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Discussion in 'General' started by demon of darkness, Apr 2, 2008.

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  1. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Well not to be mean or anything, I think if you are trying to find a "namine" type of girl, good luck, cause I don't think she exist.

    I am a flirt and I like being single, being shackle to chains is not my cup of tea.
  2. -[NAMiNE]

    -[NAMiNE] New Member

    well im a girl :) and in my opinion:
    if you like a girl like namine you would like somone who is: quiet, shy and not one that follows the crowd. A nice girl :)
    well theres alot of nice girls out there. but there is also alot of horrible ones.

    you may say 'your not the best looking guy' but frankly, a nice girl wouldnt care what you looked like. you sound like you have a nice personality so use that to your advantage. Girls really like confidence :)
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    My biggest bit of advice would be to not worry about it. Heck, I haven't had a girlfriend yet. The way I see it, you have an entire lifetime to get one.
  4. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    i forgot about this thread, well don't need it now right tom.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Yep. I don't think that you need it.
  6. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Remembers the memories from 2 months ago
    LET HER GO!!!!
    (talking to myself)
  7. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    o'k about the ugly thing, i'm not butt ugly but i'm not mr. hot either. i'm just o'k with a few imperfections, as for my attitude i'm really shy and mysterious.
  8. gottaloveCLOUD

    gottaloveCLOUD New Member

    yes you should find a girl that is like you alot, and it will work out. Don't be desperate, because a girl knows when the guy is being desperate, and she won't like that.
  9. Ive never ahd a Gf. everyone used to tease me (well actually bully me) about it. I used to quite rightly say (this was younger) i was only 11 so what was the point. you weren't going to go out for years and get amrried. so usually this resulted in me being beaten up becuase i said there GF were whores.
    the moral is, dont listen to my advice.
  10. Antlion

    Antlion New Member

    Look on the bright side. When you are single you can hook up with girls without having a girlfriend who will kill you.

    Don't go for a girlfriend, just make girls WANT you! : D
  11. twistedmage

    twistedmage New Member

    I agree with Zenrot the best way is to find a girl that u like and start out as friends. after you two get to know each other then u can try to ask her out.
  12. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    yeah i agree also, i was friends with a guy for like 2 years, and he had a girlfriend, and he broke up with her to go out with me....i was around more often than she was. lol so if your friends with a girl long enough, they will deffinetly start to warm up to you.
  13. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    I agree, too. I had my ex-boyfriend that way.
  14. rikulover2323

    rikulover2323 New Member

    Its hard to find a good girlfriend. There are a lot of people out there that only want to be with you because you look good. Its the ones that like you for you and could careless what you look like that you want to be with.
  15. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    I <3 strippers.
  16. Ramayana

    Ramayana New Member

    I have no idea. I have not dated, because of the army :-(. The army will take me away!!!!!
  17. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    That is why there are strippers, duh!
  18. KnuXl3s

    KnuXl3s New Member

    i think the best way to find a girlfriend is to a girl and become her friend then maby it will develop into something more
  19. Sora the Darkeater

    Sora the Darkeater New Member

    The best advice i could give you would be...
    1.) Be yourself if it's one thing women hate it's liars
    2.) make sure she likes you for who you are and not what you have or your social status or anything.
    3.) and absolutely do not try to show off or act tough iv'e seen alot of people get beat up for that.
    just be smooth and try to have a cnversation with her to find out here interests. get along with her and get to know her.

    so get out there and look for that special lady because you'll never know until you try.
  20. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Who ever can dance on a pole, I am sold. ^_~ She can teach me a few moves.
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