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Which Senario Will You Play As?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep' started by DjC, Nov 29, 2007.

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  1. Nagori

    Nagori New Member

    Haha nobody replied to my comment........ ~_~ I thought I was on a roll.

    But yeah, about the antagonist, I suppose we'll find out in due time either way......
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I would probably start in whatever order that they appear in, just because I am that wierd.
  3. Omega

    Omega New Member

    although ven and aqua are very mysterious to me and i want to find out quick, i would just start out with terra. he has this certain..... flair about him.
  4. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    I am looking forward to Aqua (hopefully) and Terra the most. Aqua seems to specialize in spells which is why I love her character. Powerful spells are epic. ;] And Terra is just badass.
  5. queer

    queer New Member

    terra baby terra
  6. nailthiskent

    nailthiskent New Member

    hrm having not seen the trailers I have no idea wat u people r talking about but I'd choose aqua first because everybody is thinking she is not part of the story but knowing square enix she will surprise us all and nebody notice the names aqua= water terra=earth ven=Idk might mean there favourite element or something like that
  7. nailthiskent

    nailthiskent New Member

    hrm ven I looked on the internet and in dutch it means water and sora = wind and thats about all i noe so I suck yay aqua ftw
  8. nailthiskent

    nailthiskent New Member

    Alright after fully considering the internet and nomura said statements I've learned that nomura described sora- sky kairi- sea and riku - land he then describes ven- wind aqua- water and terra-earth making a connection between three protagonists in the upcoming games and three protagonists in past games :cool::confused:
  9. The_Unknown_Master

    The_Unknown_Master New Member

    Id probably end up playing as terra first. But i thought i read somewhere that each scenario will have a different battle style. But im reallyl not sure where i read that.
  10. keyblade

    keyblade New Member

    im gona play as ven first, hough i dont know mutch about bbs, i do know that ven is the closest to sora il get to playing as in bbs
  11. Atreo Cael

    Atreo Cael New Member

    I'm gonna play as Ven first cause he's totally hot.. anyway..

    I have a feeling that if BBS predates the other KH games that Terra could actually be Xeanort... you all saw the anger in his eyes.

    But I think that they call Aqua mystery girl cause no one knows anything... well at least from what I've read anyway...
  12. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    I play the girl, cause Aqua could beat Ven hands down.
  13. Eternal Chronos

    Eternal Chronos New Member

    Hmmmmm.. That's a hard one. I love all three of them, but I'd probably play as Terra, Aqua, and then Ven. Best for last!!!!
  14. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon


    Ya, Djc.. Ill play as ven because im a huge fan of roxas. Freaking awsome
  15. drazil571

    drazil571 New Member

    okay ven is roxas. all this crap in birth by sleep was happening when sora turned into a heartless. and so on. so then roxas was created as a nobody when sora was a heartless
  16. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    ya... what u said, but interesting theory. U should make a thread to discuss this. Not bad
  17. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    He should...Probablys Terra then Ven and then Aqua
  18. rikuchie

    rikuchie New Member

    coz i like roxas:p
  19. oliviaoutrageous!

    oliviaoutrageous! New Member

    Either Ven or Aqua. Ven because to me his scenario seems to be the most interesting, and yes, he's Roxas(<3333). Aqua because I've always wanted to play as a girl, and I highly doubt if shes one of the three knights she'll be weak.

    Terra... eh.... kinda freaks me out tbh ahaha. So thats why I'm playing him last no matter what :p
  20. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    I'm going to play Ven first^_^ then Aqua, then Terra
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