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What devices do you use?

Discussion in 'General' started by Rogue, Mar 8, 2018.

  1. Rogue

    Rogue Member

    Operating System: MacOS High Sierra
    Browser: Safari 11
    Phone: iPhone X

    I used to be really stuck on Windows growing up. I used Mac's in elementary, middle, and high school. I always thought they looked pretty cool, and were very pretty devices too. However, due to strong nostalgia and my "expertise" on Windows, I always stuck by it. However, as soon as Windows 8 released, I was no longer pleased. The touch interface, dubbed metro, at the time, was horrible for desktop users. The fix around was ClassicShell, which fixed my issues. Eventually, Windows 10 came out, and the user interface actually worsened, spyware was practically a feature turned on by default through Window's, and to was janky and aesthetically gross looking. At the time, I also had a lot of Windows System errors on my gaming PC and laptop. I was beyond frustrated.

    In the process, I was thinking "it's my machines", or, "it's the bad bloatware" from the manufacturer's (despite removing them immediately), or other silly issues. Eventually, I came to the thought that it could be a weird mix of Microsoft developing the software and it not wanting to play with Lenovo's hardware. I even came to the thought that build quality was not looking too hot. There was always a con with Windows devices, no matter how many pro's there were in a custom built machine or manufacturer laptop (and this is coming from someone who owned Surface devices too). After fatally losing a ton of important documents from System crashes, and trying several linux distributions on virtual desktops, I wasn't too happy anymore.

    The thought came to my mind around midnight "What is stopping me from getting a Mac?". I looked at one video on YouTube, an in depth Mac OS X vs Windows 10 video...and it really drew to me. I had an iPhone 5s at the time, and features like Handoff, Continuity, the clean aesthetic, the software plus hardware integration really felt ultra premium to me. I impulse bought a MacBook Pro the next day and have not looked back. Things like Handoff, Continuity, being able to receive and send texts from the Mac, etc, have kept me in the "Apple ecosystem", something other companies do not have.

    TL;DR: Frustration from Windows lead me to purchase a Mac and I have stuck with it all this time. I am also using an iPhone X. The Apple Ecosystem is very compelling.
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Operating System: Windows 10 (Microsoft Surface Pro)
    Browser: Google Chrome
    Phone: Google Pixel

    Macs are glorious machines but I'm just anti-Apple. My job uses Macs but I use bootcamp to run Windows 10 on my machine. Windows UI is just better than Apple's Mac OS in my opinion. Safari sucks. Firefox sucks. And sure as heck Internet Explorer sucks. Google Chrome just excels in performance. I've tried all browsers and Chrome has never let me down, not to mention the good amount of support for extensions. Also, I'm pretty sure Safari is usually slow to adapt to new Internet technology. I chose Google's new Google Pixel which I like. I don't appropriate iPhones and how they lock you down to only Apple based products, especially music which Apple uses their weird format.
  3. Rogue

    Rogue Member

    What do you think of the Pixel 2?
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Current Computer/OS: HP Spectre x360/Windows 10
    Current Browser: Google Chrome
    Current Phone: Samsung Galaxy s6.

    I haven't had too many issues with Windows 10 so far; nothing major at that. The worst of it was probably figuring out how to reset my old laptop when I got my current one. But I figured that out just fine. Chrome has been been my go-to browser for several years now. Maybe I'm just a sheep. But I'm a happy sheep with the features that Chrome came with. As someone who collaborates quite a bit, things like Google Docs, and the like, have been invaluable, and overall sensible, seeing as everyone I've been working with on anything uses Chrome as well. The Galaxy s6 was my first non-iphone since my last non-smart phone. The one I have now is actually a replacement for the first one I had, which I, admittedly, might have lowkey abused without realizing I was abusing it, and has thus far, been reliable as a phone. However, I'm ever interested in upgrading to at least an s7, as the s6 has had its major pitfall in its battery life, which, I understand, was rectified in later models; as well, having the external storage options would be a nice, and welcomed touch for a lot of things (documents, pictures, etc) to save storage space on my phone. I've considered trying a Pixel as well, when I'm in a good (financial) position to go and upgrade.
  5. Rogue

    Rogue Member

    ^ If you're looking to upgrade phones and want to stay on the Galaxy side of things, you can find the Galaxy S8 for good prices now that the S9 is out in a week.
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    There's an idea. Although I wouldn't rule out just spending the $ on the S9; that or I wait another year and get an S10, because that'll probably happen, given the schedule Samsung has been putting out new devices on.
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Operating System: Windows 10
    Browser: Chrome
    Phone: Some LG something-or-another. I've never given a crap about phones; I only just upgraded to a smartphone like 6 months ago. It has an Android operating system.
  8. Rogue

    Rogue Member

    Perhaps I'm too sucked into this Apple ecosystem...
  9. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Additionally, because I figure they count towards my device count:
    Microphones I currently use:
    Blue Yeti (primarily for doing game recordings and voice chats).
    Behringer C-2 Condenser Microphones for recording music; I got these more recently ordered them just before the new year, and they had their maiden voyage this past Wednesday when I recorded a video assignment for one of my instructors.
  10. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    This reminds me of when I had a Motorola Razr for the longest until some jerk in the locker room stole it.
    Kitty likes this.
  11. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I had a flip phone (but I don't think it was a Razr) for the longest time, then "upgraded" to one of those sort-of smartphones where you can kind of browse the internet but not really, and you can take pictures but they look like crap. I only upgraded to my current phone because I got tired of my sisters teasing me about my relic.
  12. Rogue

    Rogue Member

    Yo, I really liked the Razr and Chocolate phones growing up.

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