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Fall Tournament Discussion 2017

Discussion in 'Arena OOC' started by Nova, Sep 14, 2017.

  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    As discussed by staff members in the past (Ex: Become and Taboo Sho), the recent spike in Arena activity has motivated me to try this again. Let's do a tournament. This thread will be used to discuss how you guys want to go about making this happen. A few things I would like opinions on for potential combatants are as follows:

    1- Tier: What do you all want to do this at? I was thinking something fairly moderate in order to stop things from getting too crazy. Maybe 5 or 6.
    2- Teams: The idea has been presented to do a tourney in teams of two. I think we could come up with some pretty epic pairings. Is the general will to keep this idea or would you all rather go solo?
    3- Themes: Considering the impending website re branding I considered a sort of FF-esque sort of feel to characters entered and settings they are set to battle in. But again, what do you guys think?
    4- Judging: The thought of staff judging the event has crossed my mind. But at the same time, that would take four active roleplayers out of the roster which I would rather not do. I'd be willing to step out and judge but if anyone wants to volunteer to help out with that, I would appreciate it. It helps to have more than one person judge these things for obvious reasons.
    5- Pacing: This one is something I'm heavily considering. Should we set a time limit on posting for in arena fights? Like you have 24 hours or less to respond after a post is made in combat. If you exceed the time limit, you lose by default. Because this would be an event, I think this rule would be important to keep it going.
    6- Prize: I've considered there being a tangible prize involved for whatever team wins.

    I want to hear from you guys. Discuss!
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
    Colonel Caboose and Taboo Sho like this.
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    @Hope I would be willing to step away from the action for once to aid you in the moderation of this tournament.
  3. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Based on the current scaling mechanism in the Arena, and with consideration to the level of power our present population tends to to gravitate towards, Tier 5 would be the effective parameter.

    Unless you've got another dozen players waiting behind the cyber curtain to come in and give this a go, then I'd advise we end up in a predicament of not having very many teams.

    Keeping it within the SE/FF theme seems reasonable. With the power cap set within more of a middle ground, this should alleviate most of the tension that would otherwise arise in terms of differing, unrelated power sources coming into contact with each other.

    In the first tournament I had participated in (ever, and anywhere) the basic arrangement was that the judges were pulled directly from the combatant pool. After the match-ups were determined, participants would be paired as judges for other battles. It worked out well enough, and I don't recall there being any incidents of people exploiting their position as a judge to stack the competitive progression in their favor.

    We could maintain integrity within this system by assigning judges to matches on the opposite side of the tournament bracket than themselves for the first round. Should we go the route of making this a single elimination tournament, those who are eliminated could be recruited to serve as judges in the following rounds. Or, should we go for a consolation style tournament, those that advance to the upper-ranking brackets (IE - Winners from the previous round(s)) would simply judge matches for those that moved onto the consolation brackets (IE - losers of the previous round(s)), and vice versa.

    Or, if we get lucky and we have enough people among the non-combatants, we can just have those who aren't participating to serve this function.

    I would suggest utilizing a combination of a turn count and time limit for making a post. Example - Each battle will allot for 20 turns, and combatants are expected to respond within 48 hours of the previous post being made. I will also be the advocate for implementing an introductory turn, which would not count towards the turn count, and in which no combatant would be permitted to mount an attack against their opponent (though they would be permitted to prep for a move in the following turn if they so desired).

    Additionally, rather than making it a one-strike penalty of death, progress with: 1st Offense of time limit = a light, non-lethal auto hit against your character; 2nd Offense - a heavier, more lethal auto hit against your character; 3rd Offense - The automatic defeat of the offending combatant, and the automatic death of their character at the hands of their opponent's (the last bit can be optional, of course); since the tournament will, I would assume, NOT be within continuity, character deaths in one round will not (in the event of a consolation style tournament, or multi-elimination of some sort) apply into the following round of matches.

    All of the Scooby Snacks a Doge can eat. :p

    Post Script - I intend to participate as a combatant in this little tussle, assuming I have that option.

    Post Post Script - ADDENDUM RELATING TO TIER - I would strong suggest that, in order to keep a level playing field in terms of power scaling, that, if we're going for an FF theme, we set a limiter on things such as armor and weapons, in particular, ensuring that character's aren't bloated with top-level abilities and armed to the teeth with powerful weapons.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I really gotta look back at the tier list to see what counts as what.

    Teams certainly sounds fun, but that also depends on how many people we've got participating.

    How much of an FF feel are we going for? Especially since each FF game can be quite different in how their world works (Materia vs. GF junction vs. Job classes)

    I kinda feel like this bit isn't something to worry about too much. I'm sure we'll definitely be able to do something that gives us enough judges and enough competitors.

