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Create A New Kingdom Hearts Character

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Nova, Mar 25, 2008.

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  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Create a new character for the third game...

    Specail Abilities:
    Character they are most like:
    Short bio:
    Power Level:
    Darkness or Light:
  2. reme1123

    reme1123 New Member

    Name: Xkys

    Age: 10

    Looks: Xkys sort of looks like Cloud but crossed over with Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy.
    He is 4'8, averaqe weiqht, black emo hair, with blue eyes.

    Special Abilities: Abilty to blind people within a second.

    Character they are most like: He most like Sora and Cloud but can sometimes be as complex as Sepheroth

    Gender: Male

    Power Level: He is rather strong for his aqe.

    Darkness or Light: Neutral

    Short Bio: Xkys is Xayleek's older brother and one of the many lost cousins of Sora. He was born due to the fact that his somebody, Sky, had his heart taken away by Sora due to the fact that Kairi had lost hers in KH. So when Sora qave his up Sky had no choice but to give his to Sora. But by then qivinq his heart to Sora he would then make three new nobodies.....Roxas, Namine, and Xkys. After Sky had qivinq his heart to Sora the nobodies Xkys, Roxas, and Namine had appeared but they immediately had gotten split up but eventually met back up in the Orqanization. When he Xkys qot in front of the Orqanization he had saw that Xemnas was already takinq Xayleek into the Orqanization. So he quickly cauqht up with them and Xayleek, Xkys, Roxas, and Namine all eventually joined the Orqanization, but what Xayleek doesn't know is that Xkys has formed her. She thinks that Xemnas took away Xayleek's somebody's, Kaylee, heart and with that being said she was born.
    Last edited: May 30, 2008
  3. Name: Xayleek

    Age: 8

    Looks: 4'0, average weight, red hair that goes down to her mid-back, hazel eyes, and freckles across her nose

    Specail Abilities: Ability to control sound(can make things louder, even to the point of shattering glass, or make things quieter, even mute)

    Character they are most like: Hmmm...maybe a little like Roxas, but only a little. I'm trying to be original with her. Personality wise she is quiet, calm to the point where she can be considered apathetic, and curious. She sometimes sticks her nose where she shouldn't.

    Gender: Female

    Short bio: Her somebody, Kaylee, had her heart was stolen by Xemnas. When Xayleek was formed as the result, she had no where to go and nothing to do. So Xemnas let her into the organization figuring he could train her from a young age so she could be very powerful when she was older.

    Power Level: She's physically average for her age, but her ability over sound is powerful. She has to learn to control it at first, but it is powerful when she can control it.

    Darkness or Light: Neutral
    Last edited: May 28, 2008
  4. Name: Aria (goes by Xaria)
    Age: 17
    Looks: A bit taller than the other girls w/blue eyes & long brown hair
    Specail Abilities: Controls fog & mist & fighting w/katanas
    Character they are most like: She's kind of a dork like Demyx, but she's also a little dark like Riku, I don't know...
    Gender:...You figure it out
    Short bio: Xaria's spying on the Organization for King Mickey, but she's getting a little too attached to it.
    Power Level: Haven't worked that one out yet
    Darkness or Light: Dawn
    Other: Xaria comes from a world where people are discouraged from using their hearts ("Letting your heart control you is dangerous. Look at the people in the other worlds!") When nobodies attack, Xaria flees to the first world she can (which happens to be Disney Castle^^) She meets people and starts to learn to use her heart.

    So...I hope she doesn't sound like a Mary-Sue...^^'
    *Looks up at MistressOfTheKeyblade* Hi Hikari-chan:p
    Last edited: May 24, 2008
  5. monkeyboy77

    monkeyboy77 New Member


    Name: Monkeylord
    Age: 13
    Looks: Like a bouncy wild, but part boy. His hair is the coolor of bananas. He dresses like tarzan but like a king too.
    Specail Abilities: Can summon an unlimited amount of bouncy & powerwilds.
    Character they are most like: Tarzan (if he had a nobody)
    Gender: male
    Short bio: Bitten by a radioacticve powerwild, his heart was consumed by the powerwilds. He then talked to tarzan and found out about a boy named sora...
    Power Level: 97
    Darkness or Light: Dawn, but mostly mischevious.
    Other: He has learned to control the darkness inside of him a direct it to summoning. He meets up with sora every once and a while. He has been helping the king teach sora how to destory heartless with one strike in drive.
  6. I came up with another one

