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My Eight KH2 Alterations

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Derek, Jan 8, 2019.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Worse than Atlantica in any of its forms?
  2. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    It's not worse than KH2 Atlantica but I'd definitely rather deal with KH1 Atlantica.
    Kitty likes this.
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    They are. They took him off of Vs13/FFXV to focus on KH3 and they put the FFVII remake on hold until he finished KH3 so I can only assume the second he was done with KH3 they put him right on FFVII remake. Honestly since Tabata left Nomura's the only one they've got to direct the big titles.

    You're not the first person I've heard say that.
  4. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Honestly can't blame him for all the salt some days yet he still does things that annoy me. At least he's focused on one title.
    Kitty and Desert Warrior like this.
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I feel like they need to do some hiring then. It seems like lately it's taken forever for them to get anything done. Nomura's pretty decent with the character design, but the writing, I'd say not so much. Get some people in there to help so he's not just sticking random shit into the stories to keep it "surprising" and we get to play the games before we die of old age.

    I was thinking about the VII remake the other day, wondering if it ever came out. Can't say I'm surprised to hear that it hasn't. I bet the VII fanboys are pretty salty about that, ha ha.
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    That's the thing people *coughSquarecough* don't seem to realize. Nomura is a character designer. Nothing about that title indicates he's good at writing a story. Sure, the title doesn't mean he can't write stories, but it almost feels like Nomura got thrown around from being a character designer straight to being a game director. Now that I'm saying it, I'm legitimately curious how exactly Nomura got put in charge of KH. Was there a game he directed beforehand that was really good or something?

    The cynic in me is thinking it's gonna be the next FF train wreck. I believe they stated they're gonna stretch the game across 3 games (So part 1 gets to a certain part, then part 2 comes out a few months/years later, etc). I know that Square has been toying with the idea of using games as a subscription service type deal, which has some interesting prospects but is ultimately a terrible idea. Basically they'd release a game and then they keep adding stuff for the next few years. Kinda like current day DLC, but over a much longer period of time. Actually, that sounds a lot like what they tried with FFXV. Huh. Food for thought.
    Kitty likes this.
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    From his wikipedia page, it seems like Kingdom Hearts was the first thing he ever directed. Maybe he was just ready to step up and give it a try? The brass might have been happy with his character designing (granted, he has created some pretty iconic characters) and gave him a promotion. The only other thing he's ever directed besides the KH series, apparently, is FF VII: Advent Children, which, meh.

    Ugh. This is the first I've heard of them stretching it out over three games, wtf? Did nobody learn from The Hobbit films? Not everything has to be a trilogy, damn.

    I'm kind of disappointed, because, while I do feel like VII is overrated, it is still a damn good game, and in my opinion, one of the best candidates for a remake, if only because the graphics are extremely dated, even in comparison to older games in the franchise. I'd actually consider buying this game if there wasn't a bunch of DLC bullshit/3 games?! But S-E just wants to screw around. >_<
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Interesting. I wonder if Nomura was the Square employee who was in that elevator with the Disney employee that started this entire series.

    Honestly, this is all heresay. Not that I've looked very hard, but I don't know where this information comes from. I'd believe it, especially given how Square has been toying with the idea of games following a service/subscription model.

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