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Desert Warrior
Last Activity:
Dec 4, 2019
Apr 28, 2008
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Desert Warrior

Well-Known Member, from California

My times between logging on are far apart enough that the site forgets to keep me logged in. I have problems. Jan 27, 2019

Desert Warrior was last seen:
Dec 4, 2019
    1. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      My times between logging on are far apart enough that the site forgets to keep me logged in. I have problems.
      1. W.J. Solomon likes this.
      2. Derek
        lol Nah. I rarely check myself and just temp long in as a result.
        Jan 28, 2019
        Desert Warrior likes this.
    2. Nova
      We've been challenged.
      1. Desert Warrior
        Desert Warrior
        Oh no! Who? Where? When? Why?
        Feb 11, 2018
      2. Nova
        Akira, the RP arena, don't know, and clearly he has a death wish.:p
        Feb 13, 2018
      3. Desert Warrior
        Desert Warrior
        I haven't seen any posts from him in the RP arena. I guess I can check again though. Unless he's wanting to shift our character interactions to the arena.
        Feb 15, 2018
    3. Nova
      Just read your most recent post in Solace of Nirvana and now I'm super mad I never responded because I have a good response. Curse the inactivity of my youth.
      1. Desert Warrior likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Desert Warrior
        Desert Warrior
        I see what you did there. Helps that I'm lazy with logging on.
        Nov 1, 2017
      4. Nova
        Still counts. You took too long to respond. I win
        Nov 2, 2017
      5. Desert Warrior
        Desert Warrior
        I don't think you do. We never clarified the rules to that.
        Nov 6, 2017
    4. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Have a nice day!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Taboo Sho
        Taboo Sho
        Mar 27, 2017
      3. Desert Warrior
        Mar 29, 2017
        Taboo Sho likes this.
      4. Taboo Sho
        Taboo Sho
        You're welcome!
        Mar 29, 2017
    5. Nova
      I miss you. Let's have a proper conversation soon <3
      1. Desert Warrior likes this.
      2. Desert Warrior
        Desert Warrior
        I agree. Hopefully sometime soon, when there isn't anything else required of me. Then I can devote all my attention to you.
        Mar 29, 2017
    6. Become
      Might you, at some point in the near future, be up for partaking in a KH-oriented RP?
      1. Desert Warrior
        Desert Warrior
        Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I would be up (Or down, depending on the phrasing you wish to use) for partaking in a KH-oriented RP.
        Jan 9, 2017
      2. Become
        Well then... this is awkward. I hadn't heard from you, and I've just recruited Angel to fill the slot that I need at the moment. However, the RP will eventually become open to everyone that wishes to join after it's gotten through a prologue of sorts.
        Jan 9, 2017
      3. Desert Warrior
        Desert Warrior
        No problem. I was being lazy with getting on a computer, opting to do other stuff instead. Of course I figured that would happen with being away from my computer during winter break. I'll be resuming my normal Internet activity next week.
        Jan 9, 2017
    7. Oath
      I was feeling left out of the Desert Warrior loving cult that Hope and Kairu seem to have tried to start below.
      1. Desert Warrior likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Desert Warrior
        Desert Warrior
        Didn't know the application process had such a long waiting period.
        Jun 6, 2017
      4. Nova
        It does have a long waiting list. Doesn't help that it's staffed by procrastinators
        Jun 6, 2017
        Desert Warrior likes this.
      5. Desert Warrior
        Desert Warrior
        That would do it.
        Jun 7, 2017
    8. Oath
    9. RebelMurf
    10. Nova
    11. Oath
      What is up kid how have you been!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Desert Warrior
        Desert Warrior
        What about you? What have you been doing since the last time I saw you?
        Dec 1, 2016
      3. Oath
        Raising a tiny human mostly.
        Dec 15, 2016
        Desert Warrior likes this.
      4. Desert Warrior
        Desert Warrior
        Congratulations for that. I hope it hasn't been too stressful.
        Dec 15, 2016
    12. Nova
      For when you get a chance, I edited my post slightly in what Raven says to Gerik
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Nova
        Most likely, yes. I didn't do the edit until today at some point.
        Nov 18, 2016
      3. Desert Warrior
        Desert Warrior
        Then definitely yes.
        Nov 18, 2016
      4. Nova
        Mystery solved!
        Nov 18, 2016
        Desert Warrior likes this.
    13. Nova
      Creeping your profile page.
      1. Desert Warrior likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Nova
        Now I just need to figure out what to write to tie it together.
        Oct 1, 2016
      4. Become
        Gonna be completely honest, my comment about it was meant to be more tongue-in-cheek. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