    Name: Xephyr

    Age: 16

    Looks: 5'10, emo style green hair, gold eyes, athletic build

    Specail Abilities: Ability to control metal

    Character they are most like: Axel or Riku, but only somewhat(I tyr to be original with my characters). He's cocky, arrogant, and usually laid back but when he gets mad, you better watch out.

    Gender: Male

    Short bio: Xephyr is the son of a nobody and a somebody, meaning he was born with only half a heart. He's usually is only into things for his own benifit, but has done some noble/selfless things from time to time, though he likes to keep a low profile about those times as he actually likes his reputation as a bad a$$.

    Power Level: High

    Darkness or Light: Twilight
  7. reme1123

    reme1123 New Member

    I've made another one. This time it's a girl

    Name: Xesa

    Age: 14

    Looks: Almost identical to Kairi but can be as simple as Namine

    Specail Abilities: Can shift time (Backwards or forwards)

    Character they are most like: Kairi and Namine

    Gender: Female

    Power Level: Average but can outsmart anyone really quick.

    Darkness or Light: Twilight

    Short bio: Xesa is a daughter of a somebody and a nobody which gave her half a heart. She is the younger sister of Xephyr. It just so happens that she has some type of connection to Kairi and Roxas. Her mother's name is Namine and her father's name is Sora. But Xesa doesn't know that her mother's somebody is Kairi and her father's nobody is Roxas. Her mother and father told Xephyr but does not want to tell Xesa because they fear that if they tell her she will get pretty interested and start to research about Kairi and Roxas and get caught in between all the mess about Kingdom Hearts. Her brother, Xephyr does not like to talk about it because he is trying to avoid the situation.
    Last edited: May 31, 2008
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Name: Gerik

    Age: ???

    Looks: Somewhat like Squall, but shorter hair

    Specail Abilities: Has complete control over the light

    Character they are most like: Sora, because he always wants to do what is right. Faces every challenge with a smile on his face

    Gender: Male

    Short bio: He is the light that people had fought over. When darkness was born, he traveled to the darkest depths and created Kingdom Hearts, where he rules. He forged all of the keyblades and wields the strongest of the keyblades

    Power Level: Infinite

    Darkness or Light: Light

    Other: Hates to interfere with the outside world, but when Xehanort tried to open Kingdom Hearts, he decided to seek out Sora.
  9. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    Name: Jacob
    Age: 17
    Looks: Short brown hair, levi jeans, tall, slender (but built in muscle).
    Specail Abilities: Sword can remember and use his enemies' weapons at Jacob's command.
    Character they are most like: Riku
    Gender: Male
    Short bio: Was trapped on an island, much like Sora and Riku. When the darkness tried to swallow his world, he moved the island to a different location in the cosmos to avoid disruption. In the midst of that, he was removed from his own island and thrown to Traverse Town.
    Power Level: High
    Darkness or Light: Darkness
    Other: Is a wanderer, knows many Disney characters.

    - He knows many Disney characters because in his time in Traverse Town he met Cid, and the moogles helped Jacob develop a Gummi ship. Allowing him to travel where ever he needs to to find his home. He's traveled for a very short time, but has searched seemingly everywhere. He doesn't know if he'll ever get home or not.

    - Jacob is non-associated and feels that Good and Evil do not exist. He experiences everything subjectively with no concern to whether it is "light" or "dark," despite his weapon using very powerful black (and some white) magic. With this attitude, he considers himself a seeker of knowledge.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008
  10. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Name: Xakiro

    Age: 16

    Looks: Black hair short (like Cloud's hair), 5'6 tall, white. Right eye-Dark Red and Left Eye- Light Brown. Has a scar in his right eye.

