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Beginner Sigs

Discussion in 'Audio and Visual' started by Nova, May 17, 2014.

  1. Kodakliv

    Kodakliv Member

    Will do! :) thanks so much!! And keep up the awesome work! :)
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Well, thank you. I try to at least always say one thing nice if I can, because I know it sucks when you work hard on something and some jerkface just rips it to shreds. This was easy to do on your last stuff, because you really have improved a lot. Seeing your stuff makes me want to start again, but, ugh, software issues and no time. >_<

    That's awesome that you can take the photos, too. I've never been great at taking pictures. This one makes me want to see more of it (like there would be something really interesting about the expression on the rest of her (your?) face).
  3. Kodakliv

    Kodakliv Member

    I think mine fits very well thanks again! ;)
  4. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Wow nice job Hope. I love them all specially the remakes that you did. My fav would definitely be the Sig/Avi combo your using currently. Im also working on making sigs & avi's I was thinking of making a thread like this so I could get better with my work. But anyways good luck on getting better & keep up the good work.
  5. Hmm, it looks like you have potential. This makes me want to open a request shop...
  6. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Thank you everyone. :) My laptop finally died of old age so it will be a while before I can make more but it's nice to know I was improving
  7. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Finally got around to making something new. Extremely simple and used ribbet so it's not wonderful. But I'll post it anyway to keep the thread somewhat alive. (Requested by my friend for his LoL profile...)

    Attached Files:

  8. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I think this looks pretty nice, especially so if you were using poor quality programs to make it. I like the lighting around the hands, and I think the colors are pretty. It is simple, but I don't think that's really such a bad thing. Thanks for sharing.
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Lara .jpg

    Found this in some of my old work I think it was the last one I made before my computer gave up the ghost. Anyway posting it for comparison. Working with this render a second time to see if I can make something better.


    First one I've made in a while. Not great but thought I'd share.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2016
    EtherealSummoner and Kitty like this.
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I really like the second one. It's got a nicely cut render, and the background has pretty coloring and lighting. The only two things that I would change are the character's right hand, which I feel is a little too transparent, and the blue flame in the character's hair doesn't seem to fit with everything else. I can't tell if that is part of the render or something you added to it later, but I don't know, it just sort of draws my attention a little too much. But I think you did a very nice job on this.

    With the first one, I can't really tell what all has been added to it, besides some red lighting and the text. It doesn't catch my eye like your second one does, but I do like the text and the stock placement.
  11. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Now that you mention it I can see what you mean about the hand. I also notice there is kind of a harsh line right next to the edge of the charter's jacket. >.< I guess that's what I get for rushing through this one. As for the blue flame it is part of the stock but I agree with you. I should have cut it out.
    As for the first one you're right. There really wasn't much done with it. If I remember correctly it's just a stock, background, overlay, and text. Most likely I was experimenting with blending and text.

    Thanks for the feedback :)
  12. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I didn't realize that the first tag was a render and a stock image background (I thought it was a wallpaper or something >_<), so I'd say you succeeded with the blending. :)
  13. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    This request took way too long to complete. Mostly because I couldn't figure out what to do with this render. Anyway I attempted 3 separate times before kind of just giving up at the most recent one. I will not be posting my first attempt because I hate it too much.

    Attempt 2: Eh Feel free to rip this apart people who actually know what they are doing. Maybe I can try this concept again and not have it turn out so bad next time. >.<
    Code: [*IMG]http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/dd173/HopeAngel777/KairuWitcher2.jpg[/IMG*]

    Attempt 3: My most recent try and probably the one I hate the least. It's just very messy.
    Code: [*IMG]http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/dd173/HopeAngel777/KairuWitcher3.jpg[/IMG*]

    @Kairu as always, thanks for challenging me with the request. Weather or not you decide to use either of these it doesn't hurt my feelings. And if you want me to try again that's cool too. :)

    If your name isn't Kairu: As always, I welcome feedback. If there is anything you can think of that I could have done differently to make these better feel free to say so.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  14. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I prefer the render placement of Attempt 3. I think 3 looks a little more dynamic, has a little more energy. Color-wise, I do like the washed-out render against the colorful backgrounds. I can't decide which color scheme I prefer. The green bits (and overall left side) of Attempt 3 look the best, I think, but the red for some reason doesn't quite work for me. The blue on Attempt 2 is pretty but maybe doesn't fit as well with the render. The text on both is probably the biggest weakness. I don't really have any tips for you; I've gotten to the point where I'm tired of trying to make it look nice and just don't put any text on at all. Maybe if the text on Attempt 3 was a different color, it would work better for me. With the other one, I think it's the font that doesn't quite go. *shrugs*

    Overall, I don't think I like these as much as I liked that second one you posted on Nov 12, but it's clear you're improving and I look forward to seeing more from you.
  15. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    It's like I see things differently when I work on them vs when I post them. But I think you're right about the color on the second. I was playing around with filters (not great ones. I was just using the ones on my phone for the sake of curiosity). I completely got rid of the color and almost like it better that way. that could just be me though.
    Ex: 20161129_112115.jpg

    As for the text I tried to blend it into the red effect I had going on in that area. I like it better than previous attempts with text but it still could use work as well.

    I like the concept of the second attempt better. I had this image in my head of how I wanted it to look but the result was admittedly poorly done. Maybe at some point I'll try again.
  16. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^ I like them better without the color, too. The text looks nicer, also.

    Ugh, my stuff never looks like I want it to look, so I share this pain. But at least you are improving and learning each time you make something. :)
    Nova likes this.
  17. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator


    Another Yang banner I toyed around with today. I don't think I like it as much as the one I posted on Summoner's thread though.
    Taboo Sho likes this.
  18. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    It's really cool to see the progression you've had since you started the thread :)

    You have a super unique style, it often ends up reminding me of a vintage scrapbook or something, specifically the one you have currently equipped in your sig :) it is really neat, I'm a fan of that. But definitely keep them up because the improvement from one to the next is apparent.
    Kitty and Nova like this.
  19. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    I appreciate your feedback. It really helps me to improve.

    I made the following two by request. I'm really not thrilled with the way they turned out which is why I haven't posted them before now. To those of you who have requested sets, I apologize for the long wait and low quality work. I don't currently have photoshop which is causing a major step back.

    Become Sig.jpg


    @Become and @Taboo Sho

    If you guys want me to attempt these again with changes please let me know. I plan on buying Photoshop in the near future at which time I will attempt these again.
    Taboo Sho likes this.
  20. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I see no issue with mine. If I could just trouble you for a corresponding avvie, that'd be ever so lovely.

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