back on track, I'm done. You can't even give evidence about the princesses being a sacrifice offering to the sun. Even if you did somehow make one up, I can just up and tell you that if Sora is the sun, then he was the one who saved them and they weren't sacrificed to him at all. You can't even tell anything about why the trains are represent the way they are. You, as in all of your other threads, just say they are like this because "That's how it is".

    A star represents a particular world and if that star fade, it means that particular world fell into darkness. No Astrology there. It is a video game fact.

    Kitty likes this.
  3. logos

    logos Member

    lol and im the troll? right eraqus star has blinked out means eraqus has a star showing you BLATENTLY kingdom hearts is associated with astrology. but no im pulling this shit out of my ass and its completely baseless. yea ok.

    he said master eraqus star has blinked out. he also said there are some things the stars could not tell him. that means he is reading the stars that means astrology.

    how can I prove the princesses are sun sacrifices? they need their hearts to bring back the light of kingdom hearts that's how I know. 7 is a number associated with the sun. the 7th day of the week is sunday (no its not Saturday and I will provide the source if need be) 7 days divide one week from the next. seven houses divide the zodiac wheel which is based on the movements of the sun. that's how I can prove it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 29, 2016
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I'm* Blatantly* I'm*(again geez)
    I think you should do a bit more studying and come back later. I simply stated a fact, something YOU have yet to be able to do. Care to try your hand again?

    Also, seriously? You've been here how many times and you STILL haven't found the edit button? Come on man.
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    IF you actually look into the source I gave you, you would know that in the game, it is said that there are stars that represents individuals as well and Simba even states this in Kingdom Hearts II.

    That doesn't even prove anything. Also, your theory with the princesses is so flawed. Sacrifices for what? How can they sacrifice something if they are gaining back something? If Sora is giving back their hearts, then they are not sacrifices at all.
  6. logos

    logos Member

    yen sid is awesome is not a fact that's an opinion. I stated the fact when I told you he was doing astrology. which he is because he says in plain English "there are somethings even the stars can not tell me." meaning he was reading the stars.

    EXACTLY that is astrology my good sir. exactly what I have been talking about this entire time in my so called "baseless" theories. thank you for proving my point.

    opps that double post was an accident I cant delete it. I would if I could

    EDIT: oh yea they had their hearts taken out for the return of the light that is a sun sacrifice. there you go. sora turned out to be the sacrifice the 7 princesses just represent the passage of the seasons from winter to spring.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 29, 2016
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Use the edit button and stop double posting. I'm going to fucking slap you I stg.
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    No it does not prove your point. For it to be Astrology in Kingdom Hearts, Yen Sid has to be able to predict or foreseen events about Eraqus' life, which he did not. If you actually watch the scene, Yen Sid said the stars told him Eraqus was struck down and the stars told him again about two people who were involved in the incident. Astrology is based on knowing people's personality and predicting events. Simba said a star can represent a person, but he never said they represent's a person's personality and knowing a person's personality. So yes. You're theory is still flawed.
  9. logos

    logos Member

    that's what I have been saying the entire time that the game is an anthropomorphic story about the sun and constellations. so no what you said actually proves what ive been saying correct. also astrology isn't just about predicting the future its also about describing the personality traits of an individual based on the stars. Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial objects as a means for divining information about human affairs and earthly events
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    This is true. Sorry Sho, you got owned. Although Yen Sid is undeniably awesome.

    Not really knowing the context of this scene, this phrase does sound like it could be referencing astrology. However, it also sounds like the sort of mystical crap any wizard-type character would spew.

    This is what you're not convincing anybody of. You might score here or there on one piece of the puzzle, but you're not showing us clearly how these pieces fit together in a way that was intentional by the game developers.

