• Square Elite
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Advent of a Dirge RP

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Haresuno, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    An inky ball started to come out of the ground and then burst, revealing a man in white. "Looks like I struck the jack pot, now were is that-. A pop, and then a white raven appeared. "Ah there you are. Now let's see what the laws of this world are." He began walking towards the nearest town. Before he got there though some highway men ambushed him. "Are you a vampire?" Man 1 asked. "No." Zack replied, bemused. "Ah, you would be one of them alem then?" "No." "Are you just a normal guy, you know, nothing special about you." "Why yes." "Ah thats a relief, never can be sure of what your getting these days." He nods at his men and cocks a crossbow. "Now, it's your money AND your life. Two for one deal, see?" "And what if i have no money." "Hmm. Tell you what, i shoot you and we call it square." "Ah, well in that case." A minute later the men picked themselves up. "HE SAID NOTHING SPECIAL!" Man 1 yelled. Man 2 replied, "Maybe not among HIS people."
  2. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    OOC: Zeri, no vampires, Zero's character is a vampiric Dragoth. He should probably edit that.

    Leading the small group of Casovier to the heart of Lugarith, Avel managed to make sure that there were no non-combatants in the city. Any civilian had been moved across Sky Peak where they would be safe. Unless they failed. His battle was sure to decide the fate of this world and Avel did not like the notion of failing. Grinding his teeth he noticed that he had picked up his pace far more considerably then he had wanted and forced himself to slow down.
    Rakdos likes this.
  3. KeybladerX

    KeybladerX New Member

    The journey down from sky peak was long and the men were tired. However, they were nearly at Lugarith, at the base of the mountain. The Alem commanders led their men well, and paced them so that they were not pushed too far, but still covered the distance needed.

    Suddenly a scout from the distance and ran to Xante.

    "Sir, there are men closing in on us. They dress like the desert tribes."

    "What are they doing here?" Xante muttered to himself. The Vac'Amen were dangerous people. He would have to find out what they were doing so far from home.
  4. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Just something funny. Has no relation at all whatsoever to the story. Yeesh.<
    Zack was watching Xante's people from the behind some boulders. So, waris rampant in this world. Fun, but i wonder how this will affect my mission? What ever, now let's see. Natives dress like THAT? Oh well, guess i have to make do with this. He put on a brown cloak to hide his outlandish clothing. There, now it's time to make my presence known. He moved ahead and then came out were the army would see him. "Umm, Hi. Do you know were, small cat, silly dog, DAMN, The nearest town is?"
  5. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    OOC: Zeri. You character and posts don't match up. Plus I'd like to stay away from the dimension traveling clown figures... As much as I appreciate your creativity that you want to bring to this RP, I would like it if you kept your character & profile to match each other as well as the story line.

    Detier knuckled his back as he looked down the steep drop off that was an end to Sky Peak. The large mountain range was the span of the entire contenant, and the Yento were privilaged enough to claim the end that dropped off into the ocean. The sight was beautiful.
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Gerik looked around before turning back to his companions, "Alright, we are headed towards Lugarith. It shouldn't take us too much longer."
  7. KeybladerX

    KeybladerX New Member

    "The desert people are not to be harmed," said Xante."Their cause is the same as ours."

    The army continued their forced march towards the city of Lugarith.
  8. Zeronus

    Zeronus New Member

    Kai looked around the vast wall for hours but still nothing.

    maybe i should switch sides

    he shook the idea off. he couldn't convert over to the other side. he was a high ranking official; the higher ups trusted him to do this recon mission and come back alive.
    he had to figure out something quick.
  9. Zeronus

    Zeronus New Member

  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Gerik finally made it to Lugarith, "Alright, we have sent a message and now we just need to wait. For those of you who don't know, the Alem don't like opening up their gates. For now, we rest."
  11. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Ok as Haresuno god mad at me for doing what Zackarias does best kindl disregard the above posts. I'll re intro<
    Zackarias walked out of a nearby forest looking down at the village below. After careful consideration, he transformed his clothes into a simple brown robe. Once he got into town he could get more suitable garments that he could fight in, if he needed to. Happy and secure in his plan he began the long walk into town.
  12. Zeronus

    Zeronus New Member

    after 5 long hours of observation, Kai grew hungry.

