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Samurai Jack (Revival)

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Become, Mar 13, 2017.

  1. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    This past Saturday (March 11th), Cartoon Network's Toonami block was kicked off by the return of the series, Samurai Jack, which originally aired on Cartoon Network from 2001-2004.

    Back in that time frame, it was one of those shows that I watched, but didn't exactly "follow" (in the sense that I really never invested much emotion into). I kind of took it for granted, as, at that point in time, I was more invested in other shows (that was pretty much when Dragon Ball Z, among other titles, was in its US stride). So, Jack, unfortunately, fell a bit off to my wayside during that time frame, and I don't think I ever completely gave it the credit it might have deserved.

    Nonetheless, the show certainly left its posthumous impression on me; enough so that I piqued my interest when I saw that it would be returning.

    Become's First Impression
    All too often, it seems like older TV shows (particularly the ones from the 1990s and early 2000s, are brought back from the 'dead' only to be remade in a way that, at least marginally, distances them from their original incarnations. In the case of animated shows, the frequent and evident culprit is in the drawing/animating, which, if I'm being honest with my own thoughts, is almost never quite as good as the previous examples of the same shows; perhaps this is just a by-product of the devaluing of artistic talent in today's society... but that's a discussion for another thread entirely. Other times, the new version of a show simply loses touch with elements that gave the original any semblance of quality and/or greatness.

    Of course, the difference between these cases and the revival of Samurai Jack comes down to what I see as a noteworthy difference: Reboot vs. Continuation. Whereas many of the old Cartoon Network shows that have been resurrected in the past few years have been the result of rebooting and adapting the program for today's kids, Samurai Jack has been brought back in the venture of simply picking up the story, for the most part, where it left off; definitely a move meant to appeal to people that had already followed the series before, such that fans can finally see some closure.
    In that vein, little about the show's stylistic elements have changed. The character design and drawing styles remain pretty much untouched and unaltered. It seems that voice actors from the original run of the series have returned, in particular the voice of Phil LaMarr once again giving voice to Jack, which is definitely one of the ones that counts for the most. Overall, the show seems to be staying very close to origins in these design terms, which really makes the most sense when looking at a continuation; it would certainly make for quite the upheaval if all of that suddenly changed... you know, like that sequel to the Mortal Kombat movie where they had to bring in all new actors for about 98% of the cast. Oops.

    Beyond that... well, I can't quite recall how 'dark' or 'edgy' the original run was, though I do remember for certain that it was certainly more mature than other shows that aired in the same programming block(s) at its time. This season definitely seems like it's poised to take that to the next level.

    DISCLAIMER: Evidently, this season is, in fact, meant to bring the long retained conclusion to the Samurai's journey. While one could certainly gripe and groan about why they waited so long just to bring us one more season... I think I'll forego that behavior, for now. Based on the first episode, I think it'll have been worth the wait. Tentatively, I hold the hope that this won't simply be the end of the series, but rather the conclusion of Jack's story in his current point in time, and that, perhaps, the series could become open to more material.

    I'll let this serve as our (potential) discussion thread, provided that anyone else has watched, or will intend to watch.

    PS - I've intentionally evaded pointing bringing up plot spoilers. I don't feel I need to justify this choice. The trailer material does much of that for me anyways.
  2. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    This is gonna be a great final season, 9 eps left till the end. ;w;
    Become likes this.
  3. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I was telling my brother that Jack is so freaking tired of Aku just lay him to rest already.
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I know. I would bet there'd have been a lot of people out there complaining that the episode was too slow/not enough action. But I'd disagree with that. The fight scene between the Jack and Scaramouche was pretty badass; I hope it sets the tone for the battles to come.

    I honestly can't believe how younger me couldn't appreciate the show during its original run though. Looking at it now, the setting is quite inspiring.
  5. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Tbh I haven't seen any complaints, just lots of art and hype that Jack is back. I loved Scaramouche! x'D

    Give it time young one, give it time, Aku will finally fall~
  6. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Haha. He's been through so much though!