  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... You just blantantly disregard what I said about Simba never saying a star represent a person's personality. You even disregard my post about Yen Sid. He treated the stars as if they're living beings (Which is a topic on Kingdom Hearts we can discuss and is more enjoyable). Yen Sid did not study the movements of the stars to predict what will happen in someone's life. Studying stars to determine what will happen and stars, as if they are people, telling someone what just happened, are two big differences.
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

  13. logos

    logos Member

    that's because wizards study astrology lol and ethereal summoner is doing a pretty good job of proving that the story is an anthropomorphic story of the sun and stars.

    exactly "he treated the stars as living beings" that's anthropomorphism my friend.
    anthropomorphism definition. The attributing of human characteristics and purposes to inanimate objects, animals, plants, or other natural phenomena,
    when you read the stars that's astrology it doesn't matter if you are telling of current events future or past. reading the stars to derive messages is astrology point blank period.
  14. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Just because there is an example in the game doesn't mean that is what the entire game revolves around.
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The reason you're off is the fact Astrology and Anthripomorphism are completely different. Anthropomorphism ia based on psychology. Psychology and Divination are two different fields... and you still believe Yen Sid read the stars when he didn't. It cannot be Astrology if the stars had human traits and talked to Yen Sid.

    And you are still off in the post you edited about the princesses. The princesses were captured to get to Darkness, not for the return of a light.
  16. logos

    logos Member

    No but all the clues and info ive provided do.
    Yen sid showed that the stars are associated with charecters in the game. Ive been showing you how rikus star is the sun.
    And how destiny islands in kh1 is showing you the setting sun. How SETzer represents the setting sun. And how terra is the constellation taurus. The terra-bull
    How xehanort is Capricorn how ven is libra.
    How the game is a symbolic story of the cycles of nature which are caused by the sun.
    How twilight town daybreak town and way to dawn are all allusions to the sun.
    Its all there

    As above so below my friend. As the celestial bodies in the heavens so to are the terrestrial bodies. Astrology tells the human traits of individuals the traits associated with each house are derived from how the sun effects the earth while moving through that house. All through history humans have looked for terrestrial traits that mirror the celestial trairs of the heavenly bodies.
    A sun travels through each house until it becomes old and dies in winter
    Thats why capricorn is associated with being old and wise because the sun has made is journey from the innocent lively spring time of life to the harsh cold winter of death. Then the sun is reborn.
    In our human world we all begin as sons (if ur a guy) and we become fathers and have our on son. Because the sun is reborn and our suns are little versions of us thus the cycle continues. As above so below is astrology.

    And no the hearts were taken to open the door. Ansem was hoping for an endless winter of Darkness but little did he know at the end of the cycle the sun is always reborn from its death.
    Thats why riku is inside there he is the reborn sun. He now walks the middle road because he has completed the cycle he has the wisedom of the old wise Capricorn goat and the innocence of the son.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2016
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    The real issue is that, you're literally trying to force your concpiracy theories on everyone, like anyone gives 2 shits about this idiocy. Call out hope again i dare you. and i'll show you a true hell,

    You will undoubtedly meet with a truly terribly fate.

    Do you think anyone cares? at most you're like a mosquito constantly flying about you serve no purpose you bring no favor to the forum No one aggres with any of your topics, yet you persist. it'd be one thing if you brought meaningful debate and discussion. but your agrument is

    The sky is blue

    no the sky is actually red if you look at the stars and

    Stfu just for the love of god shut up or i'll shut you up
    Nova likes this.
  18. logos

    logos Member

    You guys are so mad because you can see the truth in what im saying but you want to ignore to continue on in your innocent, naive world. No one is forcing anyone to read these threads. Im getting under your skin because you know im right.
    You don't agree with the truth, the truth just is.
    It doesn't change no matter what. Thats why im here to expose the truth. Doesn't matter who can see it or not. Someone will see it.
    Thats why i come here because you gyys play kingdom hearts so it should be easier for you guys to see what im saying. If i talk to people who dont play they wont have a clue.
    Kingdom hearts is the most blatent form of this ritual occult stuff thats why i expose it on every platform i can.

    The bible is far too occult and its followers far too brain washed to see the evil truth of the book.

    In most tv shows nd movies the stuff is so well hidden youd never convince anyone its occult symbology but kingdom hearts its so blatent.

    I know you guys love the game and i do too, its a great game.
    I just think people should know what they're playing
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Boi what truth? Who are you?!! like WHO ARE YOU. why should i believe a word you say. You say were ignoring the truth. Boi! if you don't lol. like Kanye says

    You aint got the answers! you aint got the answers!
  20. logos

    logos Member

    The truth that kingdom hearts at its core is about heart sacrifice.
    The only time in history where a heart sacrifice has been required is for the sun, for the rain and other acts of nature
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