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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ansem the wise 59, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    Thank You. Vote for me when I run for president. I'll be the Republican that preaches against abortion constantly.
  2. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Your completely wrong. Because we won't run out of space. Trust me because there are plenty of space we can live. Do you think it's nessesary to have abortion as a legal thing because you are acutally killing a baby? Not only leting it live but NOT letting the baby to experience the world. Like i said before... ITS A MURDER!

    I think its enough said. Most of us are againts it. Its really a sin as a matter a fact.
    Zerieth... your pretty much have to agree with us. No one really is beside you and fight for you because its like 10 ppl againts abortion.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2008
  3. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    ^Once again I have to agree with you Loco.
  4. Mike

    Mike Member

    Not to ignore the first part of your post...but what you've posted here implies that we have not yet reached the point of carrying capacity...that's exactly what I was saying?

    Fancy examples or not, I'm not denying that IF we were over our carrying capacity we'd be in trouble...I'm simply saying we're not at that point yet. We're not 'simply dying' so we're still ok.

    Castration is definitely painful and that's the dramatic twist intended (pun also intended). The beauty part of it is that it puts the punishment or rectification squarely on the guilty party, and not on the uninvolved party (did the fetus have sex and create itself?)

    I'm also pointing out that I'm not the one going out, getting laid and having abortions (since I'm anti-abortion). I'm not a part of the problem (bringing in unwanted babies), so there's no need for me to be part of the solution (ie. "You first buddy")

    Exactly. This is more the idea I intended to capture with the idea of castrating. In other words, people need motivation to stop having casual sex for no reason, with no thought of the predicted outcome.

    Schweeet : D

    A fetus's heart, as I pointed out above, doesn't even oxygenate blood (due to a nonexistent septal wall). All it has the power to do is distribute blood throughout the fetus's own body (and not quite even that). It certainly doesn't help the mother, it's kind of like the following scenario:

    -Some guy's car rolls into a ditch on the highway (this guy is the fetus).
    -Another guy (the mother) comes to help him push it out.
    -They cooperate, and manage to push the car back up onto the highway (don't ask me how, one of them is superman).

    In the act of pushing the car back up "Mr. Fetus" certainly helped "Mr. Mother" but did Mr. Fetus actually help Mr. Mother? No...Mr. Mother could very well have just driven by and gone la la la and lived on normally.

    The Mother helped the Fetus...essentially, the fetus only helps the mother to help the fetus (which isn't a symbiotic relationship).

    One can argue it's symbiotic because the mother 'gets to pass along her genetic material' but that's not really what we're discussing.

    So unfortunately...it is more like a parasite. Believe it or not, this is a point that is 'pro-abortion' and I acknowledge that.


    @Loco: Don't fall into the trap of proof by intimidation either...I was just telling Zerieth about it...if you took the 10 of us and put us in a room with 100 raped women who had abortion, does that make us wrong? The number of people for/against something doesn't dictate anything about the issue.

    But you bring up a good enough point, if God is real then abortion's a sin...I don't think anyone's contesting that.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2008
  5. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    So if God is real then why are people having abortons. Because this nation is turning away from God and look at what is happening. The country is going straight down the drain. If we do as God commands then we will have a much better country.
  6. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    I would have to consider about raped women who had abortion. So far, i doin't think anybody has talked about raped women who had abortion because that will be another discussion, even though it has to do with abortion. I know it's not their fault because raped women weren't inteded to have a baby.

    We are talking about women having normal sex and accidently had a baby waiting to born.
  7. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    Well it's not the baby's fault if it was conceived by rape so don't kill the innocent baby, let it live.
  8. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    ^ Point exactly demon of darkness. I don't know if this is againts it, but you can put the fetus in for example, her mother or aunt or sister etc. Its a murder when it comes to abortoin!!
  9. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    ^Thank you Loco.
  10. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Its not exactly the baby's choice as the baby does not exist until its been born, thus its impossible to have an abortion at that point. Abortions are the mothers choice, would you like a baby to be brought up in poverty and have an abusive mother or father. You really have to think carefully about abortions. The fetus, is not living, the fetus from abortions are used for stem cell research and can cure many diseases in our world.

    You really have to think about it logically, its not murder as there is no life at the point of abortion.