    I don't even know what's going on. It's been more than 10 years. I have to binge watch through the seasons.
  7. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Same. Along with everything else I need to binge watch. So much binge watching. So little time! I think SJ is probably 3rd on my list right now. Maybe I'll bump it to first though, since it's not as long a runtime as the other things on that list.
  8. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I've found vids on youtube that are entire seasons if you guys wanna try that.
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    A few weeks ago in preparation of the new season some friends and I binged about half of season 4. Fittingly enough, the last episode we watched, Jack vs. Aku, is also the last episode Mako voiced Aku. Also it is probably my absolute favorite episode.

    The first episode of the new season was wonderful. It was good being able to see it on the first night of my spring break. Though given that I don't have TV back at school I'm either going to have to watch all the remaining episodes online or I'm just going to have to wait for school to end, return home, and then binge all the recorded episodes.
  10. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I spent the weeks leading up watching Jack on CN as they reran the older eps. :D If I had to pick a fave, mine would be Jack vs the Guardian. It's such a fitting episode to view before watching a new/final season.

  11. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    ;-; Nooooooooooooo.....
    Welp that episode was a thing, first a nice funny Aku bit then f*ckin blood and sadness.
  12. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I can't remember... was the original series as inclined towards comedic moments with Aku? I recall him always being a more 'serious' villain, save for when he taunted Jack.

    Other than that, that episode certainly escalated to a point that I didn't think it would. I thought the 'Daughters of Aku' would have come out of their first encounter better for the wear than they did. And the look on Jack's face... just his whole psyche right now. I really hope they play this out a bit.
  13. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Your memory is lying to you. Aku was always, if not more, comical than Jack. Just rewatch the episode of Aku telling kids fairy tales to see. (that's just one example too)

    I think they'll play it out at least half of these 10 episodes. It's built up so well, the fight, the suspense, his shock. After Jack gets away and the adrenaline dies down I expect the guilt of killing one or possibly more people will crack him.
  14. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I won't lie. For a moment, when he was in that temple, I somehow got the thought that he'd stumble on his old sword. But then I came to my senses and realized that he probably won't get it back in hand (let's be real, he's probably gonna find it), until later on in the season, like, maybe the within the last three episodes. Although maybe he'll find it sooner, to really lay into the remaining Daughters, however many there are left at that point.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, the one that killed this last episode was the one that was kinda 'eh' (comparatively speaking)/hesitant during their training, right?
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Yep. On the one hand, you've got the episode where Jack and Aku are fighting in a graveyard and Aku is trying his hardest to kill Jack. On the other hand, you've got Aku like... Well like this:

    That's one of the things about him killing her that was just so great. She was literally the first person he's killed. And now he has to deal with that. Though based on his lines for the next episode "Either leave here or face your destiny" I feel he's going to be prepared to kill more of them.

    Also I'm pretty certain the one who died isn't the one who was hesitant during the training. That one was the only one who was named and she was the one who became the strongest out of all of them. The general fan theory with her right now seems to be that she's gonna betray her sisters and side with Jack. While I suppose it is possible, I personally don't see it happening right now.
  16. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    The one that died wasn't the hesitant one, her name was Ashi or something close. She has onion head.

    I'd say he has to be prepared. It's not really a matter of choice for him at the moment which is why I partly expect mental issues later once the threat and adrenaline are over.
    I'd say it's a safe bet Jack gets his sword back within the last 3 to 4 episodes. I doubt Aku will go the entire season and not learn he's lost it.
  17. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I was actually thinking the same thing about her during those montage moments. She's my top pick for the one to go rogue, if any.
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Okay, so episode 3 was intense. I was not expecting things to go down the way they did. Honestly I feel that each episode so far is better than the last.
    Become likes this.
  19. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Yeah. I wasn't expecting the battle to escalate as quickly as it did.

    But, it did.

    Yet, now I can't help but scratch my head over what's supposed to come next.
  20. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I loved it, wolf friend! Also was I the only one that laughed when Jack just grabbed one and threw her off the log? That was just so random and simple a death. x'D

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