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Blame it on the Alcohol

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Oath, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    I had this conversation with an old college roomy a while ago and thought it would be a neat topic for here. Since last time I talked to most of you, you were too young to drink Alcohol in the USA. Not that it stopped some of you.... ;)

    Anyway what are some of the craziest things you've done because you were drunk? Or while under the influence? I hope this doesn't disappoint. Drunk stories are hilarious.
    Nova likes this.
  2. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    I once climbed a couple balconies to get to my girlfriends apartment because i forgot how to get back into into the building.
    Nova likes this.
  3. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I don't drink alcohol, but I have been around drinkers.

    One guy drank himself silly, he fell, but luckily the asphalt caught his face. Came to school the next day bloody.

    This one girl drinks and has meltdowns and complains about her roommate. Goes on and on about how she is treated like crap by her and ends up on the floor crying, but when someone told the dean and her roommate was punished. She is completely upset and literally said that she shouldn't be taken seriously while she is drunk.

    One girl gets very "loose" when she's drunk. She hits on these sketchy types that look like they kill cats and bathe in their blood.

    Another chick is loopy, literally coo-coo bananas when she's drunk. When she speaks, it's as if a kaleidoscope threw up.
    Nova likes this.
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    @Legendseeker I love how the prospect of scaling the building sounded easier than just finding the door. :p

    @Angel the way you worded those last two made me laugh. The second to last one is kind of scary though.

    I can count the times I've been drunk on one hand, so I don't have a ton of stories. I don't really drunk all that much. And when I do for some reason I always end up blowing up Kairu's snap chat with the most random things.

    As for my most out there alcohol involved story: I broke into the local pet shelter to play with the puppies at 2am with a few friends.
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  5. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I dont drink either. I've seen some silly sh*t from drinkers like my Grandpa and great Uncle fighting over a railroad whistle though.
    I try to avoid it myself. It doesn't go too well with my gene pool.
    Oath likes this.
  6. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Wow less drinkers on here than I thought. And @Hope BITCH WHEN?
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  7. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    That's why we're here. We're not fun enough to be elsewhere drinking. Halp. *goes back to watching Arlo play Slender after asking for help with being a shut in* *there is no hope* *my soul is forever a hermit*
  8. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I've been drunk once. The first time I actually drank in any significance, mostly off of screwdrivers (vodka+oj).

    It was mostly just me getting super happy and laughing about absolutely nothing and anything, followed by a tailspin of sorts into a mildly depressed state; though that was likely for other reasons.
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    I'm pretty much the same. Drunk Hope is either SUPER happy go lucky or "the world is ending" depressed. There is no in between
  10. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Oh man, Drunk stories. National pastime in Ireland really.

    I've a few but I'll share one. I remember I was out with a friend and we had gone to the pub quite early, ( I was in the UK at the time and they close early, around 10 or 11 I think). Anyway, got there and started drinking, I was having Spiced Rum and Coke, double naturally and my friend was on cider. Few hours went by and I remember going up to the bar and ordering another round, they informed me that unfortunately the spiced rum was out as I'd finished it. Moved on to normal rum. Coming up to closing time so the bar calls last orders, friend comes back and says that the bar maid is quite impressed I can still stand, finish up our drinks and we were walking home. It wasn't a long walk but I remember it was dark out. We came to a turn in the road and we had just been chatting, I remember my friend saying its the police and the car just sat there. My friend keeps telling me we should cross and I refuse point blank stating "No. There is a car there. And if we cross it will run us over and we will die". When I woke up the next day I vaguely remember my friend trying to reason with me saying that its the police and they are waiting for us to cross. I still refused to cross however. I'm not sure how long this went on for but my friend says it was maybe ten or fifteen minutes. Eventually I looked at the car and realised it wasn't moving, turned to my friend and said, "Ok, I think its safe to cross, the car doesn't seem to be moving." Once we crossed the police drove off, I'm fairly certain that they were insuring I was able to move.

