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That is so not Fair

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 1' started by sam_samantha, Jul 13, 2007.

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  1. sam_samantha

    sam_samantha Guest

    i am soo stupid, i had no idea that in the first kingdom hearts that there was extra bosses for a couple of the worlds. my brother walks in and tells me to go talk to the carpet in aladans house... so i did.
    THAT BOSS IS HUGE i wasn't equipped or ready i thought you just talk to the carpet to go somewhere or something. what would be funny to you guys is that my brother was sitting there laughing at me the whole time. do you guys know of any more SUPRIE BOSSES
  2. Cloudff7

    Cloudff7 New Member

    Yes that one is bed but the one what dus my head in all the time is the one in neverland why dont you go there and see it for your self ;)
  3. sam_samantha

    sam_samantha Guest

    ok ill be ready this time thank you
  4. SheShe

    SheShe New Member



    Kurt Zisa
    Location: Agrabah
    How to find him: After beating Hollow Bastion the first time, go back to Agrabah and go to Aladdin's House. The magic carpet will be there, equip lots of potions, but also throw in a few Ethers/Mega-Ethers then, talk to Carpet and ride him.

    BOSS FIGHT: Kurt Zisa
    HP: 1500 HP
    EXP GAINED: 15,000 XP
    Okay, when this fight first starts, Kurt Zisa blocks ALL of your magic spells, and summons! There are only 2 parts of Kurt Zisa that can be hurt right now: his hands. Tell Donald and Goofy to attack one, while you attack the other one. When one is destroyed, it drops HP balls, so pick them up fast! If you take any damage, Donald and Goofy will most likely cure you with their potions in time. Right now KZ just spins his blades around and jumps about. After both orbs have been destroyed, KZ falls to his knees and his head is open for attack freely! Also, your magic is unlocked, so cast Tinkerbell, fast! After a few moments of being pummeled, KZ gets back up and blankets himself in a protective shield. If you're short on MP and don't want to waste an item, attack the shield with physical attacks and MP balls will fall out. When he's in his shield form, he casts Tornado and releases little orbs that explode. But, you can hit those orbs back at him to damage his shield AND release some MP balls! To make the shield fall, cast magic on it, the magic that I always cast is Fire/ra/ga or Blizzard/ra/ga. When the shield falls, he's back on his knees, ready to be pummeled again. After he's been badly beaten a few times and is back in the original form, he'll start flying around, blades spinning. Just try to Dodge Roll underneath him, that's the most you can do. Keep that up until he hits the sand for the final time. Remember, you cast Tinkerbell, so you can die once and still fight!

    Location: Neverland
    How to find him: After beating Hollow Bastion the first time, go back to Neverland and go to the room "Ship: Cabin". Use the save point and replace Goofy with Peter Pan. Equip nothing but Ethers, then go over to the bed in this room. Tinker Bell is by it. Talk to her and say "Yes." when she asks if you want to go to the Clock Tower.

    BOSS FIGHT: Phantom
    HP: 1200 HP
    EXP GAINED: 14,000 XP
    ITEMS DROPPED/WON: Magic Spell Stopga.

    Note: There are only four ways to damage the Phantom. The Phantom has an orb that changes color, and depending what the color is, you have to attact it accordingly:
    Red: Fire Magic
    Blue: Ice Magic
    Yellow: Thunder Magic
    White: Physical attacks.
    1. Constantly cast Stopra on the Clock Tower.
    2. Whenever the Phantom flys away near the Clock Tower, fly to the OPPOSITE
    side of the Tower, this will prevent you from being hurt by his projectile attack.
    3. Let your party members restore your MP for you if at all possible, this way if they die, you will have your MP restoring Items left.
    4. Always have Aero/ra cast, if possible.

    Ice Titan
    Location: Olympus Coliseum
    How to find him: After beating Hollow Bastion the first time, go back to the Coliseum. Beat the Hades Cup (if you haven't already) then, talk to Phil, and when asked what Cup you want to compete in, choose the top ????? option. This is actually the Gold Match against the Ice Titan. Be sure you have half Ethers, half Potions equipped. Also, you MUST have the ability Guard equipped

    BOSS FIGHT: Ice Titan
    HP: 1500 HP
    EXP GAINED: 5000 XP

    This fight is 100% simple, why? Because you have only a few rules to follow to beat him.

    1. Never, ever cast Aeroga. It turns the Ice Titan's icicles into icicles about 4 times your size.
    2. Guard against all of icicles that come your way, it's the only way to get the Titan to lower his head so you can attack him.
    3. Never walk on the ice, it'll cause you to slip.
    4. Go into the stands and never leave unless the Titan lowers his head.

    Now, whenever ice chunks fall from the sky, keep Dodge Rolling. When his head falls, don't use ARCANUM on it, most of the blows will miss his head. When icicles pop out of the ground, just Glide around. After about half of his life bar is gone, he'll do an Ice Beam attack. This attack will turn you into an ice cube. The best way to avoid this by Supergliding away as soon as you see his hands go straight out in front of him. All in all, the Ice Titan is the easiest optional boss.

    My personal favorite.....
    Location: Olympus Coliseum
    How to find him: After beating Hollow Bastion the first time, go back to the Coliseum. Talk to Phil, and when asked what Cup you want to compete in, choose the bottom ????? option. This is actually the Platinum Match against the One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth.

