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Chocobo Dyl
Last Activity:
Sep 9, 2012
Feb 22, 2008
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Chocobo Dyl

New Member, from Earth

Chocobo Dyl was last seen:
Sep 9, 2012
    1. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      No problem!
      And, yes, I've been okay. Just quite busy lately. High School and College.
      Well, what about yourself?
    2. Destiny
      Ebuddy? Nothing else really. I'm going to create a site skype(possibly, still in debate). You know though by logging into either ebuddy or straight on msn, you don't have to install anything right?
    3. Destiny
      Hey are you available on msn anytime soon?
    4. Angel
      Just snooping on your profile.

      What's up!
    5. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Hey, I'm sending out a VM to everybody to let them know Dominion of Everything has started in case you're still interested in participating.
    6. Noir
      Oh, ok :) I understand
    7. Noir
      Even you don't know me, can I ask you a question?
      Are you a Site Staff?
    8. Napoléon
      I watched the trailer for it on Youtube just a few minutes ago ! I called up my mom at work and I said, "Mom, I have a movie we must rent tonight !" xD I'm hoping they have it here, I'd love to watch it; I'll update you on whether or not it's in stock. Was the movie as good as the book ?

      Yeah, I think it's because a lot of teen media pulled those two authors into the limelight. I don't see why Terry Pratchett wasn't the same though; the trailer for The Hogfather looked great so I could only guess how amazing the book was.
    9. Napoléon
      Yeah, I can't wait to check his work out. The Hogfather's title sounds brilliant; how did you like the actual story behind it ?

      I'm going to break your heart and say that I've heard of both Stephanie Meyer and E. L. James. I'm sorry >.< He's been knighted and everything too ? I wonder why I haven't heard of Terry before. He has such a peculiar name too (is it just his pen name ?), so I know something like that would have stuck in my mind if I would have heard of him earlier. I'm just not enlightened I guess.

      When you're passionate about a writers work it's okay to get "all up in arms" over them ;D
    10. Napoléon
      That all sounds rather bizarre, yet magical. Perhaps I should look into his novels sometime; I could always use something fun to read. For some odd reason, the name A'Tuin rings a bell though. Hmm.... And I don't know why >.<

      I'll have to check those out when I'm on the good laptop tomorrow. (My moms laptop; Mine can't run Youtube.) The Hogfather sounds magnificent ~!!
    11. Napoléon
      I always seem to go off track when I'm excited xD

      I've never heard of Terry Pratchett. What type of stories does he write ? (I'm assuming Terry is a he >.>)
    12. Napoléon
      Yeah, I wasn't a big fan of West Side Story, but maybe it's just me (?) I don't know, it didn't seem that romantic and I didn't like how gangs were incorporated into the story; It was all rather weird. But then again, I don't like 'gang war' related things so that could be why.

      I've always wanted to read The Tempest ! I actually watched a documentary called Shakespeare Behind Bars which is about how inmates in a prison somewhere in the USA study a Shakespeare play and perform it in front of their families and the prison personnel in general. That documentary was about The Tempest and it made me want to read it badly, but at the same time it was strange to see these people, who have committed unspeakable crimes, find comfort and humanity through Shakespeare.

      That was off topic though, I haven't seen the movie version of The Tempest either =P
    13. Napoléon
      Exactly, as long as you have an opinion to state and decent spelling. Well, sometimes that's not even required these days ;)

      Wait, that kind of reminds me of West Side Story, don't you find ? (I do believe West Side Story is actually based off of Romeo and Juliet.) Gang wars, guns and awkward sexual scenes. I wonder how directors come up with these things ! Maybe they figure that's how they'll attract the young people >_>

      Maybe I'll watch it just to say I did. (I probably won't though, atleast not for a while.)
    14. Napoléon
      I think I get the gist of what you're saying, but just to be sure I'll ask. Do you mean when certain sites or playwrights make adaptions to the script of the original plays so much that it gets to the point where it just sounds strange ? Like it's too, I don't know, ghetto >_>

      So then overall, you probably wouldn't recommend watching Romeo + Juliet, right ? I wonder what Shakespeare would think if he realized that his plays would one day encompass guns. But then again, guns are the modern day sword when it comes to fighting.

      You could be a Shakespeare critic =P
    15. Napoléon
      I like how you phrased that, "if they could understand them without having to go through terrible film and play adaptations setting them in 'the hood'". xD I know several students in high school (where I'm from) use a site called Spark Notes or something like that which translates Shakespeare to "today's English". I actually like how Shakespeare phrased his plays though; he used very colourful language like lily liver and what not.

      I've never actually watched Romeo + Juliet, but judging by your comment I'm guessing it wasn't that great anyways.
    16. Napoléon
      It is; It's great to see that other people like/or are interested in Shakespeare.
      I noticed your signature and I had to say something xD
    17. Napoléon
      A Midsummer's Night Dream ? Love that Shakespeare play.
    18. Destiny
      lol yeah. Check out the name thread to figure out who everybody is.
    19. Destiny
      In RP which in a sense the forums.
    20. Destiny
      Yeah slowly but surely the old crowd is coming back.
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    The King doth keep his revels here tonight,
    for Oberon hath passed fell and might,
    make way,
    for Oberon is coming.