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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ansem the wise 59, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. But are you happy that you are alive? See if your parents had aborted you, then you would'nt have made the memories you have, or lived your life.

    Why risk goign to hell, if just beleiving in christ will save you?

    No man knows when judgment day shall come. Not even the pope or the angels in heaven. Only God has that knowledge.

    So a muderer should not be punished by death, yet he was able to kill someone else?
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Whoa, now we're talking about murdering? I realize abortion is murder pretty much, but now we're going on to JFK, and Lincoln. Anyway, I'm /Lutheran if we're bring up religion, we believe that everybody is saved and no one goes to hell because Jesus died on the cross to forgive our sins.

    Now on topic... ahh who am I kidding we're not on religion. Back to the abortion case eerybody.
  3. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    I am happy that I am alive, but thats only because I have experienced life. But you could say the same thing to the Baby in 'Heaven' "Aren't you glad you were aborted". (If heaven is as magical as people say it is)

    Its my decision to risk going to 'hell'. But why do you risk going to hell knowing that believing in Allah can save you?

    I'm not saying the Pope is supposed to know when judgment day is supposed to come, I'm saying that the Pope does not believe Judgment day to be taken literally.

    You last point should really be taken to the Death penalty topic. You can see my views there.
  4. But does'nt that baby deserve the same right to live as you?

    Well I hope that you do accept christ and don't go to hell. I shall pray for you. :)

    You do realize it was early popes that removed alot of books from the bible. I don't beleive everything the pope says.

    I did'nt know there was a death penalty topic. I'll check it out.
  5. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Yeh, if it never effected my life the way it would

    Pray all you like :)

    Yeh, I know, have you read the Da Vinci code? Jesus was a playa!
  6. So let's give the unborn born babies the chance to live. They deseve it.

    I shall my friend. :)

    The Da Vinci code was bull, have that stuff did'nt even make sense.
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    People on topic, and I don't really believe alot in the pope.

    Then again that's not my religion, for I'm not Cathlic and I'm proud.

    MOW GET BACK ON TOIC AND OFF THE POPE RELIGION STUFF, there's a religion thread if you want to talk about religion.

    Oh I hated the Da Vin ci Code, I'm with him ^.
  8. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    The Da vinci' code's theory's made sense, its just Jesus didn't exist, so both the Bible and the Da Vinci code fall into the same category as Harry Potter. You think, Jesus, Robert and Harry have a poker night?

    I agree with you that baby's should be given the right to live, I don't believe however that we should make the option of abortion illegal.
  9. Jesus did exist. That's why we need faith. Baby is defensless so we need a law to protect them.
  10. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    But laws take away free will, especially this one, It can change the world altogether.
    I'm not American (And I am going to guess that you are... ?) but from movies I have watched isn't the deceleration of Independence all about free speech and free will etc etc?
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Yes and states right, and people's choice. We the people... oh and the whole rights thing really actually come from the constitution and bill of rights.

    See if made illegal and made an amendment here in the US I believe it should state...

    The right Against Abortion, unless a baby is of poor health mentally and physically, all babies who are not wanted be put up for imediate adoption.
  12. But we beleive that everyone has the right to LIFE, liberty and happiness. An unborn baby should be included as everyone.
  13. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    But the Baby could ruin the parents liberty and happiness...
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    ^^Yes, and the pursuit of happiness (big american history person, sorry) Anyway, I say we go with the amendment I wrote. Obama should adopt that and make it one, congress better pass it.

    Oh and how is that, ^. Then the parent should put up for adoption so it can live in a loving family.
  15. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    But the stress and unhappiness a mother can go through whilst being pregnant is also an issue, some people just don't want to be pregnant and passing there law may have serious implications such as suicide.

    Im not saying that abortion is right, i just believe that the right to be able to have an abortion should not be taken away.
  16. Well if they don't use protection they should take responsibility for it or give up for adoption. If someone is raped they should also put it up for adoption. The parent is happy and the baby lives. See everything works out nicely.
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Yeah, and it's the mother who got pregnant her fault then. That's another thing, if they don't want a child then they shouldn't go through and get pregnant.
  18. Right. See if everyone had christian values none of this would happen. People would only have sex after marriage and there would be no unwanted pregnancies.
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner. Now what comandment number is that?
  20. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    If everyone had Christian values then the world would be ruled by fear, we might as well have just let Hitler win if we wanted that.

    What about countries in Africa, they don't even have shops available let alone condoms.

    And condoms only work 98% of the time anyway.

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