    That works well and all for 1-on-1, but any thing extra for teams (Assuming that becomes a thing)? Like would there be a turn order or anything like that? Something to consider especially with a time limit.

    A date with you? ;)

    So I can't equip my character with a Ribbon and Ultima Weapon?
    Nova likes this.
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Probably not. Definitely not an Ultima weapon.
    Nova likes this.
  6. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    5 sounds about right to me as well. Glad we are in agreement.

    You're probably right. At most there are 7 people who have expressed interest in this. Even in pairings of two, we would only have three teams and one person left out. Unless we could lure @Moogle out of hiding. >.> Still we might be better off to just have people compete solo unfortunately.

    Couldn't agree more. It's part of why I suggested a theme at all. One of the biggest causes of disputes in our arena fights right now is a simple lack of understanding on how each other's abilities work. Having a common power source would hopefully make that easier for the event.

    I actually love the idea of having all of us judge each other's matches. However I think we'll have a more clear idea on how to decide on this when we know exactly how many participants we will have.

    Again, your experience in this area far outweighs my own and this comes out to be a little neater than what I originally had planned. Though we are pretty much on the same page here too.

    Exactly! And a tennis ball. :p

    Of course you are :D

    Sounds good.

    Unfortunately you're right. Again, I'm expecting 4 teams at most. Doesn't sound like enough to me so we might have to do away with that idea.

    I'd say we go based off a specific game to avoid conflicting source material. Whichever one you guys prefer.

    I think Become explained this best above. For a team effort there would still be a turn order. If a team mate failed to post within their time limit they would be injured or killed depending on the number of offences. In my opinion, the other member of the team would be allowed to continue if they chose to. But they would obviously be at a disadvantage.

    As fun as that sounds... I feel like there are more direct ways to ask a girl out. :p jk
    Legendseeker likes this.
  7. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I noticed that you have failed at using the tag feature there, Hope. Would you like some help with that?

    this would be the part where I post one of those fake smash 4 character intro splashcards but with a Moogle on it, but. . . one does not exist.
    Nova likes this.
  8. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Never really cared to use them at our current activity level. *shrugs*

    Either way, glad to see you're in. :D
  9. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    As input to a few of the questions that popped up:

    On the matter of what sort of FF Model to utilize... I would be inclined as to say that a Job Classes system, or something to achieve the same end, would be the most effective approach. In that sense, most magic and abilities can be reasoned as stemming from the same source, shaving off more of the issue of one universe's power vs. another universe's power.

    If we WERE to to a team battle... I hate saying it, but I feel that teams would have to remain active together, or be eliminated or shifted to the consolation bracket together. That's a complicated situation, really. On the one hand, no one wants to be slowed down by an inactive teammate; on the other hand, you can't really advance a person on their own if their teammate is going to be consistently putting their battles jeopardy due to interrupted activity.

    If we had a larger community on hand, we could always allow arrangements for each team/member of a team to have a sort of 'back up' teammate that could sub in if their original partner were to either give up entirely before a round began, or if their activity throughout preceding rounds left little room for confidence. But since we don't have that luxury, and since I think that a team tournament would be a bit too complicated of a proceeding for our relatively new Arena community, I will once again assert my support of making this a 1vs1 tournament.

    As it stands, I'm counting roughly half of what we'd need to run an 8-combatant tournament; I, personally, don't like to count people as "in" unless they've confirmed here. People can talk it up on Discord and Facebook about how they're going to participate; but following through on-site is a different story. :p
  10. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    I'd like to go over the details of rules and specifics later today if you're available Become.
    Hopefully we can start template submissions by October 1st
  11. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I should be available at some point around 7PM? Might only be able to do a text talk, since I might be getting on a video call. But I can multitask for that one.
  12. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    You guys have already covered a lot, so I don't feel like there's much I can put in. I know I was down for a team tournament, but it's sounding like a 1v1 would be the better approach for now. Hopefully more people can join up soon and we can do a team-up.

    ...I still call dibs on @Colonel Caboose as my partner.
    Nova likes this.
  13. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Glad go see you're in Legendseeker :) I'm still expecting at least 6 people depending on if we hear from our other skilled writers. I know Oath and Kai are also in. They just haven't made posts here so I'll say it for them.
    Don't know about @Vox but maybe the fact that I just called his attention to this thread will help.
    Legendseeker likes this.
  14. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Hell yeah Oath is in. No tears when I destroy you all though. Y'all asked for it.
  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Coming in cocky there kid. Fingers crossed I get to battle you.
    Nova likes this.
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    fight fight fight fight
    Nova likes this.
  17. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer


    What is our projected start date for sign-ups??
  18. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Monday. I'm going to get the thread outlining the details, rules, and sign up by tomorrow though.

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