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Favorite Final Fantasy?

Discussion in 'General Final Fantasy' started by Duelist Dx, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. Duelist Dx

    Duelist Dx New Member

    What is your favorite FF game?

    If you say VII also say why ;)
  2. lagatcy

    lagatcy New Member

    Final Fantasy VIII;
    Best characters, best story, best locations, best soundtrack, best villains.
  3. Juste Belmont

    Juste Belmont New Member


    it was the 1st game i got and the 1st FF i got

    i think VIII came close but i grew up with the ps2 and that game
  4. Splitoverload

    Splitoverload New Member

    FFX. Pure magic.
  5. Sora

    Sora New Member


    I love the story, characters, battle system.

    They blended politics in this so well. It's perfect.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2007
  6. Flare

    Flare New Member

    Me too.

    FFX was pure magic.
  7. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    Final Fantasy VI easily. It's a bit of a gate post game, in that all games after it were different. The gameplay itself isn't much different from FFIV, and it doesn't have the wonderous Job System of FFV, but this game combinds the best of everything before it and adds originality: Complex plots/subplots, Music, even philosophy.

    And at the end, a laughing clown is destroyed but along with him all the Magic of that world. I don't know if it's just me but all games post-VII have a different feel to them. Not exactly better, but I like the earlier ones better.
  8. Flare

    Flare New Member

    I've played some of the old FF games and they were good. but the lack of a good battle system couldn't keep my interest for long.
  9. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    Which games have you played pre-VII?

    If you are looking for a good battle system then you need to play IV. It revolutionized the series, and it's influence is felt throughout the gaming world to this day.

    For myself, I don't care so much about the battle system (as long as it isn't too hard to level) as I do about plot and the ease of knowing what to do next. I liked how in the earlier games you could be like Level 30 and be halfway through the game. Of course then you would get smushed and have to restart, but I think it's ridiculous in some of the later games you can be Level 99 and still can't beat the main boss.
  10. Flare

    Flare New Member

    ^ FF3, FF4 and FF5. all of them were very good.

    I enjoyed the battle system of FF4, it was very cool with tons of jobs, but after a while it boring (at least for me). If i wanted a battle system with jobs, i would rather play FFX-2. :)
  11. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    Reading this thread, I have to say that IV has got to be a close second. Cecil's handsome. After the Advanced version of FFIV is released I should start converting Sephiroth fangirls to Cecil's light.
  12. Flare

    Flare New Member

    Well if they're looking for more money, than yes, they could release it multi-console. Besides, i think they will have a pre-kh3 game (like COM) which will most probably be on a nintendo console.
    (or the psp, if we're lucky).
  13. Leon

    Leon New Member

    I loved FFX..I am desperate to play FF VIII
  14. XxXNeko_RikuXxX

    XxXNeko_RikuXxX New Member

    at the moment i would say FFX because the graphics,gameplay,story line and battle style are great ^^ but i think when FFXIII and FF Vs XIII come out there gonna be my fav
  15. Roxas

    Roxas Guest

    It's either Final Fantasy VII or Final Fantasy VIII.

    Final Fantasy VII was the first Final Fantasy I ever played, so I've got some nice, nostalgic memories of it. But Final Fantasy VII also had a solid story, characters and system - it's just the hype about it that ruins a lot, and also annoys me.

    Final Fantasy VIII as well had a solid story, great characters and system. It's nearly my favorite Final Fantasy game.
  16. artisticpsyco

    artisticpsyco New Member

    Despite Final Fantasy X being my first Squeinx game, having great graphics and an awsome story, I'd have to say Final Fantasy IX is my fav. I just adore the plot and the ending's so cute!:D
  17. zSoraz

    zSoraz New Member

    Final Fantasy X. My first FF game and best FF I ever played. I might've chosen something else if I had played some of the originals.
  18. Demon Cloud

    Demon Cloud New Member

    hmmm well although ive played them all, finally xD... i still think that either VII or X are the best 2... VII as it made the company wat it is 2day, because of the amount of work they put into it, story, character design, the lot... then it got worse, till FFX came out & the FF magic was back... soo i reli cant say just 1 of them.. soo both FFVII & X
  19. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

    I really like the story and the length of FFVII

    but then again i really enjoyed X and X-2

    i'll have to go with VII
  20. Whiplash

    Whiplash New Member

    Final Fantasy VIII is my favourite. Fantastically realised characters, great story, boundary-pushing graphics (running out of appropriate adjectives here), and a good balance of drama, humour, et. all. I know many hated the junctioning system but it's my favourite and isn't really all that difficult to understand which allows for some serious customisation and a very strong party.

    After VIII it's probably VI getting an edge over X, mainly because X had so many annoying characters and VI had so many great ones.

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