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Opinions on UX?

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Derek, Nov 28, 2018.

  1. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    The answer is yes, very badly so. Which I’ve been on my way out since before DDD and I am for sure after KH3.

    Still, not sure how people can defend this now. Even the casual approach isn’t fun.
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Remember when Nomura said Chi wasn't connected to the main KH story? Funny how I never believed him for a second.

    I'll be honest, I don't mind having pre-Nobody Marluxia in UX. I don't mind having pre-Nobody Larxene in it either. Them both being in it means somewhere down the line there's gonna be pre-Nobody Demyx and Luxord as well.

    No, what pisses me off is the retcon to have Maleficient time travel. For starters, depending on your view of how they established the rules of time travel to begin with, her doing this goes against the rules they have established. That, or the rule of "Another version of yourself must be waiting at the destination" is so poorly vague that there is literally no limit to the range in which one can time travel as long as somebody creates a fake/data version in whatever point of time. So if somebody were to, hypothetically, create a data version of Xehanort 1000 in game years later, then Xehanort would be able to time travel to that point in time.

    I will say this about UX/Chi/Whateverthehelltheywannacallit with respect to the overall story. Assuming KH3 ignores all that setup and focuses entirely on concluding the Xehanort Saga, then it's looking like KH3 is the last safe stopping point before being forced to understand the story of UX.

    Honestly, I don't think I'll stop at 3. I enjoy playing the games and I do enjoy parts of the story. I'm fairly sure future titles will still be fun to play and once the mobile game ends (Most likely with a hasty conclusion due to Square axing it because its no longer profitable) I'll watch all the cutscenes on YouTube. There's already a YouTube channel out there that's been organizing all the scenes of the series so far chronologically as a means to help people understand the story, so I have no doubt they'll be updating those videos with the remains of the cellphone game.
  3. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    ....I'm very scared that this is a possibility. I like your response though, far more on point than what I got on tumblr.
    I think many are right in that UX will set up KH4 more than anything.
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    What was the response on Tumblr?
  5. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Dec 18, 2018

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