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KH-3 Member Awards of 2008

Discussion in 'General' started by Sovieto, Dec 22, 2008.

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  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Oh you guys are all so sweet, thanks. :)

    Best poster of 2008: Hmm, hard to ay, probaly sao-sao, she never spam

    Your favorite member of 2008: everybody here

    Most influential member of 2008: hard to say, way to many

    Most improved member 2008: he hasn't changed that much, but Sephy has even know he said all that mean jerk like stuff, he probaly most improved, annyssrr with a cloe second

    Most annoying member 2008: Soviato (sorry, your avvy annoys me)

    Biggest Loser 2008: Take this off imediately, no one is a loser here

    Best debater of 2008: Hmm, I have to ay Pulase and Desert Warrior

    Best GFX maker 2008: hmm, don't know

    Best avatar 2008: I love Hope's

    Best sig 2008: orabrawl (I love your ig it's so cool)

    Best staff member 2008: sao-sao, I love her but all the staff is awsome

    Most helpful staff member 2008: Locogabitron and sao-sao tie

    Most helpful member 2008: hard to say, well first coming here, sorabrawl helped me out alot

    Meanest member 2008: orry though ephiroth X slasher that last thing you said about me was pretty mean, probaly can't forgive you for that

    Funniest Member 2008: Mytheril Roxas in spam city, but please keep spam in spam city

    Friendliest Member 2008: Chocobyl dyl


    Who will return in 2009: hmm hard to say
    Who will be banned in 2009: no one evr get's banned here, so probaly no one
    Who will be made staff in 2009: don't know
    Locogabitron likes this.
  2. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Best poster of 2008: Demon of Darkness

    Your favorite member of 2008: Overlord Abaross

    Most influential member of 2008: Dannyboy9393

    Most improved member 2008: Kairi Star

    Most annoying member 2008: Sao-Sao

    Biggest Loser 2008: Sao-Sao... I have my reasons...

    Best debater of 2008: Locogabitron...

    Best GFX maker 2008: KeyofHope777

    Best avatar 2008: Mine... Can't get better than dark link!

    Best sig 2008: Mine...

    Best staff member 2008: Demon of Darkness

    Most helpful staff member 2008: KeyofHope777

    Most helpful member 2008: Kairi Star

    Meanest member 2008: Sao-Sao

    Funniest Member 2008: Locogabitron....

    Friendliest Member 2008: Demon of Darkness

    Who will return in 2009: dannyboy9393
    Who will be banned in 2009: Loco... staight up...
    Who will be made staff in 2009: Me? Please?
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2008
  3. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Best poster of 2008: Mythril_Roxas

    Your favorite member of 2008: Ebal

    Most influential member of 2008: Ebal

    Most improved member 2008: Choco Dyl

    Most annoying member 2008: Curtis

    Biggest Loser 2008: Seph X

    Best debater of 2008: Mike

    Best GFX maker 2008: Whiplash

    Best avatar 2008: Whiplash

    Best sig 2008: Whiplash: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v228/RayeOak/djkrushw.jpg

    Best staff member 2008: Raiden

    Most helpful staff member 2008: Sao

    Most helpful member 2008: Kairi Star

    Meanest member 2008: No one here is really mean.

    Funniest Member 2008: No one here is that funny either.

    Friendliest Member 2008: ShadowDestroyer


    Who will return in 2009: Whiplash
    Who will be banned in 2009: Seph X
    Who will be made staff in 2009: Mike (If he applied)
  4. Sovieto

    Sovieto Banned

    Sorry i didnt vote for you on anything pulse. You're very cool.

    And kairi star, your avatar annoys me as much as mine annoys you. infact, you yourself annoys me.
  5. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Best poster of 2008: Mythril_Roxas

    Your favorite member of 2008: Ebal

    Most influential member of 2008: Sorabrawl

    Most improved member 2008: Kairi Star

    Most annoying member 2008: SepirothXSlasher and Mythiral Roxas (TIE)

    Biggest Loser 2008: ??????

    Best debater of 2008: Mike and Pulse

    Best GFX maker 2008: ......