    NOTE: Do not go into this battle unless you are at least level 65, and that's if you're good at the game. Also, be sure to have the following abilities and items equipped:
    Ars Arcanum
    MP Haste
    Critical Plus (Every single one.)
    Second Chance
    MP Rage (Both.)
    As for items, equip nothing but ELIXIRS.

    BOSS FIGHT: Sephiroth
    HP: 1800 HP
    EXP GAINED: 18,000 XP

    NOTE: During this fight, Sephiroth has an attack that's name is hard to make out. Some people say the attack's name is Sin Harvest, but others say it's Send Heartless Angel. Either way, I call it Sin Harvest, and that's what I'll call it when I refer to it during the fight.

    Right away, cast Aeroga. Whenever it runs out, cast it immediately. In the first part of the fight, Sephiroth only does normal slashes, teleports around, and uses a magic attack that cast 4 pillars of fire around him. The fire attack covers about 1/4 of the arena, so when he does that, Glide/Superglide away or use ARCANUM. (Arcanum makes you invunerable during the attack, so you won't take any damage and since Sephiroth is in the middle of a big attack, he can't teleport away.) Sephiroth jumps around alot, so be sure to have him targetted because if he is behind you and you don't know it, he can cause a whole lot of damage. Sephiroth is at a slight disadvantage from aerial attacks, so jump at him and then let loose with a combo. When Sephiroth's life is down to about, half of his red bar, he'll start jumping more and then when he stops and waves you towards him and says, "Come", he's about to use Sin Harvest. (Send Heartless Angel.) After he taunts you, he'll teleport again and glow a dull pink. At this point you should Superglide at him and attack him as fast as you can. If you failed to attack him in time, you will have a halo around your head and all your MP and all HP except one will be gone. Use an Elixir quick! (NOTE: If you don't have Second Chance equipped, Sin Harvest will KILL you in one hit.) This is the second part of the fight. Now, Sephiroth runs around incredibly fast and teleports almost twice as much. Just attack him with ARCANUM or manual combos like you did before. Try to use your Elixirs only when he's successfully cast Sin Harvest. After his life bar is brought down to his yellow bar, he'll be in his third and final stage. Now, there's good and bad news. The good: He only casts Sin Harvest about 1/6 of the time. The bad: He can turn invincible. He'll start off by using a move that is very much like Omni-Slash. Just press the Guard button EVERY half second to minimize the damage. Then, he'll go to the center of the Arena and step into a black/green thing. This turns him invincible. Then, he'll cast an Ultima type attack. Little blue orbs surround the arena, so stay about almost halfway in. Don't try to attack Sephiroth because he's invincible and those orbs fly towards him. Then, he'll cast Meteor and those will spin around the arena for awhile. Again, just heal and sit this part out. When he stops that, he'll attack from the air with a spinning move, swinging his blade the whole time. Just use ARCANUM so you can meet his attack with the pain on him, instead of you. Whenever he is running around the arena, he's got a trail of orbs behind him, so watch out and don't hit them. When he's got about half a green life bar, he'll actually attack a little less and go back to taunting you. Just keep doing ARCANUM and you'll put him down for the second time.
    wow that one was long....

    well good luck, hope i could help:)
  5. sam_samantha

    sam_samantha Guest

    thanks soo much
    i was so not ready to beat them it was a shock i thought i had beaten the game lol
  6. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    yeah no sweat, good luck with beating all of them!:D
  7. sam_samantha

    sam_samantha Guest

    thats really nice
  8. uccello

    uccello New Member

    I thought they were mandatory. Guess not...
  9. sam_samantha

    sam_samantha Guest

    i dont know for sure if they were it was just surprising cuz i thought i had beaten that level!!!
  10. Mon-sieur Bome

    Mon-sieur Bome New Member

    I think the ice titan is weak is like defend and later combos and combos its boring --''
  11. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    they're not, you just beat them if you want the extra ending at the end, u no the whole 100% thing, the scene u earn is for KH2, the fight between Roxas and Rikku in TWTNW.
  12. Sora Armitage

    Sora Armitage New Member

    i nknow all of the secret bosses in kh1. these 2 in the Olympus Colliosiom. The Ice Titan and Sephorith the one winged angel. Beware! be well equipped and make sure sora is at lv. 100. if you have Kingdom Hearts Final Mix version sephorith is in the belly of Monstro with some Neo showders (featured in Kingdom Hearts CoM and ) the good thing is that donald and Goffy help you. these the big Sumerai and Agraba and the Phantom in Neverlland. to get to him talk to tinkable somewhere in the cabins. tips on who to defeat them another time.
  13. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    kurt zisa, phantom (at the clock tower talk to tinker bell), ice titan(colosiom match), and sephiroth (anouther colosiom match be afriad of this one.......)
  14. tmp1114

    tmp1114 New Member

    When i face that boss i summon tink first it help me and my team tink keep heal me while i attack the boss and pack a lot of ether in my items slot for me and my team and i beat the boss easy as pie.
  15. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    the one you encountered is kurt zisa
    there is the phantom at the clock tower in neverland
    in the olympus colliseum, there is the gold cup where you can fight the ice titan, and that shows up after you defeat the hades cup
    and the platinum cup where you fight sephiroth, and that shows up after u close the keyhole in hollow bastion
  16. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    I like the part after you beat Ice Titan. He turns into a small ice titan figure. Too bad Sora didn't crush him. But he does run fast though.
  17. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Please don't post in topics over two months old. Bumping is bad.
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