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Discussion in 'Entertainment' started by Derek, Oct 24, 2016.

  1. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    There was really only one part that I wasn't entirely anticipating as a possibility. Most of it though didn't shock me too much.
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I remember back when volume 4 started airing was after the time you weren't able to watch videos on Rooster Teeth's website without signing up as a member. Being the lazy man that I am, I never got around to signing up. I also never got around to watching it on YouTube when the episodes popped up. Yeah, that last year of college was just... hard for me to commit to watching things. Not even cuz the school work was difficult. I just kinda stopped doing lots of stuff during that last year of college.

    So, fast forward a year and a half or so (I honestly don't remember when volume 4 started) and I have finally gotten around to watching it again. Binged volume 4 in the span of two days. Did that a week or two ago. Then I watched all of volume 5 yesterday. Fun stuff. Glad to finally be caught up with things.
  3. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    What was it?

    I'm glad you're caught up! What did you think?
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I enjoyed it. Not sure how I feel about it going against some of my expectations. Or how some things ended up happening. Like the stuff involving Adam in the final episode. Speaking of which, Blake's sub plot was kinda boring all things considered. Yang still best girl.

    Also I'm surprised by how much I like Hazel.
  5. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I can definitely Blake is boring, I dont quit get the popularity. I do however adore her parents. I like to consider her sub plot theirs. haha
    I actually loved Adam at the end, not himself but how he lost. What better way to defeat someone so egotistical than to rob him of what feeds his ego?

    lol I was kinda shocked by his rage mode due to how calm he usually is.
  6. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

  7. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I really hadn't see Yang getting the relic.

    Most of this, I can agree with. Though I don't fall in with the camp of requiring every character death to carry a deep emotional weight. Sienna's death, in the moment, was a game changing event because we knew going into it that she was restraining much the White Fang aggression; Adam's coup and Sienna's death unchained the sect, and would have meant more bloodshed. I didn't need to feel shocked, sad, etc. in order for it to be effective; especially because I saw it coming before it happened.

    Also... shipping?! SHIPPING?! Fan ships shouldn't be a factor in breaking down the quality of any season of any series. This person was basically throwing criticism at the show for the fan-made romances; this was without any dissection into the relations between the characters as they have been portrayed.
  8. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Sounds more akin to the cautions of over hype but still legit complaints. I don't really share them but opinion is opinion. Well except for shipping. I never take any form of complaints in that area seriously.

    Shipping is easily one of the worst aspects of fandoms these days. They way they acted over Pyrrha was ridiculous. I stopped following a good portion of them after the "ruining Monty's work" or harassing Voice Actor stuff. Not that shipping itself is bad buuutttttt yeah.

    I also agree on the death stuff. It doesn't always have to carry emotional weight, it's a bit over demanding to expect every single character to be significant AND it's worse to want that but then get mad when said character dies. Not that this happened here but that seems to be the dangerous loop stories have these days. (it's too the point for me that I appreciate when a show treats death seriously/permanently like RWBY has so far)
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I feel like I can easily agree with plenty of the things listed (Except the shipping cuz that's ridiculous). But as has already been stated, the complaints about character deaths don't need to have any emotional impact. I'm torn about whether or not I should include spoiler tags. On the one hand this thread is meant for talking about the series which means there is an unspoken acknowledgement that the latest episodes will be talked about and not necessarily in spoiler tags. On the other hand there's always that one person who doesn't stop and consider that. But I say to hell with that.

    So, the idea that all character deaths need to have any sort of emotional impact is wrong, plain and simple. Some deaths are there to please the audience, like Fennec's death (Let's be honest here, I can't imagine there was a person who was legitimately upset when he died). Other deaths, like Sienna's are made to advance the plot. Characters being introduced only to be killed off shortly later is something that I feel is common enough that it isn't much of a legitimate complaint. Generally it's done to show how much of a threat the bad guy has become, and in a way her death did that to show Adam becoming more of a threat by putting him in a position where he can move the White Fang to act on his extremist ideals. I wanna comment on Vernal dying, but I can't really think of much to say. Yeah, she died, but I don't think she was a character who was really made to be a good person on her own two feet. Any good she would have done would have come at the command of Raven, who at the very least has being Yang's mom as a means to eventually become a good guy and not a rogue third party.