    I have to get something to eat

    Kai search for the nearest tavern. every time he past a civilian he resisted the impulse to rip out their throats and gorge himself on blood. he had finally reached a tavern and almost ran to the tender.

    "can i get a case of jerky please"

    :why sure you can(gave him the jerky)... that'll be 50 silver please" said the tender

    Kai trick them man using an illusion to make him believe that Kai had paid him.

    "have a good day sir" said the tender

    Kai ran into an ally was an just started shoveling jerky into his mouth. he didn't like it as much as blood but it would have to do. after the entire case was gone he had decide to go to the wall. with nothing else better to do he pulled his arm back and punched the wall. Kai grabed his hand and curled on the ground in pain.

    $#@#* %&# #@%$#% %#$%# %#$##$ @$$% #%%$
    Rakdos likes this.
  13. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    >>I do not wish to pollute the on going rp with a profile so please look under Archais in my signature for my character and for those to lazy he is a Darkoth. He is in his camouflage form until I say otherwise or something within the boundaries of the rp happens.<<

    A tall man of about 7' walked out of a wooded area mumbling to his self "What happens if we lose control?" the man asked himself and he immediately answered
    "We do what have to do, now stop worrying your making me look bad."

    The man continued on with his long red silk scarf billowing in the breeze as he neared Lugarith in search of some materials.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2008
  14. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    >>very quiet for quite some time...<<
    Archais walked along the road looking at any and all land markings. As he neared Lugarith he spied a small shack and went towards it and peered inside. No sign of human life was visible within the confines of the shack so he walked over to the door and decided to set up a small base of operations.
    "'Tis will be my own little summer cottage." he laughed at the comment and slammed the door shut as he unloaded his 'goods'.
  15. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Zack finally walked out of a nearby ally, now in a white suit that he likes to wear. "Who woulda thought people dressed like this here. Yay for me!" He turns at a noise and see's someone carrying lots of jerky into a alley. After a second he had to smack himself to stop himself from biting someones neck. Blood lust. Horrifying blood lust. Vampire? Or what do they call em in these parts? He shrugs to himself.Still, it's not my problem till he bites someone. Wonder if i can talk to him He walks into the alley just in time to see the man fall in pain. He almost healed him but then remembered that vampires take lots of damage from holy magic. Or something to that extent. "Sup dude. May i ask what your doing with all the jerky in town, and if u saved any? I'm starved.
  16. Zeronus

    Zeronus New Member



    Kai's wound had already healed.

    "but you can get the @#@% out of my way"

    Kai pushed the stranger out of the way and headed back too the almighty wall.
  17. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    As Avel passed a tavern ally way he spotted two men, one who was short and seemed to have an attitude. The other ... Avel got weird feelings from looking at either two. The shorter one was heading towards the wall. Avel grabbed the younger looking male and tossed him to the side a building. When he stopped he spoke in a harsh commanding voice, "I ordered all civilians be across the mountain long ago! Why are you all still here!"
  18. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "Well, for one thing. Im not a civilian. Just a traveler." Zack looks around, with a bemused expression. "So why do you want everyone to be somewhere else?"
  19. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    ((UMM... Question here, what is this game related too, and how can I join if possible?))
  20. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    >>This is an original. It is not related to anything and is complete fiction. I'm actually planning on using the two races -Alem and Dragoth- for a book I'm writting. I've modified the two races a bit more, and this is nothing more than a side story I wanted to know how it would go with people playing the two conflicting forces. If you want to join go to the first page and grab the character template.<<

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