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fun things to do in the road

Discussion in 'Comedy' started by .mop, Dec 11, 2008.

  1. .mop

    .mop New Member

    i like playin invisble rope. first when there are no cars for along time you go in the road to u see the lights of a car when the car is in sight u and a freind act like your stretching a rope accrose the road and see how many pepole stop.

    U all got any funny games like that u suggest
  2. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    And for tricked guys, you should say, "YOU GOT PUNK'D!!!"
  3. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    If you see a mini tap the person next to you and say "MINI!">
    If you see a yellow mini, tap them three times.
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Throw ice balls at snow trucks early in the morning to try and get a snow day, my friend does that all the time I just laugh.
  5. Look like your carrying a pane of glass :D

    Or carry a big box with nothing in it but pretend you DO have something in it
  6. WayToTheDawn

    WayToTheDawn New Member

    Walk into oncoming traffic like an idiot and get killed, seems to work quite well
  7. .mop

    .mop New Member


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