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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days' started by The_Unknown_Master, Nov 14, 2008.

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  1. The_Unknown_Master

    The_Unknown_Master New Member

    I have read quite a bit about xion being aqua's nobody, or keyblades unbirth. But i beleive she has a greater connection to sora and kiari than aqua. Correct me if im wrong but kiari and sora had both lost their hearts resulting in their nobodies, roxas and nomine. If i remember correctly there was something about the paupu fruit and intertwining their destinies and i think i hear something about their hearts being one. What if xion is the nobody that was created because their hearts were one. I am not sue where to go from there. But im pretty sure there are flaws in that theory. But ill let you guys find them.
  2. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    That is possible I guess,though the nobody is supposed to look like the heartless.
  3. Waterfall17

    Waterfall17 New Member

    Kairi. The naming is very important throughout the game, as can be seen in the care taken to match names up: Sora--Ven/Ventus=sky/air, Kairi--Aqua=sea/water, Riku--Terra=earth...earth.

    And saying Kiari is weird anyway because Chiari (which is pronounced the same way it is written in Japanese, Key-ah-ree) in Italian means Light. (Just saying). :)

    I think the theory is interesting, by the way.
  4. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    I wouldn't count on Xion being Aqua's nobody.
    Seeing how Nobodies or Heartless weren't around in BBS.\
    In KH1 Heartlesss showed up, then later the Nbodies'
    showed up.
    But the other statement you provided could be possible.
  5. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    wouldnt heartless probably appear after BBS?the whole thing about there being a great disater coming with the dissapearance of master xehanort could mean that.and Xion being aqua's nobody isnt that bad of an idea,cept that the anagram doesnt work.
  6. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Thus Aqua wasn't around KH2, and it was stated from
    the scans of KH 358/2 Days that Xion had some sort of connection
    with Sora's memories.
  7. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    mabye we will find out.and aqua was kinda in kh2.or her armour atleast.
    and i didnt hear about the memory thing.i havnt paid as much attention to 358/2 then BBS
  8. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Her armor was in KH2FM+.
    But she wasn't in KH2, Xemnas just knew her as a friend.
  9. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    i know,that is why said kinda.and i spelled it wrong,oops.
  10. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Yeah, thus if Xion is connected to Aqua.
    It would be a surprise.
  11. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    it would be.also would open up another can o worms on the names of everyone else who we havnt found out there true names yet.mabye that will be answered in this game?
  12. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Also, KH 358/2 days might explain there relationship=].
    But Xion does look a lot like Kairi/Namine.
  13. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    and like aqua.its really wierd.then again,terra looks like zach from FFVII,so it could just be a way to mess with out heads.
  14. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    He does actually, but Nomura said that FF characters have nothing
    to do w/ KH characters. Aqua is very mysterious.
  15. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    i know,which means xion might not have anything to do with aqua or kairi and namine.who knows what is in store for us
  16. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    From the clues that was left for us, I would believe that Xion
    is Kairi's Nobody.
  17. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    hmm,it is possible,but why doesnt she get an anagram of kairi's name then?i mean,i get why namine doesnt,she is kinda both sora and kairi's nobody.
  18. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Remember, she has an X within her name now, since she's\
    a Organization member.

    dualblade likes this.
  19. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    ...dude,that makes so much sense!did you come up with that?
  20. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    lol Yeah, but remember, every time a member joins the ORGXII.
    They get receive an X inside there names.
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