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Last Activity:
Jan 16, 2015
Jan 23, 2008
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New Jersey


New Member, from New Jersey

DoorToLight was last seen:
Jan 16, 2015
    1. DjC
      Yeah, I'd like to see that too but it isn't happening. But who knows? Maybe we can do it? I can't do it by myself though, I could use all the support I can get..
    2. ansem the wise 59
      ansem the wise 59
      I use KH-Vids more often. Him, not so much. Ransu left and has been gone ever since. I haven't been expecting him to come back on at all anyway... but ishotansem I saw about two months ago. But then he never came back on.
    3. ansem the wise 59
      ansem the wise 59
      Yeah, I hope it's something like that. I just don't know. There's alot of uncertainty about what happened. All I know is that your back and DjC is back as well. It's also somewhat coincidental because I just sorta came back this summer after like a five month absence. I just wish, at least, that ishotansem or Ransu would come back as well. Oh well, I suppose were just the only one's, which is better than nothing! :D
    4. ansem the wise 59
      ansem the wise 59
      Yeah, he isn't... I tracked down his newest edition of the website and found a one person still there. It was a mod who was pretty dedicated to his job. I have to give him credit for sticking to it for so long. He told me how dead the place was and how Demi hadn't shown up in a few months or so.
    5. ansem the wise 59
      ansem the wise 59
      Yeah, don't remind me. I think I was the only one who came on more than the others. I think....
    6. ansem the wise 59
      ansem the wise 59
      No you haven't... but I don't see the corrolation between sh** and BBS. So, what made you come back?
    7. DjC
      Well nobody is on a specific form. A lot of us just kinda left the internet I guess? Yeah I'm doing fine:)
    8. DjC
      HEY! It's great to hear from you! There's not many of us left.. Our KHC site got updated to VBulletin but Demi erased our old forums so everyone thinks the site just disappeared. Plus Truth and 00Roxas00 don't advertise the site anymore. Yeah.. a lot has changed. Demi has disappeared for several months now with no regards as to why he left. Ishotansem left. So yeah, I'm still around.. sorta. I normally don't sign on often. I decided to check KHV a week ago and see if anyone still goes on and contacted Ansem59. He told me you were back on here and I signed on to see and here you are:0. Lol it's really good to hear from you. Hope you're doing okay.
    9. ansem the wise 59
      ansem the wise 59
      DoorToLight?! Wow, it's great to see you again! When did you start coming back on? Anyway's this is awesome! Try to message me back!
    10. soraluvr581911
      lookn for buddies!
    11. LivingDeath
      Hey! Nice to see you! I'm Silvertrump! :)
    12. Keyblade Barrer92
      Keyblade Barrer92
      hey, hows it goin? nice pic!
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    New Jersey



    I'm low down and I'm shifty. I'm Shady!