    Special Abilities: In one side, he has darness within him. The other side has light. Both Sides interact with each other
    Character they are most like: Cloud and Riku
    Gender: Male
    Short bio: He is more like a Bounty Hunter. He helps everyone basically but when he has rage againt's someone, kills him immedeitly. When he was born, he was diferent from the rest of babies. He was very diferent from other students in School. He has never killed anyone in school being bullied but sometimes he hits his enemies and cures them. More like a pain giver, but there wounds are cured. His weopon is a Dark and Srong Keyblade:[​IMG]

    And his other weopon (uses most): A Blue Lightsaber
    Power Level: Strong
    Darkness or Light: Both. Right side Dark, Left side Light.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2008
  11. Sora the Darkeater

    Sora the Darkeater New Member

    Name: Maxwell( also goes by Red Phantom)
    Age: 17
    Looks: spikey Red hair with black streaks running through it
    Special Abilities: can mimic any technique
    Character most like: cross between axel and demyx. is also incredibly arrogant and conceited.
    Gender: a dude
    Short bio: a average teenager living life. he doesn't remember where he is from but he woke up on destiny islands and wandered into town and met a strange girl. she disappeared when the darkness came and he has spent his time looikng for her.
    Power level: can fight on Par with Sephy
    weapon: Genesis' sword from crisis core and his bare hands.
    Darkness or light: Neither
    other: hates both Darkness and light and uses neither. he also claims that he posses neither and wants both to snuff each other out.
  12. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Age:17? how old will SRK be?
    Looks:Bright pink hair in pony tails. Skimpy lolita clothing
    Specail Abilities:Magic
    Character they are most like:Goofy. he thinks he's sexy
    Short bio:when he was 9 he realised he want to be a girl. He went to the doctors the next day.............
    Power Level:-12
    Darkness or Light:pINK :D
  13. rikuchie

    rikuchie New Member

    looks:spikey silver hair,wearing glasses and long black coat with two sword on his belt
    special abilities:he can read other peoples mind
    chara most like:riku and sephirot
    short bio:he always living in the darkness that's why he hates light so much coz light it's too bright for him.he admired sephirot but he thinks riku is not pure darkness coz he still has friend who always searching him
    darkness/light: pure darkness
    other:he killed peoples with his sword after read their movement
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2008
  14. ~Narikoo~

    ~Narikoo~ New Member

    This is my little character, Narikoo, and I'm trying to draw her but it's not finished yet and I have some details that I'm not sure yet. Voilà! ^^*

    Name: Narikoo! (Organization XIII: Narix)

    Age: 16 years old

    Specail Abilities: She has a double personnality. One pretty girl, and one wolf.

    Looks: She has a short pleated skirt, Mmm... a white one, a pink shirt with some small motives, hard to me to explain lol. She's blonde with pink ribbons...and so cute! ^^* Oh yeah, she has white shoes with white shoelaces and an other motive on in.
    Her wolf is white with some pink locks, and a thick tail...

    Character they are most like: Kairi and she really likes Sora... gnagnagna

    Gender: Well... female I think ! ^^*

    Short bio: She's a really good friend to Kairi, but in secret, she belongs to the Organization XIII.

    Power Level: She has a really light heart. <3

    Darkness or Light: Light of course... hihihi

    Other: She was born in a dream...

    Please tell me if I made mistakes ! =)
  15. jman0955

    jman0955 New Member

    Name: Rythan

    Age: 14

    Looks: Glasses, dark-brown hair(length: right below the ears), 5'5", brownish-green eyes.

    Special Abilities: Great swordsman skills, glasses are super computers

    Character they are most like: Sora because he's adventurous, a good swordsman, and will do anything to help a friend.

    Gender: Male

    Short Bio: He is a hero from the world of Aidenguard, but came to visit other worlds. When he got to the Hollow Bastion, he was attacked by Heartless, but Leon saved him, and ever since, he has looked up to him. He even has a gunblade.

