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New Staff Openings

Discussion in 'Site News & Announcements' started by TradeDemon, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. TradeDemon

    TradeDemon King Kong

    Ok it's been a while since I've hired like this but I'm opening up applications for new staff positions. Although I already have some names in my hat I want to open the floor to everyone.

    If you think you can offer a hand and help better the site please put forward you application. Im currently looking for mods that will help in particular sections of the site.

    Please state the following when sending in your applications.

    1.) Age
    2.) Why You Want To Be Staff ?
    3.) Which Section Of The Site You Can Help With ?
    4.) Why You Think you'd be suited to that section ?

    fishy smells likes this.
  2. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Do I do this through a pm,or do I put it here?
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    This is great I'd enjoy this site, it saved me, I want to help it, forget the special props and stuff I'll volunteer and stay the same way I already am.

    EDIT- Application

    1.) Age
    14 turning 15 Febuary 10

    2.) Why You Want To Be Staff ?
    Well coming to this site back in August has grown to me, everybody here is like a family and a great comunity, I want to give back and help our comunity in anyway possible. This site sort of saved me as well, I came from a nasty site, it was mean, terrible and more, coming here it saved me, and I feel good about myself where on the other site I felt like terrible.

    3.) Which Section Of The Site You Can Help With ?
    I can help with any section, the most commun ones, introductions, kingdom hearts theories and news, debate, role play, and now and then I'm in graphics and creativity.

    4.) Why You Think you'd be suited to that section ?
    Introduction- Well I always welcome the new people and watch for old people coming back, I'm in there quite often, I also notice lot's of spam and bad stuff I guess, Role breaking with double, triple, quadriple, so on posts, with that area I provide a warning and show the people coming in we won't tolerate spam and rule breaking that way later on in the forum life we won't have spam and stuff.
    Kingdom Hearts Theories and News- due to me working the main site and my high enjoyment of kingdom hearts, I'm often in there checking people theories and reading and sometime posting news about our favorite game series
    Debate- I'm a debater, not really a fighter, but I debate, I also plan in two years to join my school's speech and debate team, I go to the debate forum for pratice and state my opinons on things, I also though especially there being close to spam city find spam, and I hate it.
    Role Play- I'm a Role player, I shall not lie, I enjoy role playing, it's a pass time and a stress reliever from school, it gives me stories and helps with my imagination and my skill of writing, I though will find spam post, so far since joining I have gave advise to people on role playing in spam from the forum, I enjoy the fact I can help them, you could ask people if I help majority would say yes, hopefully I'm not do anything offencive or anything, but I have helped aqua009 and annyssrr more recent, I also came close to them and since me giving them help they haven't spammed at all. I also created a notice and helped the best with the profiles in which some people will post in profiles not belonging to them, I created a thread there saying not to and thanks to my good friend sao-sao, she has stickey it. I again thank her.
    Graphics- Just recently I've gotten into graphics and after a long while figured out the secrets to photoshop and I can even do stuff on photobucket, everyday I get better and hope to post my work such as wallpaper and more there very soon. I also enjoy voting for signature of the week, which I have started.
    Creativity- I only have one story I copied and paste and sort of let go on there, but I'm working on a story more recent I plan on posting and many more, meaning I'll be there more often, plus I'm in band and music is a creativity thing if I'm not correct, so I hope to post some solos from private lessons, choras music stuff, and of coarse marching band and concert band videos stuff soon once it's all uploaded on youtube. I'm also a photographer, I have not posted and photo's yet, but I plan to especially this winter, so far I see natural scenes perfect for photo's to take so meaning eventually I'll be posting pictures. In other words I plan to be visiting that area very soon.

    EDIT 5.) Why would I be good for the site?
    [FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']I'm on a lot, or what my mom says, I'm addicted to this site. Almost on every hour of the day. Even when I'm out, I'm on my cell phone here. I'm very smart when it comes to the rules. I know them off heart. I keep checking for updates. I have helped many people, and stopped many incidents, one happening recent with member SepirothXSlasher. I also over PM helped people slowly come to an end of their spamming which is a major problem with the site is spam. I bet if we could get rid of all these spammers, this site get more and more people from other KH sites with spam, looking for a spam free site. I have also contributed to the site, to as much power necessary to help this site grow and if possible surpass some other sites out there. I have had a few members join from me. Cecil!!, although he has given up on the internet for school he said the last time I talked to him, he joined this site after I told him about it.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>[/FONT]
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2008
  4. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Applying for Moderator

    1.)-My age is 17

    2)-I want to be a Moderator, because I feel as though a lending hand is
    needed around the forum. Also we need someone who's more Mature and
    Classy to handle the KH section.

    3)-I can help out with the all the KH sections.

    4)-I'm suitable for this job, because my KH knowledge and my work is far more noticeable around the forum. Also, we won't have that much spam, when you pick me.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2008
  5. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    I'll go then
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2008
  6. Well Zee, you've already had mine, but I would recommend Star for a position. She is pretty much everything she's said, and if you can stop certain people spamming *looks accusingly at people*, I'm behind you on it :D
  7. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    I agree with shad. Star would make great job as moderator. ;) (so would you, shad, I'm pretty sure of it) :D
    I've been moderator on one finnish forum, and they said I did well. But being moderator on an english site or forum would be too difficult for me.
  8. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    I kinda felt the irony in that.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2008
  9. annyssrr

    annyssrr New Member

    I would like to be one the staff in kh-3 forum.

    1.) 12
    2.) So I can help other members. Do something fun in the website for all the member to enjoy.
    3.) New members.
    4.) Because I'm a nice person that want to help people out and I see there's a lot of member that need help.
  10. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    not really, if you had any sense you would PM your app, it would make much more sense as TD doesn't spend too much time on the actual forums and is likely to make his PM's a priority when he is about.

    If I am wrong, please alert me as I only PM'ed mine.
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    This is serious this is no joke. Quit folling around, plus I never seen you before.
  12. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Haven't seen you before.

    I agree, with this KS. I wonder when TD will get back on.
  13. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    I'm sorry but I don't think you are going to become staff,most of your posts are spammy.
    Pulse is quite an old member,he joined last year,that's why you haven't seen him though I remember him quite well.
    Like I said above,the reason you haven't seen him is because your too new to know him.
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    No, choc their was a post that was a spam application, a mod or admin must have deleted it.
  15. Sovieto

    Sovieto Banned

    No offense but I just find it ridiculous how you people have little staff try-outs. Its not serious...No successful forum has mod applications. The admins themselves choose anybody who's worthy. Any-one could come up with answers to these forms and once they are accepted, they could corrupt the site.
  16. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Not all applications will accepted anyways, so TD knows who worthy and who's not. He is speaks highly, and he knows what's best.
  17. Sovieto

    Sovieto Banned

    Then why the applications?
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Because he wants to see if the people he has in mind make good aplication or if they want to be part of the staff. Plus the applications are just to let everybody have a chance, he might be able to give some advise to the person on why they can't yet, so if they improove later on he knows who wants to be part of staff.
  19. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    I think it's to give ppl a chance to speak there mind on why they
    can become staff and handle the forum sections. If you know what's acquire to
    become staff, why not post your application.
  20. Sovieto

    Sovieto Banned

    You haven't answered my question. You're just making little additions to what the other member told me. If he knows who's worthy, shouldnt he just pm the person?

    And why should he give advise to people who he doesn't want as staff? He'll just be telling them what to do. So if the people who want to corrupt the forum follow his advice and get to be moderators, then they'll still corrupt the site.
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