        Actually, the time skip has me thrown for a bit of a loop. I'm not entirely sure what should have become of Marcus in the events from five years earlier. Do you think it would have been in his character to stay in Sax? I guess it really depends on what Atticus' disposition towards him would have been.
        Oct 1, 2016
        Nova likes this.
      5. Nova
        It's all good.

        Also Atticus is still supporting the succession trials so Marcus would still be involved there.
        Depending on how this pans out, atticus's attitude may change regarding Marcus but gor now, it's favorable
        Oct 1, 2016
    14. Become
      Randomness, but it's come to my realization that you are, I'm certain, the only person around here that HASN'T changed their username since I joined here. Like, isn't Desert Warrior the name you joined under?
      1. Desert Warrior likes this.
      2. Desert Warrior
        Desert Warrior
        Yes. Yes it is.
        Sep 28, 2016
        Become likes this.
      3. Become
        Kudos on consistency.
        Sep 28, 2016
        Desert Warrior likes this.
      4. Desert Warrior
        Desert Warrior
        Thanks. I try.
        Sep 29, 2016
        Become likes this.
    15. Nova
      Random things
      1. Desert Warrior
        Desert Warrior
        Good random or bad random?
        Sep 25, 2016
    16. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      So I'm going to point out we both cause Earthquakes as our powers, you're stealing my thunder fam.
      1. Nova likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Taboo Sho
        Taboo Sho
        If you insist.
        Sep 24, 2016
      4. Desert Warrior
        Sep 24, 2016
      5. Taboo Sho
        Taboo Sho
        Okay then lol
        Sep 24, 2016
        Desert Warrior likes this.
    17. Nova
      Remember how we talked forever ago about bringing new versions of Voltair and Raven into a different RP as side characters? This could be a good one to do that
      1. Desert Warrior likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Desert Warrior
        Desert Warrior
        Good to hear. Perhaps you could whisper your plans in my ear sometime.
        Sep 8, 2016
      4. Nova
        To facebook!
        Sep 8, 2016
      5. Desert Warrior
        Desert Warrior
        I'll be there
        Sep 8, 2016
    18. Nova
      I miss you
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Nova
        Did you find anything good?
        Jun 25, 2016
      3. Nova
        Also rwby is awesome
        Jun 25, 2016
      4. Desert Warrior
        Desert Warrior
        Haven't found anything yet.

        And yes, I love RWBY. That final episode of volume 3 though. Just damn.
        Jun 29, 2016
    19. EtherealSummoner
      Whenever you come back, hello bro.
      1. Desert Warrior
        Desert Warrior
        Wow, it has been a bit since I've been back. Prolly bout a month now. Though I suppose you've been gone longer. How are you?
        May 26, 2016
    20. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      All sorts of things leaving desire for more. UQ Holder started to reveal important info, RWBY had a hell of a volume ending, etc.
      1. Nova likes this.
      2. Taboo Sho
        Taboo Sho
        Feb 21, 2016
        Desert Warrior likes this.
      3. Desert Warrior
        Desert Warrior
        I felt more of a shock than I did feels. But on a related note, YouTube has a video combining Salem's speech from the beginning of volume 1 and the ending of volume 3.
        Feb 22, 2016
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    Sometimes I think that if I had all the time in the world I still wouldn't get around to doing some of the things I have been meaning to do.