    Then of course there's Cinder and the possibility of her dying. Primarily, I don't believe she died. Typically that doesn't happen. But honestly, more power to Rooster Teeth if they did decide to kill her off. Her death would then carry the implication that no matter how important you are to the story there is no guarantee that you'll survive. Unless you're part of team RWBY cuz they're definitely gonna be fighting Salem somewhere down the line. In fact, I feel that Cinder dying would help reinforce my thoughts that nobody from team JNPR is going to make it to the end, alongside Qrow and some others.
  10. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    y'all be focusing on the shipping too much.

    but there's no point in wasting the screen time on somebody like Sienna Kahn that could be used elsewhere when she literally is a person in a power who existed only to die. Up until this season I thought adam WAS the head of the White Fang. At this point, they could have just dedicated a one-off line from tweedle fox and tweedle dog to Adam taking control and saved that much valuable screen time to giving Oscar character, or do a time-pass montage or SOMETHING to show him and the others improving in some way. Because all Adam did this season was kill Sienna, and then job to Blake.
  11. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Reasons I hope she is.

    Not really. It's just the only stark part we disagree with, the rest is fair opinion to be respected. (at least to me)

    Ehhhhh it's not a waste a screen time though if that character served their purpose. Wanting to see more of a character or see screen time used in another way doesn't qualify as wasting, just wishing something was done closer to preference.

    Also, if memory serves it was stated early on in a Vol or a WoR ep that the group was under Kahns' leadership or that it changed leadership leading to it's more terrorist tactics...or am I miss remembering? I need to rewatch old volumes.

    Anywho, doubt we're gonna agree so gonna leave you two to this debate. Agree to disagree and all that.
  12. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Just working with the material we've been given to discuss. If the author of the article hadn't decided to rant about shipping, it never would have come up on our end.

    In the grand scheme of things (thus far) I regard KAAAHN!!!'s death as a good moment that suffered in its aftermath. It was, at the time it happened, a significant event that could have changed the dynamic of the White Fang into a far more dangerous enemy. But the pacing issues that followed, not really getting to see the WF under Adam's command beyond getting played at Haven didn't do it justice. Had we gotten the rest of Vol. 5 and a chunk of Vol. 6 to establish Adam's WF, the impact of his betrayal would have carried more.

    But that all comes down to other issues, and not those of needless character deaths.
  13. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    So... Volume 6 drops tomorrow by way of a theatrical event. I decided to get a ticket to see it at my nearest theater. I'll be sure to provide some insight without spoilers when it's finished.
  14. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    ALREADY!? tell us how it goes :D
  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The premier opened with a big screen rerun of the Volume 5 finale; can't say I was totally thrilled about that... although I guess getting the refresher on it was alright. From there, we got some behind the scenes insight on what's been going into creating RWBY since Volume 5 ended; they've been doing a bit of restructuring within their team, especially since there's more people working on it that have been with it for a while.

    As far as production, the animation has definitely been making strides; this has, IMO, been the case throughout the show's run. Smoother movements from the characters, more immersive backgrounds/landscapes, etc. In terms of its story... there were a lot of flashbacks involved with it; some moments into the relations within the White Fang, and a bit of non-linear storytelling. A character was introduced that I'm particularly skeptical of in terms of their involvement in the story to come (I was telling someone sitting next to me in the theatre at the end of the premier that I'm pretty sure said character is gonna end up being a double agent). Hopefully that doesn't spoil things.
  16. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Heck I would've loved to see some behind the scenes! I also think the animation has improved as the story went. People who think otherwise seem to forget RT has been a growing company.

    So things to look forward too are WF insight and a new character?
  17. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

  18. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Funnily enough, after seeing the premier a few weeks ago, I haven't stayed afloat with this volume. lol. I'll catch up on Friday. I've had a lot of exciting adventures the past few weeks.
  19. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    lol Adventures would be funner tbh
  20. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Just seen the ep 12 of Vol6 and hot damn
    I've never been one for the shipping bullshit but even I loved that fight. That stalker nut taken down by two lesbians, even that kinda ok writing and great fighting can get me hype.

    Now if only Cinder had died last arc I would've got two satisfying villain deaths.

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