    Power level: pretty strong for his age

    Darkness or light: light

    Other: He is mostly skilled in fighting fantasy creatures like goblins, trolls, orcs, etc., but has been helping out Leon and the others for a little while.
  16. jman0955

    jman0955 New Member

    Go Rythan! lol
  17. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Name: Will
    Age: 15
    Looks: Like Sora
    Specail Abilities: Can Dual Wield Swords extremely well.
    Character they are most like: Sora and Riku(Also likes Kairi)
    Gender: Male
    Short bio: As a child he was raised on the island along his childhood friends Sora and Riku until the island was swallowed when he was taken into the darkness which he sat in until Ansem found him and taught him his ways but Will continued to resist when finally he made it to Disney Castle where Mickey trained him for two years and then sent him to find Ansem.
    Power Level: Can keep up with Sephiroth and Cloud at the same time.
    Darkness or Light: Mostly light but uses Darkness extremely well when angry.
    Other:Mostly uses the Hidden Wisdom Keyblade(King Mickey's) but when mad uses oathkeeper and oblivion.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2008
  18. dannyboy9393

    dannyboy9393 New Member

    Name:Real Name unknown but goes by Time
    Looks: his eyes are in constant movement between black and white, and he has a suit of armor, and is 6'4. he has short blondish brown hair
    Specail Abilities: has powers of light, twillight, and darkness
    Character they are most like: hes not like any other characters he doesnt care about good or evil he only cares about the flow of time and his family
    Gender: male
    Short bio: time grew up in hollow bastion and on his birthday the heartless attacked and during the fight his family was turn into heartless and he was sucked into the darkness and while in the darkness he came to hate himself for not protecting his family and in his hatered for himself and his love for his family he created two keyblades from his emoitions the blackout prism and the infinite spectrum and using their power he freed himself from the darkness and he fused together his somebody, his nobody, and his heartless.
    Power Level: he is unmatched by anyone
    Darkness or Light: light, darkness, and twilight
    Other:he can combine his keyblades to form the time keeper
  19. WayToDawn

    WayToDawn New Member

    Name: Kiseki

    Age: 16

    Looks: Short, spiky black hair (like Sora's), wears a white robe (like the ones they use in karate except with sharp points at the bottom like Sephiroth's top), has metal legs and is missing his lower left arm. He has no eyes, they are simply white.

    Special ability: Can enter peoples heads to see, hear and speak but rarely does this.

    Character they are most like: Kiseki is most like riku but a little bit like sora, thinking that there is a light in everyone.

    Gender: Male

    Short Bio: When Kiseki was born his mother was very ill and they did not expect her to give birth, so they gave him the name Sujou, meaning "birth", when Sujou (kiseki) was 3 his mother passed away, after that he never hoped again, when he was 4 he started going blind in his left eye and soon afterwards he went completely blind in that eye, when he was 5 he was in an accident and had to have his right leg and left arm amputated, and at the age of 5 and a half his left leg started to deteriorate and had to be amputated. at the age of 6 and 3 quarters he was completely blind, deaf and mute. At the age of 7 he had to have artificial hips and organs put in, at 7 and a half he was meant to be dead the doctors said, but he lived. After this they changed his name from Sujou to Kiseki (meaning "miracle"). If he needs to he will use his powers to see, hear, and talk through others, but mostly uses his will to see.

    Power level: Medium-Strong

    Light or darkness: None, he is just someone who works with who ever comes to him.

    Other: Some how, through meditation, he has been able to see without actually seeing anything, using his will.
  20. twilight101

    twilight101 New Member

    Name: Aliasa
    Age: fifteen
    Looks: Silver hair with natural black highlights, braided, and flipped over her shoulder. average hight. bright blue eyes. slightly pail, with freckles.
    Specail Abilities: Can see omens of the future, rarely understands them though
    Character they are most like: She's a lot like Namine, in personality
    Gender: Female
    Short bio: Aliasa grew up on Destiny Islands. The first time she met Riku, she feel in love with his quiet, curiouse nature. When Sora and Riku are missing, She became really close friends with Kairi. She loves to write music and play the flute. She wishes to become famouse for playing the flute
    Power Level: Uhhhh....
    Darkness or Light: Light, though accepts Riku's "darkness" whole heartedly
    Other: Stows away on Sora and the gang's Gummi ship on the next adventure they go on. She becomes skilled in using basic magic, which Sora teaches her when they find her.

    Yeah, she's a character from a fanfic I'm thinking about, though I had to tweak a few things ^^
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