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The Fourth Apocalypse

Discussion in 'Archive' started by linka8, Jul 16, 2008.

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  1. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Alia:Hello my name's Alia.
    She points at Ty
    Alia:And this is Ty,How are you doing Mr.Try.
  2. linka8

    linka8 New Member

    "Hello. I like your tiger. Do you like Woks? I love Woks. My house is a giant Wok..." he went on and on and on. It was amazing that someone could talk that much that fast.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2008
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    OOC: What happened while I was gone?
  4. linka8

    linka8 New Member

    OOC:we were attacked by an dark tank, and were on our way to find Mr Presidentman
  5. linka8

    linka8 New Member

    OOC: ihate to double post, but we are picking up Ray's friend Try, who loves Woks
  6. linka8

    linka8 New Member

    "I like your tiger" Try said.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2008
  7. Hi linka8,
    heres my character:

    Name- Link
    Gender- Male
    Age- 12
    Appearence- Here's a picture of him:
    Personality- Curious, Likes to Adventure, Strong, Never Gives Up
  8. Sorry link is so big........

  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    He doesn't look 12. Oh, and don't double post.
  10. linka8

    linka8 New Member

    >Yeah kai... he is seventeen in that picture...<
  11. i never knew how old he was in tp, riley......(i guess he's 17 then....^_^)

    (\ /)
    ( ^_^)
    OO Chibi Bunny
  12. I don't like to double post either but,

    let's use our username's not our real name's OK "linka8"?
  13. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    OOC: that's the whole point to having a username... anyway...

    BIC: Raxtion sat down looking around, feeling uncomfortable after the attack... "come on, Ray! lets go... I feel like a sitting duck out here..."
  14. >when do i come in?<
    (i have no idea how i can come into the story!!!!)
  15. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    >I quit, the president and stuff is really strange on a rp<
  16. linka8

    linka8 New Member

    >Pretend you're foloing us "link the blah blah blah"<
  17. linka8

    linka8 New Member

    "Well I guess we can go now." Ray said."thanks for the noodles Try!" Ray waved. When the group arrived at the office there was something strange about it....
  18. linka8

    linka8 New Member

    (Again i hate to double post)

    Ray sat down and summoned Mickey. He thought might need some help.
  19. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    "well, it's about time... I don't think I can take on another tank..." said Raxtion a little tired
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "You can't?" Gerik asked, suddenly appearing behind him, "I thought that you would be able to destroy several of them, like this." Gerik motioned his hand, and the sand under the tank lifted it up and tossed it into the ocean.
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