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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ansem the wise 59, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Honestly, it does suck. But that doesn't mean that you should have an abortion. Doing so is running away from your responibilities. Sure, it may seem that having a child through rape wouldn't be the woman's responsibility, but still, she helped with the child being created, whether she wanted too or not. And if they don't want to raise the child, then give the child to an adoption agency.
  2. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    AMEN!!! You tell em girl.
  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Argh, Mod!
    I have to say that getting "Knocked up" can happen against your will. Look at rape and tell me the victim wanted it cause thats b.s. Also, protection can fail resulting in pregnancy. All women should have the right to abort. And in my eyes its not murder unless it's aware.
  4. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    I agree with Hope. She's right. I have nothing more to say.
  5. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    I agree with hope,however Zerieth poses a good point.Rape cannot be stopped (well not easily anyway.) Mabye it should depend on circumstances.However this means people can lie,you could use a lie detector but that's far too much trouble (So the goverment would say anyway.)
  6. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    It's not the baby's fault if it was created due to rape and if you are willing to take the risk of protection failing then you should be willing to take care of a child. I can't understand how someone could just throw away the life of a child. Everyone has the right to life. I swear if I become president I will make abortion illegal. The founding fathers knew that everyone deserved to live and that's why that wrote in the constitution that everyone has the right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Yah but the fetus doesn't have a brain yet when it first starts creating. If we could come up with a way to destroy eggs before conseption then that would be good. Until it has a brain, it's just a vegetable.
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Wow... Um... Well... That might not be a good idea. I think that it could cause permenant damage, and some women who do that who might want to be mothers some day couldn't have children if there was irreversible damage.
  9. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    So what. It is a human being and it has a soul.
  10. samibabi

    samibabi New Member

    Absolutely! I 100% agree. I believe that human life starts at conception..even if the brain is not yet developed, the soul is already there. So, life is already there. To destroy it is a sin..and I believe it shouldn't be done.
  11. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    Thank you. Of course someone will come along and say there is no proof that souls exist. Well here is my agrument, There is no proof that they don't exist. To all those who do not beleive in souls, what if the soul does exist? You would be killing a human life. Please for the love of god let's stop killing babies before they ever have the chance to live. I'm so angry at society for allowing abortons to take place. I swear to all of you I will find a way to make abortion illegal and then if someone does have an abortion they will be brutaly punished. I will not allow human life to be thrown away in such a savage, barbaric manner.
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Rape can be avoided. If the woman in question didn't put herself in the position to be raped, she wouldn't have gotten pregnant.
    That and the failed protection can also be avoided. If you don't want a baby, don't go through the steps unless you are ready to have a baby with or without birth control pills or condems shit happens. And it isn't the baby's fault that it's parents did something stupid so why should you kill it?
    If you had a baby on accident and you don't want it, why not have the baby and then put it up for adoption? Then the baby has a chance to live and you don't have to take on the responsibility of parenthood.
    Unless the pregnancy is severely endangering the life of the mother or the life of the child, there should be no reason for abortion. Other than that, it's just the mother being selfish and too cowardly to take on the responsibility and pain that comes with pregnancy and labor.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2008
    Terra likes this.
  13. Mike

    Mike Member

    Not to single you out, but this may be the single most chauvinistic comment I've read on the internet...and here's why:

    It's simply naive to think every woman can protect herself from every man. Woman can be (and are) forced into the position to be raped...infact, I'd have to say very few (ie. zero) willingly put themselves into a compromised position. (if they did, it would constitute willing sexual intercourse: not rape).

    Your comment's a lot like how a friend of mine jokingly says "It's not rape if she enjoys it." ...except he jokingly says that.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think 'rape-produced' fetuses should be aborted either...but to claim it's the woman's fault for getting raped in the first place is absurd. The woman is (typically) the victim.
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Don't get me wrong either. I am not saying it's her fault that she got raped in the first place. I am simply saying that there are quite a few rape cases that could have been avoided if the girl had been a little smarter with her choices. For instance, some guy she's known for maybe a few hours invites her to a party. She knows there will be alcohol at the party and she knows that she will know nobody at the party. Her parents advise against her going to the party but she goes anyway. Everyone gets drunk and she ends up getting raped when she could have avoided the situatoin. There are TONS of cases like that where there were plenty of warnings that she could get taken advantage of and yet she goes there anyway.
    It is very little likely that the girl would be just walking around minding her own buisness when some dude all the sudden jumps out of nowhere and takes advantage of her. I'm not saying it never happens because there are also some cases like that but most of the time it is because the victum didn't use her head and got herself into a stupid situation that probably could have been avoided.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2008
  15. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    I agree. It's not the baby's fault for how it was created. Please we have to stop abortion. It's sick and evil. If one of my freinds were going to get an abortion I would gladly take the baby and raise it has my own instead of it being killed without getting a chance to enjoy life.
  16. Mike

    Mike Member

    No argument there: People (in particular teens) today are pretty nearsighted and for lack of a better word, stupid.

    But TONS is not all of them...the 'I've been raped' abortion defense has nothing to do with circumstances leading up to the event; rape is traumatizing. I mean sure, you'll always have people attempting to lie, how many 'rape cases' are actually just cheap frame jobs? (More than zero...) But the exception is supposed to encompass the others, who genuinely felt the pain and suffering associated with rape, for reasons out of their control.

    (Don't get me wrong...I don't think abortion should be done in the case of rape. I'm merely saying here that rape is terrible, whether done to a 'stupid' girl or not)
  17. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Ok I see your point but wether or not the baby is aborted the girl is still going to remember getting raped. It's not like the child is the sorce of the memory and it's not like the baby has any guilty hand in on the rape case at all. He is just the product that came across from it so why punish him/her?
    I know rape is a traumatizing experience because I know quite a few victims of it but that doesn't mean that it is right to kill the innocent life that came from it.
    Have the baby and put it up for adoption if you can't handle parenthood. Like I said before, there really is no need for abortion unless the life of the mother or the life of the child is at risk.
  18. OverLord Abaross

    OverLord Abaross Prince of sayians

    I am against the entire thing
  19. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    You two both have a good point but I have to side with people who are For abortion. I really think it falls under the freedom of speech category.
  20. Terra

    Terra (Previously RoxasXRiku)

    No one has the freedom to kill innocent babies.

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