    Best avatar 2008: Curtis

    Best sig 2008: Xadimurti

    Best staff member 2008: Raiden and Sao sao

    Most helpful staff member 2008: Sao-sao

    Most helpful member 2008: Kairi Star

    Meanest member 2008: Mythiral Roxas

    Funniest Member 2008: Lol Curits and Sephy X

    Friendliest Member 2008: LDC121 (Leah)

    Who will return in 2009: Ebal
    Who will be banned in 2009: Seph X and Mythiral Roxas (again)
    Who will be made staff in 2009: Kiairi Star (defently for her hard work)
    Destiny likes this.
  6. OverLord Abaross

    OverLord Abaross Prince of sayians

    awesome Curt I am on your sweet brosky
  7. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Yep. Just don't call me Curt...
  8. OverLord Abaross

    OverLord Abaross Prince of sayians

    got dude it was faster than Typing out your full name so I will call you Curtis
  9. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Best poster of 2008: Kairi Star

    Your favorite member of 2008: sorabrawl, Choco

    Most influential member of 2008: LDC

    Most improved member 2008: -

    Most annoying member 2008: Curtis for me

    Biggest Loser 2008: In what way, Keyblade Barrer in the arcade's ;D

    Best debater of 2008: Mike

    Best GFX maker 2008: -

    Best avatar 2008: -

    Best sig 2008: i like Sovieto's atm, but i can't remember any otherones from the year

    Best staff member 2008: LDC+Loco

    Most helpful staff member 2008: Loco

    Most helpful member 2008: Kairi Star

    Meanest member 2008: Soveito+ SephX

    Funniest Member 2008: -

    Friendliest Member 2008: TD ;p


    Who will return in 2009: shikamaru (haven't seen him around)
    Who will be banned in 2009: spammers ;D
    Who will be made staff in 2009: im not sure? Kairi Star?
  10. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    Best poster of 2008: Demon of Darkness

    Your favorite member of 2008: Narikoo (even though she hasn't been on in months!)

    Most influential member of 2008: Kairi Star

    Most improved member 2008: SephirothXSlasher

    Most annoying member 2008: (I don't get annoyed that easily so no one!)

    Biggest Loser 2008: (No one's a loser on this site, we're all awesome!!! :D)

    Best debater of 2008: Mike

    Best GFX maker 2008:

    Best avatar 2008: KeyofHope777

    Best sig 2008: Also KeyofHope777

    Best staff member 2008: The whole arcade staff!!! :D

    Most helpful staff member 2008: Sao-sao

    Most helpful member 2008: Kairi Star

    Meanest member 2008: Mythril Roxas

    Funniest Member 2008: Locogabitron

    Friendliest Member 2008: sorabrawl


    Who will return in 2009: Master Sora
    Who will be banned in 2009: (Hopefully no one :eek:)
    Who will be made staff in 2009: Kairi Star
  11. OverLord Abaross

    OverLord Abaross Prince of sayians

    I dont remeber if I voted for you LDC but you have been a big help to me on as well
  12. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    Thanks, but you don't have to vote for me. :eek:
  13. OverLord Abaross

    OverLord Abaross Prince of sayians

    yes I do you helped me alot now accept my thanks
  14. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    Thanks, I'm glad to help, but we should really stop spamming. :)
  15. OverLord Abaross

    OverLord Abaross Prince of sayians

    True I guess we should
  16. Sovieto

    Sovieto Banned

    Too much people are avoiding the negative votes.
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Well first off it's mean, none of us are going to vote and say someone is mean and hurt their feelings. We're a giant family, and we're all close friend with each other, we're not going to break that.
    Kyuu likes this.
  18. Sovieto

    Sovieto Banned

    Oh please, this is the internet. You think I get offended when people vote me as most annoying or biggest loser? Nobody should take the internet seriously. We're not a family and i think that the only friends here are Gabriel and I because we actually know each other in real life. Kids just take things too seriously nowadays.
  19. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    I think it is because some people personally feel guilty when insulting someone. Not everyone can b***h off about someone and feel no remorse.
  20. Sovieto

    Sovieto Banned

    It is "teh interwebz". I thought nobody here was gonna take things seriously.
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