    That isn't were the fun ends though, we arrived home and my friend was insistent that I went straight to bed, and we argued a little while, no voices raised or anything, just me saying I didn't want to go to bed and her telling me it would be a good idea. Anyway she convinced me and we starting walking up the stairs. I remember hearing a loud thud, and I turned around to ask my friend if she was OK. She said something in reply but I didn't hear it and I remember thinking, ' Christ, she is so drunk she's after falling up the stairs.'

    Woke up the next morning any my shins were killing me. Thought back on it and realised I'd fallen and then asked if my friend was OK. Still haven't quite lived it down.

    It's a bit long winded but its one of my personal favourites. I have others if anyone would like to hear them.
    Napoléon, Desert Warrior and Nova like this.
  11. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I don't drink much, partly because I don't want horribly embarrassing drunk!me stories, but also because I don't much like the taste of alcohol. I drink wine, daquiris, and hard cider occasionally, but that's pretty much it. I don't think I've ever been drunk, but I got pretty sick off of wine spritzers I was downing at our work Christmas party one year. I suppose that's also the most impaired I've been- I kept trying to refill my Brita pitcher and kept dumping it all over because I forgot how it worked and wasn't waiting long enough for the water to filter down. I think I did it like 3 times before I gave up and just drank tap water, blech.
    Napoléon likes this.
  12. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I want more stories Kairu! :cool:

    I have not done too many embarrassing things while drinking, but here are some stories.

    Story 1. So, in the big city where I go to University, there is a public garden that they close usually around 10 pm. One day, my friends and I were drinking at my apartment (while singing Disney Karaoke because it is a staple of our nights) we decided it would be a good idea to visit the gardens. We got there to see that they were closed and the fence is quite tall (I would say 10 ft, but we are all 5 ft-ish so it is quite the distance). I had the brilliant idea that my friends could hike me over the fence and then I would help them cross over too.

    Well, I stood on their hands and they threw me as hard is they could over it and I basically hit the top, ripped my pants, and crumpled on the other side (I managed to get over!). It was quite humiliating, but my friends thought it was funny. I brought them all over from there and we chilled inside for a bit, before realizing one of the other fences surrounding the park was only 7 ft tall and much easier to scale...

    The pants died for no good reason.

    Story 2. After downing a whole bottle of wine while watching Howl's Moving Castle, I decided I wanted to get McDonald's during a raging snowstorm. So, as I was leaving, one of my male friends saw me and decided he would accompany me on this quest. It was a solid adventure, I basically played around in snowbanks as we went, but then I ran into this massive snowbank that must have been at least 15 ft.

    My male friend, a voice of reason, was trying to convince me that climbing that snowbank in my state would not be a good idea. Bah humbug to that thought. I climbed it as valiantly as any prince in history, and made it to the top. From there, I did a quick turn to show my friend that I made it and do a warrior pose, lost my footing, and tumbled down the other side of the bank. As gracefully as possible, of course.

    Good thing snow is not hard; he watched me and thought I must have broken something. Fortunately all was well and I got my chicken nuggets in the end.


    And there we go.
  13. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    It really all depends on what mood I get into when drinking.

    One time a friend and I put down 2 4 packs of Seagrams (which was disgusting afterwards) a fifth of Smirnoff and some Katchatka or however you spell it. We were just done for at this point. Apparently I went live on Facebook and I got her puking everyone. Like on her phone everything and I'm just laughing and asking her if she was puking. Like I felt bad the next day and deleted it because that probably was really embarrassing for her. I did have my own embarrassment and was whining over how my exes hurt me and all this personal crap. Thank god it was around 4 in the morning and a high of like 5 people saw it.

    Another time recently, I had just gotten into beer. So I had a few cans and some mixed drinks at a party, and in this persons basement were poles. I can't remember what for but every basement has them. And I decided it would be a great idea to just start swinging on it. Yeah, definitely not how I want to portray myself haha.

    I'm also not a smoker at all, but I've done way more hilarious things while being high than drunk. If there's even a thread for that.

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