    I am anti abortion, meaning I would encourage people not to do it and to consider raising the child. But in the end its the womans decision. I would not want something like this to become illegal as it is just plain stupid. Imagine the outcomes if it were made illegal, people would find other ways out. Killing the fetus in other ways and possibly killing the baby after birth.

    I also have to add, you sir are a fool and a bigot. You can't say something like that especially in a debate topic. It defeats the point of the discussion.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2008
  11. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Though it shouldn't be this way. I apologize about the debate is 'over'. Hope this thread can continue on.

    But, first of all.. DO NOT insult. There is no need to insult someone just beacuse of a comment.
  12. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    I am not insulting you. I am stating a fact.

    Fool: A person who lacks good judgment.

    Bigot: Somebody who has very strong opinions, especially on matters of politics, religion, or ethnicity, and refuses to accept different views.

    You have shown both of them, you need to open your mind more. You cannot tell Zerieth that he has to agree with you without a comment like this appearing.

    Anyway, if you feel that you wish to continue our private discussion please PM me.

    Continue with the debate.
  13. It's murder. Their is a baby inside of a womb, yes it exist. The baby has rights. And if anyone gets an abortion unless it is dangerous to the mother's life, then they are a murderer. I would make abortion illegal and if anyone was caught having an abortion, then the mother and the doctor would be charge with first degree murder. I mean why would mothers want to kill their own baby, thats sick. I don't care if science says it's not a human at a certain point, science are the same people saying their is no god. When judgement day comes, i'm going to laugh at each and everyone of the people that ever had an abortion when they are sent to hell. Abortion is only right if it the mothers life is at risk, anyone who gets an abortion otherwise is evil, disgusting, pathetic, worthless, a muderer, they deserve to die, they deserve to burn in hell, I hope the rest of their life is full of misery, they are less than human and should be treated as the savage animals they are. My message to anyone women who gets an abortion unless it is a risk to their life is:

  14. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    Amen, you tell them. Everything he just said is the truth. We must give justice to the ones who were aborted.
  15. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    A. Oh Dear

    B. A feetus (in my opinion) is not alive, an early feetus has no heartbeat and at a certain point it IS illegal to get an abortion. This is when the feetus is seen as developed enough to be classed as alive.

    C. I have not read any scientist claim there is no God, some probably do but they have a right to. I mean there is an amazing amount of evidence to suggest there is no God and not a single amount of evidence to support him apart from peoples beliefs. Me, I am a Christian, have been taught Christian ways of life for 18 years of my life and have made my own decisions. On this God character. (Simply, I don't disbelieve in a divine power but do not believe it is a God).

    D. Judgment day? Clue up kid, not even the pope take this part of the Bible literally.

    E. Fine, if you want murder those who have abortions be my guest. Guess I will have to see you in 'hell' after 'judgment day'.
  16. B. That's your opinion. But what is wrong with taking responsibility for a baby. What if your parents had aborted you?

    C. Just because you don't have proof of God, does'nt mean he's not real. Why put your soul at risk, just because you don't have proof of God.

    D. I'm baptist, besides who said that the pope knows everything?

    E. why should'nt they be punished as a muderer is?
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Me, I don't believe in abortion. I believe though if a child is known ahead of time shall not be normal then it's the mother's choice in that say. You don't want it to suffer. Now if the mother is a teenage girl who doesn't want a kid, I say that's wrong to put it up for adoption the minute it's born. This is my belief. Plus I thought this ended a long time ago a little after the presidentical election one.
  18. We are the smartest creatures on the planet and yet we kill our own babies, that is sad.
  19. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    If my parents aborted me I would have been none the wiser. I just would have ceased to exist. Anyway, you are baptist, life with God is better than life on earth? correct?

    I can understand your view about No proof of God and I respect that, but you used science saying there is no God in your argument above, so I posted my view.

    The Pope is supposed to be Gods messenger on earth, isn't he supposed to know these things?

    A murderer should not be punished in such a way in my opinion, but that is for another topic. :)

    Also, The aids virus seems smarter than us...
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I believe in God, but he gave us life as a gift to respect it and not abuse it. Even know the baby is not chosing the mother is abusing it's life for it. Plus if a child was known to be born with many mental and physical problems, then I say it should be aborted so it doesn't suffer, get teased in school or whatever.

    I'm highly against the abortion, but I believe a tad bit in prochoice, but only be the choise have a strong reason. All other babies that are healthy and not wanted should be put up for adoption.

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