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RE: Kingdom Hearts [Sign-Ups Currently Closed]

Discussion in 'OOC and Sign Up' started by Become, Feb 21, 2017.

  1. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Who's next?
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ((OOC: @Angel I was waiting on @Hope ... but @Hope doesn't appear to be available to post in this one)).
  3. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    I'm barely available to post in my other ones to be fair. I'll have a post up tomorrow if not tonight.
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    In fairness to me, you've been, generally, able to post once per week in DI, at the very least. As are a few of the others in it. That's about as quick as I'd ever want to hold an RP cast to.

    That being said, between this lack of any post, and the general lack of communication with regard to this RP, as well as the brevity and overall awkwardness of the last post from @Angel relative to his previous once, it is my determination that the two of you are, respectively, uninterested and too busy to maintain involvement. With that comes a growing resolve to pull the plug on this project.
  5. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Obviously considering my position with DI and how many people are involved with it, I do have to make it a priority. Though the others could agree I've been slow there too lately.

    (Disregard what was here. I misread Becomes post)

    This isn't the only RP I've been a bit slower on of late. I have two arenas and a private RP, plus other future open RP that I'm helping Kairu and Oath with. That on top of a recent promotion at work that comes with added hours/responsibilities and school obligations I've been a bit more busy than I had been anticipating.On top of that there are general forum things I've been working on with Sho and Vox.
    I'm not saying I'm too busy for this RP. But that explains my posting slowness. If it's too slow, I understand. Feel free to replace me if you feel like it's necessary. No need to pull the plug on the whole thing
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Replacing you would accomplish nothing, as there'd be no one to replace you with, beyond myself or KKM taking the reigns of your character so we can move forward with some sense of keeping everyone in the loop. If this is an amicable solution until you can balance out your time, then it can be arranged. Though your presence would be appreciated once we approach the climax of this segment.

    All I'm asking is that we try to maintain a steady, if not quick, pace, to this. A post every week or two, I feel, isn't that steep of an obligation; considering that everything else on and regarding the site and forums is moving at snail's pace as well anyways. However, pace isn't primarily my concern in this as much as that you've stated, I believe twice, that you'd have a post up soon.

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